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Anna Nova

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Everything posted by Anna Nova

  1. You forgot: Sim crossing crash fee. Vehicle unseating fee.
  2. You mean that facial distortion where you bare your teeth? I don't do it in RL either. It scares the cat.
  3. I find this whole discussion strange. What I have always done, and what I naively thought most people did, was to set a budget for my SL engagement. I used to budget 100 UKP, but I have reduced this now to 25 UKP as I have divested all my mainland. I set up a Standing Order with my bank to transfer the budget to Paypal once a month. I then go to Paypal when I need L$ and convert enough UKP to USD. All my SL payments come from there in USD. Tilia's exchange rate is irrelevant. Hope that helps someone. I was not trying to criticise anyone else's method.
  4. It took a few hours for the fix to propagate through the viewer cache I guess, as this wasn't working for me before today, but now it is! Wonderful news. Thank you unknown programmer of Linden Lab. In celebration I bought some more Linden Dollars (and beat the price hike)
  5. Well, I didn't read all the complaints, but I have to say that I like the fact that the very day I hear about a rise in the price of Linden Dollars the map tiles started to get fixed. Fix the issues LL, and I don't mind paying more for my SL. I'm paying more for my misgovernment in RL, anyway, why should you be any different?
  6. While I agree with you completely, the ORIGINAL intent of advertising was to make potential buyers aware of your product in a large market-space. In a perfect market there are so many suppliers of every good and service that competition brings the price that can be charged to the correct competitive price - the price that the market bears. But we do not have perfect markets in modern State-Policed-Pseudo-Competitive-Capitalism. It's a market distorted my many things, and the biggest one is monopolies and oligopolies- try buying a non-android, non-apple cellphone. SecondLife, as a market, is less policed than almost any other, and should be a perfect market, but for some reason it isn't. I'm not sure why. It's an interesting topic. Perhaps buyer-distrust of advertising-untruths has a part to play in it.
  7. What is DAZ? Never even heard of it before reading this thread. People who buy things without a demo are called imbeciles. P.s. What's a morph?
  8. I'll stew beef. Sorry hijacked a thread...alstublieft or alsjeblieft. I think the English have more trouble with Dutch than vice versa. All the Dutch and Flemish people I know have terrific command of English. Very few native English speakers can speak ANY other language.
  9. I am a Russian 3rd-gen-ex-pat (now British by birth) noblewoman (Boyar). You are all speaking rubbish, and should be in Siberia sweeping the snow. The world would be a better place with more Autocrats. This democracy rubbish is the cause of all the world's woes. What in God's name were you doing giving serfs the vote? Fortunately in UK, despite everyone thinking they elect the Members of Parliament, from where the Government is formed, only proper people can get on the ballot with any chance of winning (and they have to vow to obey their party). And then the Government is formed by one person ( Prime Minister), and does what he says, ignoring Parliament. The Prime Minister does what the Autocrat tells him/her. Some think the Queen is the Autocrat, I'm not so sure. It must be so. No collection of reasonable individuals could make this many cockups.
  10. This is God, teaching you perspective.
  11. This sort of reminds me of long ago, doing some IT work for the <country deleted> <expletive deleted> Government. Every time we got close to meeting the spec, the spec changed. And we had said 'if we can't trust the <country deleted> Government, who can we trust?' Ah the innocence of yoof. (You have my sympathy too @Starr Ghost)
  12. Looks like it's a SL 'feature' then. I know I should Jira it, but I sort of don't want the hassle. Thanks again Coffee.
  13. I wanted to name some folders +1, +2, +3 etc., so that RLVa scripts would add rather than replace their contents - this is what a + prefix does. However, SL silently replaces folders names +'number' with 'number' on the next reboot. It could be Firestorm, and as I am on Linux I can't test it with the SL viewer. Is this expected behaviour? Or should I JIRA it soon(tm)?
  14. I'm afraid this bit of statistics gathering isn't much use. 1) What @Pussycat Catnap said about presumptive bias. 2) No way to know if it's a representative sample. 3) It didn't state what means the responder should use to measure. 4) It didn't state what state the responder should be in (flat feet, no hover, etc., etc..) However, I did fill it in. I just hope the idiot thing-makers in SL don't stat quoting your results as 'evidence' that everyone is tall.
  15. Isn't it always amazing how some people WANT to be President of the USA? I think they should choose some schmuck off the street and drag her to the White Pile in chains. Isn't it always amazing how some people WANT to be Paramount Leader of China? I think they should choose some schmuck off the street and drag her to the Forbidden City in chains. It isn't amazing at all that someone forced by law and custom to be a Royal Duke should let a beautiful lady drag him away to California in chains....
  16. One thing I do before changing body or head is to take photos to my disk of the various panels of the 'Edit Appearance' set (since LL and Firestorm forgot to give us a way to download them as a JSON? file - hint hint) That way I have all the up-to-date numbers to edit-back the new head/body/skin combo to my height and build after using the shape from the new item. You will only get the head shape and look from exactly the same numbers as in the set that was on when the photo was taken (assuming the seller has not photoshopped the picture to fool you).
  17. I have been in that situation myself, and they (the LL programmer) have my deepest sympathy.
  18. As underlined above, yes, that's exactly what I mean. Okay, I understand now why it's hard and 'costly'. Thanks for taking the time to explain. My interest as a user is knowing the geography of SL, and the higher zoom-outs of your map are extremely helpful for that. Thanks for whatever you do with the map. Even as it is, it's an order of magnitude better.
  19. My prediction is that by December 31st Linden Lab will be predicting that the Map Tiles will be working 'soon'.
  20. @Eddy Ofarrelone thing that would be nice when the map is zoomed out is some indication if a tile has a name, rather than just being 'missing', maybe a faint outline as a placemarker. Sort of the same as the SL Brokenmap(tm) uses the sea background for otherwise empty, but usable, regions. I realise that this is a different case, of course. But have your well deserved rest before you think about it!
  21. But, but, but, Secondlife is flat. All this talk of orbiting stuff is terrible, you might hit the elephant!
  22. I'm a vehicle supremacist. I admit it. All I want is a few orb-free corridors, well marked on a WORKING MAP. If I had a WORKING MAP I could avoid your pitiful walled enclosure, couldn't I?
  23. I think you misunderstood. LL: Lots of people want new names, and we are broke.
  24. Title says it all. I just sailed from the southern tip of Sartori to the Stilthouse regions, and I know I can get to the rest of Belli from there. Maybe try to fly from the Blakes Sea to Abbotts next? Thank you @Patch Linden
  25. The problem that is being talked about makes sailing an unmodified boat a little unpleasant at some bad region crossings. Otherwise most boats from reputable makers are okay. The thing to watch for is the ability to edit the body of the boat (it's not necessary to be able to edit the scripts, but to change them out). On top of that, some makers use Avsitter scripts, and you can clearly see them in the content when you edit the boat - there are free updates for these; but some makers use their own proprietary scripts, and only the maker can issue updates to those. So if the boat uses Avsitter (check the demo), and you can add and delete scripts from the contents, you should be fine. You MAY be fine with a boat that uses no-mod proprietary scripts, but it depends on the maker - we can't advise here on that.
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