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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I thought this topic used to have "viewer deploy plans" and updates - like the Server topic still does. Yes? No? If no, where do you find viewer updates in the Forums?
  2. Don't forget to BLOCK the persons bothering you.
  3. It's almost as if they (whoever "they" are) are trying to hide something! I guess you have to experience it for yourself.
  4. Maybe someday I will get an alt. I think all my avatars are lions and neko-lions.
  5. Confusing question and thread. To me, "avatars" means "number of distinct avatars that I wear or use". Most seem to be answering this assuming the OP meant "Alts".
  6. Didn't this equation get updated after Pluto was decided as not-a-planet?
  7. Now I want to buy his free dances, hope they don't get removed! I like free things.
  8. I have many happy memories touring SL years ago and shopping with friends, and wish that many of those same stores were still around! Maybe I should start a thread about stores/creators that I miss. I could check before posting if any of the creators are still even in SL.
  9. So much blush, maybe because she's embarrassed it is so many L$!
  10. I read the bug to learn about it - found it interesting. It would have been nice to do something (such as show a "default texture" in the spot where the objects can't be drawn), so that the user knows there is a problem. (Rather than "viewer would crash, too many triangles, tl;dr, resolved.")
  11. i would love to, but used all mine to test at Phil ... Awesome! I assume Phil will send it back.
  12. Can the rest of you send you test money also? I'm worried that if I don't test my money, it won't work.
  13. I feel like those chairs should wobble back and forth, and randomly launch people at unexpected intervals!
  14. The elevator I used before (although I only used it for up/down) had a problem where it made your avatar "crouch" as it moved. I guess this was SL's attempt to cause your avatar to change position in response to being "moved" up or down. I assume the "walking" is similar, perhaps it is as if the avatar is being "pushed" along? In my case, it would probably not be hard to fix with AO because "crouch" is not necessarily an animation I am already replacing. (Crouch is overrated.)
  15. One solution would be to add "seats" to the elevator..
  16. There are no arrays in LSL. Strings and Lists are the closest you will come. As Rolig said, the example may show you enough information to get started.
  17. Objects which charge L$ always prompt the OWNER for debit permissions. So, if this is the first time you have owned an object like this, it explains why the message was confusing to you. Nobody should ever see this message unless they own an object that will "credit" them L$ - and so the object must also be able to "debit" L$ for refunds in the case of failed transactions, etc. Honestly, why Linden Labs can't separate "DEBIT" and "CREDIT" permissions better is beyond me, I guess it is so that you can give "refunds" if a transaction fails.
  18. I've dealt with that before by only reading the "index" data, then reading the data I really needed later using those indexes. Or, splitting the read between multiple scripts for storage (due to lack of memory). Or, (add infinite other solutions here). It is indeed a shame that notecard reads or slow, but I assume that is on purpose in order to throttle the activity. But, this throttling is made worse by any script lag at all, etc. So, fun! A new challenge, yay. I am happy for my fellow coder who suffers in his scripting.
  19. That one green dot could be someone trying to figure out how to make a friend.
  20. If you are having to listen that hard, perhaps the object is too far away and you need to llShout()..
  21. Do they use the DNA from your feet as part of the reproductive process?
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