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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. This is wrong, you can’t buy a private island without being Premium. Someone other than OP correct me?
  2. Another possibility - try ANY scripted terraforming tool and see if it works better than doing it manually..(for large areas, those are less tedious anyway).
  3. Are you certain that you have the tool set to the "finest" (smallest) setting?
  4. Nothing! Your "Excellent" statement in the title inspired my quote, that's all!
  5. If you are lucky, a more helpful forum user may suggest what you can check in logs or something you can try pinging, etc.
  6. Just a thought..if OP expected to get something customized in mesh for that much..perhaps expectations should be reset? The only makes who would accept that offer are either "newbies" learning, or else maybe..scammers who do not plan on doing the work at all.
  7. ..maybe they make prettier pictures for pic collectors? Or someone has a set of couples animations that works better with mesh.
  8. *hugs* There, there..some of us can't any less!
  9. *hug* That's how relationships work sometimes..they f*ck you over, and over, and over, and over, and over..
  10. Probably better if you post a new thread/question. This one was almost 7 years old.
  11. I had to go back and find my original quote / your original quote because I forgot the movie title. When I saw it was "Velvet Goldmine", I remembered that Bowie had a song by that title. Were you aware of the song? *Edit* Wikipedia says the movie title was inspired by the Bowie song, but Bowie refused to license the song for the movie as the main character was a "blatant ripoff" of Ziggy Stardust. Interesting!
  12. Sounds like it. By coincidence, just bought a "documentary" (of public film/TV clips and performances probably) of Bowie's Glam period.
  13. I'm only logged into SL (in-world) once every few weeks..but I come here EVERY day!
  14. Only agree to Pay a little up front, then more for each stage of completion. Require proof of progress for each payment whether pictures showing work in 3D modeler if what you asked for, or partial mesh builds delivered to you showing progress.
  15. I didn’t mean to say “stop complaining”, but that your complaining won’t make a difference unless YOU are a creator, or you buy what you want (thus influencing creators). Like, if this discussion was in an extremely active merchant / creator forum. And if merchants/creators contributed to the discussion heavily. Then, your discussion may have some influence. Otherwise, you can only influence your own behavior and those you convince to Lobby merchants / creators one way or another. A debate in an echo chamber won’t necessarily influence the people you want to influence. Maybe you don’t understand, and that’s ok too. Debate for the sake of debate is fun, but doesn’t necessarily accomplish a “real” goal.
  16. Reminds me of the RL Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, which is gay men in white-face nun drag (they do this for AIDS charities).
  17. Frack, I missed my 11th Rez Day!
  18. That’s serendipity for ya, trip over C between point A and B!
  19. Has it occurred to you that maybe you are not putting the script in the correct ("root") prim of the chair? That may be important here.
  20. Personally, I've always liked the "AVSitter" product. It helps you get the relative positions right, you put the final positions/offsets in the notecard along with each animation, then you're done. However, more advanced "sitters" let the "end user" (person who buys your chair) adjust the position after they buy it from you.
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