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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Personally, I get bent out of shape if people question my motives.
  2. But as most people age, the shift to the right! Perhaps education helps.
  3. Oho, so you’ve got your own definition. I believe what you are suggesting is impossible.
  4. Somehow I doubt I found this in my search, but google found it? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AS-Queen-Tiye-Ancient-Egyptian-Queens-Rigged-Mesh-Gown-Black-Leopard-Pharaoh-Omega-Applier-for-Modesty-Top-Pants/5542634
  5. No I don’t, thanks for the idea! I’ll add this one to my list. In my mind, I’m looking for something in gold. Perhaps that expectation is not matching “reality” is why I can’t find it! Will also google and post a reference pic when I find something like I’m envisioning.
  6. Maybe they will be replaced by higher-quality furry type and robot? Like, those sad avatars with the tired-looking rings around their eyes are higher quality? I imagine a scruffy fur and bashed-up robot.
  7. If you’re quoting someone, perhaps they were talking out of their butt (figuratively speaking).
  8. A couple months ago, I started searching for items to outfit my alt LoveXiaoying (a beautiful black woman) as an Egyptian queen for some photos. Almost everything I found was crap. As someone who is new at shopping for a female avatar, maybe I’m not doing it right (marketplace search). Or, maybe my expectations of quality are too high. Any advice?
  9. Thanks, my experiences with collars are limited, thought it’d only work with RLV viewer.
  10. I’ve been wanting to log both me and my Alt in at the same time for photos. Perhaps use text viewer for one..but how to force that one into a pose, use AO? Is it possible to run two viewers at the same time on a PC?
  11. I apologize. With most of the questionnaires / surveys we see, it is difficult to tell that the poster is serious (and not just doing a college Sociology project). I take your points seriously and will be more respectful in the future.
  12. I don’t know, I think it’s just a coincidence that Bloodlines is discussed here a lot, the creator specializes in messy sex toys as I recall. This was probably before bloodlines even.
  13. Agree. I’m completely open about LoveX.
  14. My dog does the same thing!
  15. Very interesting. By the way, SL used to allow weak passwords.
  16. Interesting, a quick Google search reveals that it’s even mentioned in “Second Life: The Official Guide”.
  17. You are also only partially incorrect. This is fun!
  18. Cool, I’ll see if I already got those and decided mine were better. ? I think the name of my old fangs is “The Thirst”.
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