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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. No way! I only “troll” mean people. I was just pointing out the (obviously unintended) irony of your statement, and did not mean anything personal by it. Sorry, I missed your comment/question.
  2. Thank you for defending me, obviously the irony was nothing personal!
  3. Maybe the “no neck” version is for linebackers and “fat kids”?
  4. I hope I don’t miss any more mayonnaise-related posts. I better follow this thread, and you should too!!!!1!!!1!!
  5. Speaking of mayo, I made “tofu eggs” this morning!
  6. No. Whoever “owns” the land will want you to pay them rent. Your premium tier is only applied to land you “buy” on mainland (or Linden premium homes). *Edit* I’m frequently wrong, let’s see who corrects me!
  7. I'm not confused or angry, but neither do I get the joke. Maybe denying "dead-naming" is a real thing is the joke?
  8. Wasn’t the dog’s name “sh*thead”?
  9. I'm reminded of a comic character that wheeled his b*lls around in a wheelbarrow.
  10. Every time I see a b*kk*k* video, I think, “Somebody REALLY likes mayonnaise!”
  11. Perhaps it did not occur to you that SL needs YOU!
  12. ZOMG!!11!!! You did NOT just dead-name them! (but you did)
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