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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. On a nice day, I like to frolic amidst the florum and faunum..
  2. I’ve never seen this! Sounds like my kinda flick.
  3. Close enough, since sarcasm is “verbal irony”.
  4. Just quoting. One of my quotes (forgot which) was from the link YOU provided!
  5. If you find an INTERPRETIVE work with “all scholars say”, throw it away.
  6. Also from https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/forum: The English plural forums is preferred to the Latin plural fora in normal English usage. Ref: Modern English Usage, 2nd Edition, ed. Sir Ernest Gowers ...
  7. The link you provided says: “English plural either fora or forums”.
  8. Agreed in that, I have 30 years' programming experience so scripting may come a lot easier to me than someone who is not a programmer.
  9. Normally an AO with a "SIT ANYWHERE" feature means this: If you click "SIT ANYWHERE", it will trigger that "SIT" animation wherever you are. It does not have to be a spot where you could normally "sit". This is handy when you WANT to sit, but the geometry of your SL environment will not LET you "sit" normally. The AO is giving you a way around that by letting you "sit anywhere" (using the AO, NOT the SL "sit here" mouse/keyboard commands). This is pretty unusual. Perhaps the beginner avatar you started with is mesh, and your other avatars are "standard"? Not all animations work the same with all avatars (as I understand it). What exactly do you want this to do? Normally, an X/Y/Z positioner is only used to help position avatar animations for an object (such as a chair, etc.). These let you adjust where you avatar appears relative to the thing you are sitting on it. This was needed because for some avatars - they sit on a chair and are above it, others are too close to the edge, etc. What do YOU want an X/Y/Z device for? By the way, if you didn't already know - you can adjust "hover height" so your avatar is closer to / further from where SL thinks the "ground" is, using adjustments in the viewer.
  10. Plus..if Prof TRIES, he/she might learn something!
  11. What gmae? SL is nto a gmae!! Is a commum miscumsepshun!
  12. Whoa! You thought of another logical point? I was completely defeated by “whatever”. Still smarting, hard to sit down at the moment. If only other people were “smarting”!
  13. If SL isn’t enforcing the rules, it is because formal complaints are not being made (“DCMA takedown requests”). That is only reason I thnik you are corret.
  14. You seem obsessed with controlling this discussion. Any other opinions are immediately shot down! “Come discuss so long as you agree with ALL my points!”
  15. We s*ck! Of course, I can only truly speak for myself.
  16. Is it possible that because it is viewer-side, certain small values may work for some viewers/PC’s but not others?
  17. Follow-up question: are items sold on Sansar mod or no-mod? Is LL perpetuating the “no-mod travesty” or fixing it with the “next big thing”? ??
  18. Hey there, not trying to silence discussion - just a reality check! How do you plan on “forcing” creators to make mod items? Many do, you just pay more!
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