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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Suggest that if the notecard has only one purpose..and only 1 script is reading from it: - Put a UUID on each line, by itself (assume you don't need names, just UUID) - You have to call llGetNotecardLine() with notecard name and line # (starts with 0) to start reading the notecard. - Each time dataserver() is read, if string is non-blank then add to your list and call llGetNotecardLine() for next line - "done" reading notecard is either if data read=EOF constant or if you start out the process with a call to llGetNumberOfNotecardLines() (which also triggers dataserver event(). http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetNotecardLine
  2. Is that like "adulting", the thing we have to do in RL/FL?
  3. Idea: change your settings for ALL your friends to “not show online status”, etc. Then you can decide when to initiate contact with your friends but they (and maybe one of them is your stalker’s alt) can’t find you / know you are logged in unless you wish.
  4. Crazy boys grow up to be surly bastards!
  5. No brackets for haystack, if “haystack” is a list variable. Just pointing it out in case OP focuses on this instead of your example code!
  6. We were all born as naked, wooden prims!
  7. If everything else fails..try being a furry. You may like it!
  8. It’s ok..wouldn’t matter if your desired Data isn’t contained in the response due to space. Point of why I suggested it is that converting the whole response to a list probably uses a lot of memory. You’ll get some pointers from others also, I don’t want to hog the responses.
  9. Instead of converting to a list, why not just search for a string constant in the response, then if found parse everything past that?
  10. Have you considered googling for existing LSL scripts to see how they do it?
  11. This feels like a long-shot, but make sure you have "compile as Mono" checked. It doesn't sound to me like that small script + 16384 bytes of data should cause a stack-heap error. Non-Mono ("LSO") scripts only allow 16384 total memory.
  12. It goes in the parameter list which you have left empty. You don’t need to “define” the constant. You would pass it as example: [HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH, 16384]. The parameters list is “key/Value” pairs. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlHTTPRequest
  13. P.S. Once you get the script to compile with llSetText (see my reply above), you may find this thread on llHTTPRequest() useful:
  14. You are trying to pass a list variable “mine” as the first llSetText() parameter. That needs to be a string parameter. If you know which string element of “mine” to get, you could use llList2String() to get the list entry. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetText
  15. Thanks for this! I always go to blog.secondlife.com !
  16. Since I didn’t know this when I originally went from mainland to private sim, and kept my Premium (though now I’m back to mainland)..you can guarantee that I am NOT alone in this. So, many other sim owners probably also pay Premium fee to LL.
  17. Got it. Funny. A private island at full price is so expensive, you’d think LL would try to squeeze the relatively small Premium fee out of sim owners too! *Edit* Since I didn’t know this when I originally went from mainland to private sim, and kept my Premium (though now I’m back to mainland)..you can guarantee that I am NOT alone in this. So, many other sim owners probably also pay Premium fee to LL.
  18. If you can see a d*ck for “sims and sims and sims”, your draw distance is too high.
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