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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. When I was young, I put this stuff on salads!
  2. misshapen, swollen, purple bulbuous eggplant
  3. This probably explains why the trolleys in Luna were always bumpy and running off the tracks!
  4. I’ve been using it on SSD for years. Maybe that was for older, less reliable SSD’s?
  5. You’re not using wireless internet, are you?
  6. Last I heard, animations are only for avatars, NPC’s, and now animesh. I’m often wrong.
  7. Dark Helmet is my favorite, followed by Barf! Will there be SpaceBalls souvenirs?
  8. Sounds like a good racket, like a Bitcoin blockchain hud in SL!
  9. The land appears to be underwater.
  10. *makes grabby-paws at* 7, hmm..would you happen to also be a lustful, murderous sloth? ?
  11. Ok, never heard of using an animation for a vehicle, maybe keyframe motion..
  12. Someone followed me, prolly due to me being a snotty wiseass. Should I be concerned or proud?
  13. Is venting allowed on the derail thread? I lost the venting thread.
  14. Well, isn’t that special! - Church Lady
  15. By that logic, shouldn’t a derail thread be treated the same? I SHOULD THINK SO!!!11!!1!1!
  16. Is the vehicle mesh, and you’re planning to use animesh features?
  17. If breedables don’t die, wouldn’t you run out if prim allotment eventually?
  18. Where? What did I miss? Those are fun! And sad.
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