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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. This feels like a long-shot, but make sure you have "compile as Mono" checked. It doesn't sound to me like that small script + 16384 bytes of data should cause a stack-heap error. Non-Mono ("LSO") scripts only allow 16384 total memory.
  2. It goes in the parameter list which you have left empty. You don’t need to “define” the constant. You would pass it as example: [HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH, 16384]. The parameters list is “key/Value” pairs. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlHTTPRequest
  3. P.S. Once you get the script to compile with llSetText (see my reply above), you may find this thread on llHTTPRequest() useful:
  4. You are trying to pass a list variable “mine” as the first llSetText() parameter. That needs to be a string parameter. If you know which string element of “mine” to get, you could use llList2String() to get the list entry. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetText
  5. Thanks for this! I always go to blog.secondlife.com !
  6. Since I didn’t know this when I originally went from mainland to private sim, and kept my Premium (though now I’m back to mainland)..you can guarantee that I am NOT alone in this. So, many other sim owners probably also pay Premium fee to LL.
  7. Got it. Funny. A private island at full price is so expensive, you’d think LL would try to squeeze the relatively small Premium fee out of sim owners too! *Edit* Since I didn’t know this when I originally went from mainland to private sim, and kept my Premium (though now I’m back to mainland)..you can guarantee that I am NOT alone in this. So, many other sim owners probably also pay Premium fee to LL.
  8. If you can see a d*ck for “sims and sims and sims”, your draw distance is too high.
  9. This is wrong, you can’t buy a private island without being Premium. Someone other than OP correct me?
  10. Another possibility - try ANY scripted terraforming tool and see if it works better than doing it manually..(for large areas, those are less tedious anyway).
  11. Are you certain that you have the tool set to the "finest" (smallest) setting?
  12. Nothing! Your "Excellent" statement in the title inspired my quote, that's all!
  13. If you are lucky, a more helpful forum user may suggest what you can check in logs or something you can try pinging, etc.
  14. Just a thought..if OP expected to get something customized in mesh for that much..perhaps expectations should be reset? The only makes who would accept that offer are either "newbies" learning, or else maybe..scammers who do not plan on doing the work at all.
  15. ..maybe they make prettier pictures for pic collectors? Or someone has a set of couples animations that works better with mesh.
  16. *hugs* There, there..some of us can't any less!
  17. *hug* That's how relationships work sometimes..they f*ck you over, and over, and over, and over, and over..
  18. Probably better if you post a new thread/question. This one was almost 7 years old.
  19. I had to go back and find my original quote / your original quote because I forgot the movie title. When I saw it was "Velvet Goldmine", I remembered that Bowie had a song by that title. Were you aware of the song? *Edit* Wikipedia says the movie title was inspired by the Bowie song, but Bowie refused to license the song for the movie as the main character was a "blatant ripoff" of Ziggy Stardust. Interesting!
  20. Sounds like it. By coincidence, just bought a "documentary" (of public film/TV clips and performances probably) of Bowie's Glam period.
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