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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Does your height affect when you dance the “Horizontal Bop”?
  2. As a Neko-or-feral, I’m cognizant of relative sizing for avatars. Do you like your avatar: ”smol” - twee word for “small” (or even tiny) ”Tall” - normal sized, whatever that means to you ”Swole” - bodybuilder slang for “built”, “muscled”, etc. (muscles look swollen, disproportionately - or maybe your b**bs or b*tt) *Please do also use funny words in your reply, and/or make fun of me for doing so.
  3. “I’d buy that for a dollar!” - “Robocop”
  4. But dead people don’t know they’re dead, and only other people are affected. Kind of like stupid people. Understand? *Edit* My favorite parts of the Understand article are # and #6.
  5. *Shudders at the things which could be done with printed chat logs: paper cuts, facial tissue, personal wipes, fake money, wallpaper, posted flyers..*
  6. When I was young, I put this stuff on salads!
  7. misshapen, swollen, purple bulbuous eggplant
  8. This probably explains why the trolleys in Luna were always bumpy and running off the tracks!
  9. I’ve been using it on SSD for years. Maybe that was for older, less reliable SSD’s?
  10. You’re not using wireless internet, are you?
  11. Last I heard, animations are only for avatars, NPC’s, and now animesh. I’m often wrong.
  12. Dark Helmet is my favorite, followed by Barf! Will there be SpaceBalls souvenirs?
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