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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Talligurl wrote: Ha Ha yeah right, he is supposed to be the one doing the gifting. :smileylol: :heart:
  2. BIyke wrote: it uses a capital "i" instead of an "L" I hope not too many of your future friends will gift expensive purchases to the wrong person Biyke.
  3. ChinRey wrote: Second thought: As I write this there are 33,124 accounts logged on to Second Life. I wonder how many actual human (and extraterrestial) beings there are. It wouldn't surprise me if the actual number of users is less than half the official one. We'll never know of course. Bots are so simple to create, and they can carry a huge benefit, especially for group maintenance. Has to be about 10K always in world. I have two of them to handle my groups and estate security. Most estates will have 1 or 2. A lot of stores have them now - like Fanatik and Cerberus Crossing to think of just 2 randomly. Additionally there are the tracking hordes, such as the blake sea hordes that track who is in which sim. We also know of the roaming hordes. During SIM reboots you can get an idea of the scale as each horde jumps to a predefined sim. There is one horde using a homestead opposite Hollywood Airport that fill the sim to it's 20 Maximum, blocking it for everyone.
  4. See https://my.secondlife.com/blyke
  5. AlexandriteGem wrote: I blocked KingbalStores from constantly spamming me with offers, so I now receive the messages from KingbalStores Main Kiosk Archive 1 even though I have blocked it and its owner. Can anyone please tell m ehow to deal with this? Thank you It might be a genuine mistake. 2 ways I can think of, a polite, gentle request to the store owner asking you please be removed from the mail list or you could keep muting the devices as he replaces them. It may take a few tries. Each time you make a contact to him requesting nicely to remove it make a notecard of the date and time and words. It may help later if you decide to use an abuse report.
  6. Follow up to fix BUG-3286 "Can't move object" fail notifications Ha! The lab heard us talking about it. Thanks for rebooting main too.
  7. Thanks Qie! Heh, so according to the 3 year old unfixed bug report, the XML is truncated and missing the end "/llsd>" But the great part, it is in the logs, so can be found. Woohoo, that will make it much easier to find new ones! <key>FAILURE_TYPE</key><integer>1073741824</integer> <key>OBJECT_NAME</key><string>Snow Man 6</string> <key>OBJ_POSITION</key><string>{ 205.865, 239.957, 24.6223 }</string> <key>REGION_NAME</key><string>Hippotropolis</string> Maybe grepping the logs for FAILURE_TYPE or 1073741824 (0x40000000)
  8. Normally what happens is that the sploder sits there with your money until the next dance, assuming the owner is honest. Then those new people fill it, it runs it's routine and it pays out. Back in the day it was common for me to be 2 or 3 days later and get a payment. A nice surprise. bebejee wrote: they kicked me out of the sim. Since they are doing something wrong Payback AR eh? An ethics question for you before you report them (because 'sploders are likely not legal), if you had of won, or seen someone win what would your course of action be? Would you have reported the 'sploder because they are often proscribed? To answer your question though, the lab do care and will look. Their action will the most likely be to return the 'sploder to the owner. After they leave the owner will most likely rez it again. The ramifications to you, when they do that may be further payback from the club. Always a risk when you payback.
  9. AriettaMorgreim wrote: I've been trying to make a small Avatar I got Taller. Taller than 4feet and 80 Inches. And... the only Way I was able to do it, was using shapes made for other avatars. The difference is very.. very little though. The maximum I was able to go to with other shapes, was 4'96''. North American measurements confuse me a lot. I think 4 feet is 121cm and I think 80 inches is 203.2cm - so that's 323.2cm or 10 feet 7" tall.
  10. Obvious question would be, why do you allow rez? Otherwise, just do an area search in firestorm. You can use a regex of known people to exclude them. If you have three club employees with good prims called Fred.Nerk, Janine.Resident and John.Smith something like : Owner: ^((?!Fred|Jani|John).)*$ Tick the [x] Use regular expression box Will exclude those from area search Also, some general advice: Be boring. Don't engage the griefer. Stay calm placid and dont panic.
  11. Rhiannon Arkin wrote: Hi all so I heard that rumor that a terrain with hills is more laggy then a flat terrain. is there anything to that rumor? By lag you mean low FPS? It won't be the land, your sim is always the same number of vertices, doesn't matter what the Z is, the number of vertices doesn't change. If anything hills are desirable if they are tall enough they can block the objects behind it, then occlusion happens and your computer draws less. More hills is great, vastly desirable over flat, for occlusion. * Check your trees first, especially if they use blended alpha. One "little something" brand of mesh Willow tree or Olive tree is especially bad for lag. (Speaking about blended alpha, read some of the posts by Penny Patton and others on things like this) * Stand in the middle of the sim, with your FPS showing (Ctrl-Alt-1 from memory) and slowly turn. Watch if a certain direction is worse. DO the same from each corner. * Use firestorm's tempory derender, (Right click, More>, Derender, temporary) to remove all of a certain high alpha item. See if the FPS increases in that direction. Relog and try again. As another way, edit the item and send it up 1000M on the Z. Then you can jump up and remove 1000M on Z to put it back. * Same for mesh. One popular shabby chic brand comes to mind especially, I won't name them, but I term them as "Laggy Fall". * Check the texture size of each item, edit and Ctrl-Alt-Shift-T, things with 1024x1024 textures are generally evil for lag. * if you are game, use Developer>Render Metadata >Octree. This can help a lot, but it's a but hard to decode. Look for a lot of fast moving red, and see what that is. * Also in developer mode is wireframe. If you have mesh turn that on and look for anything that has really densly packed triangles. Turn off wireframe, Derender, test the FPS. * Particles, especially with one waterfall from a top mesh maker, are killers, especially if his waterfall is layered. If you get stuck you can contact me in world and I can come and look. As a sim builder I've gotten pretty good finding items that wreck people's performance.
  12. BilliJo Aldrin wrote: I had a neighbor threaten to tell Ebbe Linden on me last week because i was building right up to the edge of my property. Giggle. Even better when they say "My dad is Ebbe Linden and he will ban you" However in reality, the Lindens are flaptarded. They *DO* ban you for building on the edge of your property. Back in 2008 I had a nice 1024 on mainland, I made it a pretty *private* garden for me to sit in as I scripted. Some ugly nasty lady bougt a 512 next to me, and made it 100% shop, making her entrance to her shop right on the border line to my parcel. She was nasty, so I started building a house next to her doorway. The Lab banned me for 3 days, for obstructing other people's ability to enter this "ladies" store. Never mind that I had also raised the ban lines, the fact I put a prim on the border of my land was enough for the Lab to ban. I don't trust the Lindens as far as I can spit a rat as a result.
  13. Move on, the discussion here on the forums is that the "team" doing TMP split. TMP hands will never be Bento, and there is no chance of a Bento head. It's dead, and you should not be rewarding them with any more custom.
  14. That bug annoys me no end Only way I know of will be to stand next to the parcel border with the no-object-entry flag and watch for the flying object hit the border and cause the message. If you use dragonflies or other temp-on-rez flying things they are the prime suspect.
  15. RedQop wrote: Can someone explain me what's the goal of the ''game''? Kill all the orc, get purple gear.
  16. LIN$1500 is USD$5.50 at the moment. A single real world date, even to McDonalds, would end up costing many times that. If this is an RP engagement, and maybe RP marry then this is many hours of entertainment, RP, and fun together. The least someone can do is break out a 10 buck note and buy some lindens for one's beau. If on the other hand he is naiive to the expected custom, then buy your own, even a brand new copy of the same ring if you are taken with it. Don't recycle it into a new relationship though. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: It may cause hard feelings with him if he can't afford to give you another ring, even if he doesn't voice them. Someone needs to make a coke can ring pull ring for the SL impoverished.
  17. Search only works on first word, not on all words in the parcel name Typing in something innocent like "kid" gets "kidnapping" as results - not a great look And as mentioned, redirect loops.
  18. YoSung wrote: ...people don't like normal sized avis - or Asian men ! My adult doesn't have too many problems and he is 5'10" tall and Korean. Maybe it's the way you interact with people rather than the externals of your avatar?
  19. Vacquero Mondalimare wrote: I VASTLY prefer using a pre paid card as it limits my liability in the event of a hack. The lab removed prepaid as an option a very long time ago. Some debit cards still work if they are bank linked. With the amount of money they deal in, and with how long they have done it the Lab's website is unlikely to be hacked, so if you are worried about hacking it will be of your account. A weak password, a shared computer with saved credentials, accidentally clicking a phishing link are all valid hacks. You could create an alt, buy lindens on them from a bank linked card, and remove the bank linked card details when not in use. Make your alt a suitably strong password and only use it for buying lindens. That will negate your account risk.
  20. Ageplay isn't against the rules. It's specifically allowed, even on Adult land. In fact, your son Cole *is* an ageplayer. If he wasn't then he would be underage and banned. "Sexual Ageplay" is the term for the TOS and CS violation.
  21. Does seem like the top and bottom are reversed. Are you sure sync [ ] is ticked? Or that the scale is not -1.
  22. A couple of the Blake Sims are pretty problematic, Blake Sea - Black comes to immediate mind, as does Nautilus - Ualonuth. Black is about half way down the main channel sort of opposite that giant greenhouse on the right from SNO or left from Hollywood. One way you can test if it's you or the sim is to note exactly where you crash, each time. Write it down. Look for a pattern. Find another route, maybe to fly down the channel on the left side from SNO or right side from Hollywood over the Salor's cove sims, make sure you are over 100M though. The Managers of Sailers Cove do an awesome job restarting the sims each day, and that does help, especially with so many vehicles making their way around. Great estate, highly recommended. The Lab don't care as much about restarts, so if you hit a bad sim, do a quick second test and see it crashes you a second time, if so lodge a support ticket with region performance and a nice friendly description of the issue for the amazing land team.
  23. I delete mine daily, I've never had a real need to rehash what people say. I always assume that other people keep them forever and happily notecard what I say to other people. Meh. It's mostly snooze inducing stuff about horses, sailing or the latest kid hunter. The Lab keep them for 2 weeks, or forever if a person is under investigation. The NSA keep them for 30 days, unless a keyword is triggered. The GHSC keep them for 90 days, unless a keyword is triggered. ASIO are pretty incompetant, so I doubt they have a copy. Canadia is part of Five Eyes, so they likely borrow the UK's copy of them. New Zealand are out watching the sheep, so they forgot they left the recording machines on. The German Authorities are starting to become more interested in people, and BASF is a German Company, so they have a lot of magnetic media. One should consider they keep them as long as your notecarding friends.
  24. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: If packet loss exceeds 10% or Ping Sim goes beyond 200ms, you're bound to have issues. (>_<) I would point out that this arbitary 200ms figure is likely a USA thoughtbubble and has no real grounding in fact. Those in Oceania who have lived on 250ms+ for a decade without issues, and those in Europe with 180ms+ in similar situations know that ping time doesn't have any real bearing on your connection quality.
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