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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. By physics you mean some transparent prims?
  2. OMG a Philip Linden Waifu-Pillow! Edit: Forgot to answer the question. Interesting Question. In most cases the photographer will hold the copyright, not the person who is in the photograph. Trademark law can come into play though, a quick search suggests that Philip has not trademarked his avatar. My vote goes to it will be ok, but you should get some more opinions. I am not touching on the TOS and that is a weird and ever changing document.
  3. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Add girls? Are you doing math? 1 hot tub + 5 girls + 6 bottles of wine = 2 coming out parties wait ... they were all taller than Pappy Smurf so you can't add them. Sorry, Dude. Ya missed a hell of a time. 5 girls, 1 tub?
  4. This is really great, I am just enjoying just watching the photo, especially the shadow, above
  5. Naskiff wrote: Fair warning: This is an adult sim. The temple is located far up in the sky, but you should watch your step lest you slip and fall way down and land between two adults discussing philosophy. It's a pity Kido closed down, but nice to see others maybe filling the hole. Is the temple on any restricted access rules (like you need to be taller than 8 feet), or is any avatar allowed to be there?
  6. Quinn Lysette wrote: whoa i can get a real life place to live for that maybe il just rent an island ? Heh it's a lot, especially as you can't stop at one. So US$600 to start and then US$295 a month, every month on the anniversary date, your island taken off line and potentially deleted if you don't pay on time. Doing the sums, US$295 is about L$79,000 a month = 79000*12/52 = L$18,224 a week but you have the US$600 and counting that over 1 year it's US$11.53 a week, or an additional $L3,100 So, for your own region, $21,324 lindens a week.
  7. DreamBoy777 wrote: By the way does something like Skype contact search exist in Second Life? Search exists, if you are using firestorm it's the magnifying glass button on the bottom of your screen. If you use the SL viewer then... omg why would you? Seriously though DreamBoy777 if someone deletes you from friendslist, that is a hint to just stay away. Take our advice, don't IM her. She is not interested in you.
  8. Generally the people who pay US$95, US$195, US$295 a month for that sim get to make the rules. On mine I ban people over 170cm. There is a simple solution. Pay US$295 a month too, then you can make your own rules, even to ban everyone from the USA - or just find a new sim to enjoy.
  9. The Mesh Project is dead. It's bereft of life, pushing up the daisies, gone to meet it's maker. The sooner people stop giving them money the sooner their ugly blight will leave SL. Of course, being a server driven product, when they do close down everyone's bodies will stop working.
  10. Looks like you can lost some no-copy gatcha items, a fraudster buying them, then the lab taking the money, but not returning the no-copy items? I would use a support ticket the the lab. Be very careful to include the transaction numbers for the sale (money coming to you), and the money going when the lab take it, and also a good description that the no-copy items were not returned to you. Mention they were nocopy gatcha items and you would like them back please. You can lodge a ticket : https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ - choose marketplace and marketplace general.
  11. I've not seen this problem since I bumped my texture memory up to 2048, but when I was down at 1024 it was shocking. I am surprised you only have a 1GB video card memory? Can you bump your texture emmory up to 2G or 4G like all the rest of us? If not, have you thought of a better card, maybe the cheap NVidia 1050? Edit: Oh I see why! you are using a viewer that doesnt allow 4GB of video memory. Seriously, kick catznip to the kerb. Use Firestorm and bump the video ram right to the maximum.
  12. agentronin wrote: Draw distance (slider) this slider can only be set to a maximum of 1024 meters 1024M around your camera. If you have moved your camera 8192M away then you will see all the objects 1024 around that. Camming long distances is not hard at all. in my first weeks in SL I was camming 8 to 10 sims away.
  13. Ariel Vuissent wrote: Pretty much any adult place with a height limit will have one. Problem is, they vary widely in accuracy. Although my sim is not adult I calibrated it's height kicking orb by prim. The scripted measuremeant certainly doesn't match the prim height, but it's ok for my use. Are you taller than X or not. That binary doesn't need a umber of reach person, alhough it would be lovely. It's a problem that goes right back to the early days of SL and seems to be mostly explained as the Lab's programmers are not very good at Maths. And of course, now that deformers are really in heavy use it's an even bigger problem. A 3M person can be 75cm tall. Talligurl wrote: Once while in very high heels wearing a very high mohawk it told me I was 8 feet tall, lol, that was an extra 2 and a half feet. When you prim measure take your shoes off and remove your hair. That will give you the closest measurement to the broken LSL functions the lab gave us. That function can't measure attachments like hair, nor animations like high heel wearing feet. Flat soled and bald!
  14. Chic Aeon wrote: There was a thread recently that has been taken down. It was concerning the "rightness" of copying works from the web via Google's handy search engine and using them in works for SL. And IT was a GREAT discussion that SHOULD have STAYED so that it can HELP SO MANY people STAY ETHICAL.... ((because Ethics will TRUMP the law any day of the year))
  15. sirhc DeSantis wrote: Talked with some refugees today. We complained about the price of veg due to some rather unusual weather in Spain. I mean, equiv of 10 bucks for a lettuce! Its the sort of thing we do, living next door to each other. For us right now, avocados are hit hard. :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: The world is wonderful - when it comes to the guts of it, we all have the same joy.
  16. It's been in the news since September. Here is just one of them from Australian Newspapers: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/australia-to-take-central-american-refugees-as-malcolm-turnbull-pledges-to-do-more-at-obama-summit-20160920-grkcq9.html And from the USA Newspapers: In terms of absolute numbers, the US agreed to a one-off transfer of up to 1,250 refugees from the Pacific, while Australia didn't commit to specific numbers, saying only that it would accept refugees from the Central American program as part of an overall annual refugee intake that will hit almost 19,000 by 2019. http://www.cnbc.com/2017/02/02/us-australia-refugee-plan-really-is-the-worst-deal-ever-commentary.html
  17. Rya Nitely wrote: And I understood it to be a refugee swap deal. If it isn't a swap, why should America do it? I agree that it would be 'dumb'. Well, they heavily vet the 1296 on Manus and Nauru and cherry pick a few, maybe the few Sri Lankans, as a one time event. As well, Mr Obama did not set a time, so it can be in 6 months, 9, 12, 18.... On our side we agreed to take 6000 of theirs from central and South America, no vetting, starting 2017, every year forever. The USA saves money to the order of 6K refugees a year and their camps are a little lighter. Of course now Mr Trump has Mr Turnbull by his short and curlies and will ensure that Darwin houses and stages B1-Bs, in addition to Guam. At the moment Darwin is just used for rotation. Mr Turnball is spineless as well as a waffling waste of space. Should have closed Pine Gap and a few other things.
  18. Helpful videos, thanks. Well, TBH all of your videos are great Medhue
  19. Pamela Galli wrote: We are indeed privileged to be able to participate in this international community of ours. We are, it is a wonderfull way to meet and be close to people from other cultures, learn and speak other languages, and enrich one's real life with all those benefits. Now if I can just work out a way to stop people talking about politics I will be far happier. - An Aussie friend.
  20. Klytyna wrote: Seriously consider not using either SL Default Viewer From memory Prok doesn't like Opensource. sie hast made many statements on how that was one of the worst of many descisions out of LL. If it is just a corrupted file, I wonder if deleteing everything, including the profile directories, then reinstalling from scratch would fix the issue.
  21. Klytyna wrote: and unless you have some scripted item listening on Thanks, forgot to say that part
  22. Speaking as my neko self, it could be the kitten's claws. Usually a little scritch behind it's ears, or a long slow stroke from head to tail will do the trick, but sometimes food is also required. It'a an unusual problem but some of our human pets never learn to behave and serve their kitten gods properly. Jumping onto their shoulders and clinging on for dear life will normally start them wondering what they did wrong.
  23. Being a kitten and a Horse... Don't talk is the first part, and it's quite hard at first. You can use RLV, or you can switch channels on Firestorms chat, if you make a mistake then you just mew and purr. Emoting becomes your entire language. /me notices my human pet using their computer and jumps up on the table. Swishing my tail I look at the pet's fingers moving and walk over. The keyboard is so nice and soft. I look up into it's frustrated eyes wondering what it will do to reclaim it's game.
  24. Ayesha Askham wrote: Then on Sunday the damn Orb started sending me IMs offline. In 12 hours I received over 200!! Now they should have capped at 50, so something is wrong! Turns out that there is something wrong with Object IM blocking offline, and in my case the cap is also on wonky. So as far as I am concerned this is a glitch that LL need to fix, and fix ASAP. Wow, that is pretty bad. A blocked person or object really should be blocked hard.
  25. Ayesha Askham wrote: sigh So today's restarts without roll evaporated. I bet the Linden Clock is one day late, and the roll happens while all the Europeans are doing thei events!
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