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Callum Meriman

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Everything posted by Callum Meriman

  1. Are you trying to rez inside a mesh house by any chance? Some mesh is badly built and you can't rez inside them. Placing a prim on the floor (it might take a few tries) or rezzing a prim on some furniture - then rezzing on top of the prim is the way to work around it. You may wish to consider covering the floor of one room with a tranparent prim to work around this better. If it's not inside a mesh house, then sorry, I am unsure. You should always be able to rez on your own land.
  2. You will need to use something like Firestorm's incredibly handy Area Search to find the original prim, the one that is rezzing. You can do that with a filter to the griefer's name. Use beacons. Limit to 20M from the object, as this is more than a rez can be (unless there is scripted moving in the rezzed items.) Inspect the items until you find one with contents that match what is being rezzed. AR that item.
  3. Really simple to make. If you are a photographer you could even consider making it yourself. I use the Anypose BVH for simple things like this. It is reasonably priced and can give you the ability to make your own poses with minimal practice. For your own use, then you only need the L$1500 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AnyPose-Basic-Pose-Stand/774338 If you want to sell your poses you can buy the $4500 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AnyPose-BVH-Pose-Stand-Now-with-AnyPose-Animator/774336 Doesn't do Bento sadly. I would happily buy it again for a Bento version. Also worth looking at, and recommended, is the Animare https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Animare-Pose-Animation-System-BOXED/1554912 for $299 and that has a $1 demo plus an inworld demo. There are more, but these I have used myself a lot. If you are a photographer it is very much worth getting and learning something like this, ask in some groups if people have and can show you. Give you lessons maybe. They open up a whole new realm of creativity.
  4. Do you mean... a white box - like a piece of paper, with a red cancel symbol? Thats a script error not a sign you were hacked. What you need to do is look for the error and paste that here so we know. If you are using Firestorm, then Preferences>Notifications>Objects and Scripts>[x] Report Script Errors in: (.) Nearby chat. Save. Rez again, the error will be in red text in your chat. Copy / Paste here. (you might want to turn that off, again, it can be annoying)
  5. Geeha wrote: I also don't understand how to set up the raffle board following these instructions..... Place the script and the .config notecard in the object with the items that you would like to give the winner at the end. Name your object appropriately as the winner at the end will get a folder with the same name as the object with all the content. Open and edit the notecard as needed to give it a time limit and the amount that needs to be paid to enter the draw. Please note, changing the inventory in the object will make it reset and clear the list containing the contestants. Seems easy enough to understand. Let me decode it for you. 1. Create a prim, texture it how you like. 2. Edit the prim, on the contents tab drop the script + the .config notecard + what you are giving away as a raffle 3. Go to the main tab and give it a name "Geehas Kitty Cat Raffle" make it a meaningful name 4. Go back to the contants tab, right click the .config notecard and look for the time limit + the amount people will pay. 5. Change those to suit, Save that notecard and close the edit window. 6. Done. *do not add or change things inside that prim after people start* I suggest strongly you try a few dry runs yourself. Set the time to 5 minutes and pay $1, Then buy your own tickets. To start, while you practice, you can use anything as your prize. Practice is great.
  6. It's weird Gaia, All of your Vimeos always show "Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here." Have you ever considered another video service? One that allows playback?
  7. ChinRey wrote: I know this is rude of me but has anybody tried a search for Bento on the MP? Hehe. I noticed that, especially with the hair But it is a search that can make one very hungry. Near where I work is a wonderful Korean restaurant that makes the most amazing Japanese foods. The most wonderful Sushi, colourful Bento boxes for lunch, Tender juicy Karage, Udon noodles, Miso soup (OMG so good) But Bento boxes in themselves are a wonderful lwork of art. I am going to blame the Lab for picking a tasty food based name. We need to have our Japanese friends rename the tasty 弁当箱 to be instead a ヤムボックス, then the Lab can better steal the Bento name for our faces, fingers, wings, and tails.
  8. One of the thing the Lab are absolutlely ruthless on is stuff around kids. People who falsely claim they are minors are permabanned, including all other household accounts. Don't make up your age. There is no benefit.
  9. NOELxoxo wrote: literally almost had it with firestorm. so has my pc. There are other TPV viewers and there is the official Linden viewer. Maybe you should consider changing if you are finding Firestorm unsuitable for your use? And to make it super easy for you to do that here is the list of others: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory And here is the link to the official viewer: https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ This one is particulary easy for you to move to, just press the large orange button.
  10. One will assume you turned off your AO? If the furniture you sit on has an animation in it then your own AO will fight that.
  11. Jomo has a new mesh Foxen that looks close to the basics: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/JOMO-Male-Fox-E-V10/10425270 As far as the fur pattern, this is a great chance to learn photoshop (costs) or gimp (free). Basic gimp work is not that hard to learn, a few weeks of study and you will be able to multiply a pattern over fur.
  12. Thank you Caleb, a lot of us really do depend on this information Yes! finally! I will be able to work out the prims without hardcoding. Adds Feature: BUG-40871 Add new llGetEnv() constant "region_object_bonus"
  13. Chic Aeon wrote: If it costs more in real dollars to pay the rent, it ALSO means that the folks renting are paying more in REAL DOLLARS since they get less when they cash out. I suspect that there is a small contingent of folks that gather cyrstals to pay their weekly rent, but those are likely a small number. The renters are paying 10% less, not more. In the past tenants got 256 lindens for each USD. A lin$7000 homestead would cost usd$27.34 a week for the tenant. Now tenants buy at 271 lindens for each USD. A lin$7000 homestead costs them usd$25.83 a week. Tenants have gained 10% extra on the lindex, so their rents are 10% cheaper than 10 months ago. In the past agents needed lin$248 for each USD. A USD$95 homestead needed lin$23,560 rent to be paid. Now agents need lin$260 for each USD. The same homestead needs minimum $24,700 rent to be paid to break even. An extra lin$1140 a month needs to be found in rent to pay the teir to the lab. (or it comes from the agents pocket) Chic Aeon wrote: Some landlords have been making a LOT of money off of their renters for a long time (I don't rent from those guys). Others have been very reasonable (I rent from THOSE guys). We all make choices. Yes, everyone has a choice. If a renter doesn't like the way their rent is going, they can move.
  14. Pamela Galli wrote: Also see no reason why tenants should get ALL the benefit and landlords nothing at all. To me it is fair for landlords to take a little something for themselves. Then both benefit. And yes, all of us who cash out have lost significant income on the exchange. Nor me. It seems quite fair to use this event as a way to reset the rents against the exchange rate. Possibly to grandfather in old tenants with free bonus but increase 10% or so for new tenants. That exchange rate loss has eaten a lot of profit.
  15. Some are going to take the excuse to claw back a little of the 5% exchange drop. That went from 248 to 260 and the fees went up a little too. So, in the case of Anshe, 6799+5%=7138 plus a little for future exchange moves rasterscan wrote: Anyone paying more than L$ 1.25 a prim needs to look around for better value imo Depends where you are getting those prims, if the sim is just a cookie cutter, or a themed, if it's mainland granite or Blake Sea connected. So 2-3 in some areas, 1 or less in others.
  16. /me searches "inflatable christmas" on marketplace /me giggles oookay "Blow-Up Nicholas, Santa Betty, and Nutcracker Sex Doll" Well, that's SL for you, any innocent search will return 'male appendages', BDSM, or porn.
  17. I do like there is a "Tail Tip" attach point. Now all I need is for someone to create a nice looking Neko tail, and then it can be... cuffed. (or bejewelled)
  18. krista1k wrote: if a person's account has been suspended.... does that remove them from the groups they were on? If they are on our account list is there a way to know that account is suspended? If someone gets a mere suspension, for a few days, no. They are not removed. If someone is permabanned they are removed from groups. You can also categorically check if someone has self-deleted or been permabanned by using my.secondlife.com/avatar.name (drop the .name part for a plain old resident) If that shows the words "This name is not available" they self-deleted or are permabanned. Anything else, they are not.
  19. Qie Niangao wrote: ...landlocked granite Corsica... ...Has to be the result of a Friday afternoon drinks session, fuelled with a mix of Sake and Canadian Club.
  20. grimmlim wrote: I hate that there aren't cute dark skins for the Kemono M3 HEAD. All the cute skins are light and pale or either TOO dark (I just joined SL btw and I LOVE customnization which is why this upsets me so.) Do you know how to use photoshop? You get the ultimate customisation for your M3 when you start making your own skins for it.
  21. We all have fond memories of some of the earliest places we were in. For me it was Violet of a decade ago - long before the griefers arrived.
  22. These steps will help reduce it. * Make a flying outfit, remove as many scripts as you can. The less scripts you have on you the less time it will take for your old sim to stop the scripts running, "zip them up", send them to the new sim, "unzip them", and start them running again. If your hair has scripts consider wearing a hat instead. * Remove as much clothing complexity as you can, especially mesh attachments. Each attachment needs to be loaded by the simuator and will add a little more delay. The simpler you are to load, the faster the crossing will become. The faster it is the less chance you have of a crash. * Try to always cross away from the sim corners. If you cross from sim 1 into sim 2, then into sim 3 before sim 2 has done it's bit then you will crash. Crossing on the corners increases the risk of a sim 1/2/3 crash dramatically. * Consider going a little bit slower. The faster you go the more chance there is of moving into a sim your computer has not yet loaded. I am able to sail a 512 LI ship at 10 knots with ease, but if I take a 32LI vehicle at 35 knots then I will surely crash. Throttle back a little and enjoy the scenery. * Keep your draw distance to a suitable level - this one is trial and error, but I find 320 meters helps me see what is coming without overloading my network * reduce your bandwidth setting. This is a less-is-more setting. 512 or lower can help, depending on your network.
  23. It almost works and would actually be quite a enjoyable way to play the game for some people. You need to find a Daydream QR code as Daydream can't truely run cardboard apps. I used  You also need to disable NFC. There was no 3D effect, it was a 2D VR experience, but this could be the fault of that QR code. Additionally the cardboard button is pressed down solid, so where you look you walk. And that was the only fault - I couldn't stand still and just look, I was always walking. I really do now hope that Lumiya adds Daydream support properly, which according to my understanding of the API isn't overly hard. Looking around the world by moving your head and using the daydream controller to walk + google speech recognition for words would be enjoyable - based on the cardboard hack.
  24. Script wise it is trivial to look for a porson's position in the sim and if "inside a room" send them a RP style message or even teleport them home. If you use experiences you can also track the location on their camera and give them a "please don't peek through the curtains" warning. Do you know a scripter? Ask them for help. If not, ask in the wanted area of the forums.
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