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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Meh, I didn't much care for that movie. T1 and T2 were great, after that things started going south. The last thing I saw, I don't even remember which one it was, was so bad I only saw half of it.
  2. Any volume setting lower than 100% doesn't count. Obviously.
  3. The way it works in Sweden is, everyone hates on whoever is south of them, and with Gothenburg being so far south, everyone hates on them. They particularly stand out for their horrendous accent, bad humour, and the fact that they refuse to pronounce kex like normal people. They say 'chex', and they will argue about why they're 'right' to do so and how the rest of Sweden is saying it wrong - the audacity!
  4. I reckon that'll have to be close enough.
  5. Random headline: "German fire fighters had to rescue rat trapped in sewer grate". Poor thing!
  6. Is that the title of the book, or did your relationship with the book end once you were finished with it ..?
  7. Yes. I'll give you a clue: every year, reenactors of Danish soldiers breach the town gate. The Danish conquest sort of fizzled out and the territory never swapped hands. When Stockholm got word about how the town had gone ahead and constructed a town wall (which is a special privilege that only cities with express permission may do according to medieval law in large parts of Europe), the town was fined by the king. Thanks to the wall, the town is now an UNESCO world heritage.
  8. As much as I do love that train, I don't expect it'd make the best living arrangement for two reasons. Firstly, it's a bit unwieldy - you'd need a pretty large chunk of land to accommodate it. The ratio of interior floor space to exterior space requirement isn't the most optimal; just rezzing the locomotive and one cart takes up a fair stretch of land. Secondly, it has a fairly high draw weight, as is usual with stuff from DRD unfortunately. Especially if you want to make a scenic surrounding on ground level with neighbors having their stuff about, it's likely to get quite laggy rather fast. An alternative that I unfortunately can't point at any specific product for, is to get an interior only build. I have come across trains (and airplanes) that are built with just the interior, and out the windows there's a scripted texture that moves as if you're flying through the air. It's been a while since I saw any, but they are around, somewhere.
  9. There's Virtual Secrets, of course ...
  10. US presidents are changed out every 4-8 years, I don't see why this is any more 'historical' than the inauguration of Franklin Pierce. Do you think that, in a hundred years' time, people are going to look back to today and say 'this was especially significant' or 'this was an important turning point in US history'? People are a bit liberal with calling things 'historical', in my opinion. Personally I'm watching something that contains both history and cooking!
  11. Please elaborate on how it is 'sexism towards women'. Surely, you don't think that criticizing or blaming anyone who happens to be a man is 'sexism towards men'? Or should I feel offended whenever someone points out that Gavrilo Princip's actions led to the first world war? I don't refute the fact that there are intelligent women, by any means - but that's an extremely anecdotal point which certainly has no influence whatsoever on anything at all. And maybe Earth is flat, and the pyramids were constructed by an extraterrestrial civilization that popped by that one time to stack some stones and then went on their merry way, satisfied with having slightly modified the topography of certain areas of our planet.
  12. Orwar


    Are you referring to unpacking things? Some, but not all, can be attached (added) to your avatar to be unpacked. Unfortunately you usually won't know before you've tried to rez (drag to the floor) or attach it to see whether that worked.
  13. Have you tried to log in with the SL viewer to see whether that works? If FS is having issues and there are several people having them, I'm sure they'll be fixed soon. You could try an older version meanwhile (assuming the SL viewer works, if not, it might not be the viewer itself).
  14. Not just posts - I walked around with my tag 'enthusiast of eucalyptus' for I don't know how long before I noticed it had been changed ... Anyway, today's peeve! Not being able to have pets with my current living situation. They so cute!
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