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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. And then, there are those of us who are friendly and creepy! ... Actually that's supposed to be a secret. Don't tell anyone.
  2. It's not my fault you got a shroom-head! ... ...
  3. Yes ... I have some design ideas for what it should look like already.
  4. Yeah, I'll usually just type in 'Demo' and 'Search in this store', to see their range. It all just doubles up to more stupidity when you take into account that people tag their stuff with everything they can think of. If you search for 'Maitreya AND Combat boots' you'll still get dresses and swimwear pop up - that have no boots at all!
  5. Right-click your avi -> Appearance > Reset > Skel & Anim (unborks your avi if your bones has been dislocated). But yeah, the hole isn't a skeleton issue but a design fla-- Choice. A design choice. Ahem.
  6. Peeve: the Second Life Marketplace being silly. Just ugh, every clothing web shop I ever looked at (which, granted, aren't a whole lot) just had one listing for a product, and then you have the size and colour options in that product listing. Having to go through 3-4 pages of the same product over and over again because there's a gazillion colour options for every darned thing is just disgusting. Especially when, once you finally get past one block of listings for the same shoes, the same creator has another 3-4 pages of the top, and 3-4 pages of the bottoms for the same outfit, also in a gazillion colours. It makes browsing such a chore that I frequently just give up trying to find something. So then you decide that hey, I'm 8 pages in, let's just put 'NOT <creator>' in the search to get rid of it - but when you've gotten a few pages in again, there's another creator who did the same, and then another, and then a hundred more. Maybe give us a block option for the MP (if there isn't one already?) so that we don't manually have to put 'NOT <creator 1> NOT <creator 2> NOT <creator 3>' etc in the search. It'd also get rid of the requirement for separate demo listings.
  7. Looked it up, and apparently Neph's ears are from aii as well. It's the tail that's from Sweet Thing in her case!
  8. As far as I know, that's just how Genus heads do it. It's a rather peculiar design choice, as it can make fitting human mesh ears a chore as well (the hole is pretty big). Depending on how the neko ears are rigged, you can try to just reduce the ear size to 0, and see whether they're still visible.
  9. Maybe I should just let you loose in my skybox. I just can't seem to bring myself to furnishing it - I'm too easily distracted.
  10. Yeah, Skell does have some astonishing looks that I couldn't pull off too, I'm not quite as adventurous as he is. I don't think I've changed my clothes for nearly two weeks by now, and because I finally gave in and bought some untucked shirts I can only wear them with two or three different choices of trousers from what I have. Neph can mix and match a lot more since, well, tops that don't reach the waist don't tend to clip with trousers. Something is going to have to go very wrong before I put a crop top on Orwar! Let me know if you find anything on that front, my place is rather empty.
  11. Neph has that one, I was thinking of getting it for Orwar as well ...
  12. I mean. Neph has been around much shorter than Orwar has. Her wardrobe has more than 11 times as many things in it (and Orwar has 2 bodies, Neph only uses 1). Both have the same fashion sense. So ... Yeah.
  13. Hm, are you on a work computer that has URLs with 'bdsm' as part of it locked ..? Just Google for 'funny rat taxidermy'!
  14. When your interests include BDSM and playing with dead animals ... ... I think I may have found my future hobby.
  15. Peeve: when a song sticks in your head - but not just any song, but an extremely explicit song. Had to try getting it out of my system in the workshop with my headphones on, and in the middle of the refrain a class mate prods me; I was terrified she'd heard through my headphones, but apparently we were just being called to a meeting. Now I'm home, and listening to the song on repeat as loud as my system goes. Catchy pop-esque industrial metal can be dangerous. Also, when YouTube is down.
  16. Orwar


    I have some questions. First, why did you take a picture of your monitor, rather than just using your computer to take a picture of your avatar? I see people doing this in this type of thread frequently, and it strikes me as very curious. Secondly, why is your UI sideways ..? Thirdly ... Why? You've said nothing about yourself, what you like to do, what your interests are, or when you're usually online - there's not a whole lot to go on for anyone, aside from your avatar picture. All I can take away from it is that you like pink. I don't like pink, so for me that'd be a pass.
  17. This has happened to me a few times. The weirdest one was after one had thrown a fit about me not being into her (and how that warranted leaving SL - after just having purchased a private region that she'd barely gotten started with). People are weird.
  18. That is wild. It also reminds me of that age old joke: Q: How do you sink a Norwegian submarine? A: You swim down, knock on the hatch and ask them to let you inside.
  19. Or here's a wild idea. How about we could pick the lastname the same way we pick our firstnames - i.e. just type them in? I know that this isn't happening and that changing the way names work is a lot of work - but I don't see how it would have been a lot more work to just, make lastnames function the same as firstnames - or just allowing the use of a space when you compose your name. Either way, this current system is what LL has gone with and I doubt they'll change it anytime soon again. On the bright side, it does give us something to laugh at whenever they release new lists of available names.
  20. Why on earth would you need to wear mesh lingerie that you can't even see, under loose fitting clothing? That's just going to add to your complexity for no darned reason - it offers no privacy; if your clothes loading in is an issue, chances are your bits will only be on display for longer as you now have more stuff for people to load in, and if it's to avoid peepers who upskirt or derender, it's again pretty much pointless - just wear either BOM lingerie under your clothes, or wear alpha layers, and you've solved all of the issues. If it's because you want to be able to take something off and be in lingerie rather than your birthday suit, just put the mesh lingerie on just before taking the clothes off.
  21. Neph went out to explore the railroad network of Belliseria. This was the closest to a train conductor outfit I could find. Also couldn't be bothered to edit the shot; it's just a midnight WL (Uh, EEP thingy, whatever we call them these days) and a single projector light. I wrote a little about the trip (and posted some more pictures) here!
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