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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. I do make those on occasion, primarily Christmas. It's pretty easy to set up: Take a picture Rez a prim cube Put the texture on the prim (I usually make all other sides blank or transparent) Form the prim cube into the right dimensions (to match the picture's aspect ratio on one side, and making it thinner along the other side) Write a notecard Put the notecard in the prim, along with an unpacking script (i.e. one that on touch sends the notecard inside, as opposed to the silly unpackers most stores use that'll send you the script itself along with all other contents of the box) Take the prim into your inventory and rename it appropriately Right-click the object and attach to HUD, and select where you want it to be (usually centre). Make sure that it is rotated the right way around and that the size is what you want it to be Send it out to whoever you like! Such a greeting card could also be rezzed by the recipient, and has no more than 1 LI. You also could use a texture changing script to flip the prim card, having one side as the picture, and the other as the text side with the text on a texture as well. I've also made my own mesh cards of the sort you fold (although in my case it was entirely static). It was 0.5 LI and UV'd so that I could fit both the front and back on a single texture (which is easy enough considering everything was squares) - no idea if I still have it anywhere, or whether I made it before I switched computer .. But yes, it absolutely can be done, and to at least some extent is used. Another alternative is to just include a texture in a notecard - if you allow copy and mod on the texture, the recipient can even frame it if they'd like to. And of course, don't forget to sign it! voluptatem et dolorem / pax et concordia / Árs Fridr / Respectfully / Regrettably / Resentfully / Reprehensibly / Resolutely / Relievedly / Repulsedly / Redundantly - Orwar Furlgrimr, esq, desk, etc. Friday the nineteenth of March anno diaboli MMXXI Lost at sea off the coast of Bellisseria
  2. This is the second time today someone agrees with me. What is happening?!
  3. Superpower: I've always been partial to Force Choking. Music: Rammstein. Not that I listen to them exclusively, by any stretch of the imagination, but I've been an avid fan for more than two thirds of my life. TV-show: Stargate. SG-1. It has everything you could ever want out of a TV show!
  4. Huh. If you're referring to the hair, flexi-hairs can't be rigged.
  5. I open Spotify. I double-click an Ost+Front album. I turn up the volume. Roomie bangs on the wall and screams at me. I air drum. Easy peasy!
  6. . . . Pooossibly. Isn't that uh . . . From the uh . . . That place? This? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CHAIN-Misty-Hair-DEMO/20612253
  7. Environment: we really need to do something about the emissions - but I'm still going to use plastic for everything and drive my car all over the place because it's convenient. Corona: people really need to stop going out in crowds and going to parties to stem the tide of death - but it mustn't get in the way of my social life. SL: People on average are using much too many scripts, which is the primary reason going to crowded places is a performance nightmare - but don't touch my scripts. As you make the bed, so you must lie, as we say in a laughably direct-translated Swedish proverb. Also it'd be nice with some actual arguments that aren't based on 'I'm too lazy and/or stupid to manage going full BoM'. Here, let me provide one for you: one drawback of alpha masks in their current state is the limits to their channels; with most mesh bodies using mirrored arms on the UV maps, you cannot asymmetrically alpha them to accommodate asymmetrical sleeves. This is a valid concern, for the time being, but if LL get around to actually make universal layers a viable option and update alpha masks to contain more channels to match them, this wouldn't be an issue - alternatively, body makers could 'do an Evo X' and switch up the UV maps to accommodate separate arms (although this would of course render all skins, tattoos and BoM clothes made up 'til this point incompatible, unless they instead put in another script to make it toggleable - at which point we haven't actually made as much progress as we've gone sideways). Furthermore, the alpha HUDs don't actually do much for the whole 'symmetry' issue as you're pretty much forced to design your tight-fitting clothes to line up with the 8 sections available on the arms, lest you'll end up with the issue of a pie piece either clipping a little or your arm being slightly disconnected from the rest of your avi. Whilst asymmetry is achievable therethrough, it still forces designers to 'draw within the lines', so to speak. Never fear, there's a solution to this problem too:
  8. An LM will include coordinates within the destination region. If you have two different levels on top of each other, the only thing you need to have are different Z axis coordinates, say for example 64, 64, 100 for one and 64, 64, 200 for the other. Each LM can have different names, as the name of the LM does not in any way have to do with where the coordinates are on the grid - it's only for the user to know where it goes. So the first LM can be called 'My Club' and the second can be called 'My Store'. The only thing that using LMs like this will require, is that the users aren't forcibly teleport-routed to any coordinates through the land options. If the teleport routing is set to 'landing point', all incoming teleporters as well as anyone trying to teleport within the region will be forced to that point instead. The easiest way to create the different landmarks is to just move your avatar to where you want them, then go into world -> landmark this place, and your current coordinates will be used.
  9. Alphas muss sein! I abhor the alpha HUD pies. Can't wait for the updates of Signature and Maitreya when they do away with it and lighten up the texture and script use of the HUDs.
  10. I prune every now and then. Actually started with it earlier today, but then Flickr broke and the buttons for editing images vanished .. I also notice my gif link expired, oh well!
  11. Extinction isn't in any way 'required' for a species to evolve. Evolution can also occur when a species spreads and have to adapt to new surroundings - in due course, they will be distinct species in their own right (although that takes rather a long time), but in the short term things like fur or feather colours may shift, beaks or claws may begin to change shape - it's really up to us humans, as we're the ones who've invented the taxonomy system, to decide how different they must become to become a new species or subspecies. I can't remember off the top of my head what it was I was watching, some documentary in which they brought up the national bird of some island group nation and how they struggled to decide how it should be portrayed as there were 27 'variants' of the bird depending on where and on which islands they lived, but were still all 'the same kind of bird'. Evolution is not driven by a need to replace an outdated version of a species, but to adapt a species to its surroundings - and it all works on the individual level; it is then the survivors that breed and carry their genes forwards in the generations, and through this, those individuals within a species who manages to adopt and thrive will contribute to the genepool whilst individuals within a species who die (or just, can't compete in whichever mating rituals the species has) .. Don't do very well with the whole breeding thing, and thus cease to contribute to the genepool.
  12. Slipping into obsolescence due to lack of updates to stay up to snuff.
  13. They do look strange . . . There were some on the MP front page from what people were just buying a while back. I giggled.
  14. In the 'real world', the practice of writing physical letters has universally declined, as the convenience of mobile telephones and instantaneous electronic mail has made it practically obsolete - not that it stops some people from still doing it simply because it is a fun and affectionate means of communication. Just like pre-packaged frozen dinners hasn't made home cooking obsolete! But what about SL? Certainly, it being a virtual letter, it doesn't have that handwritten personality, or the physical attributes of, well, a physical letter. But does it have any virtues that still gives it charm, or perhaps even convenience? There is one particular scenario in which I'll compose a notecard rather than send an IM: people I don't know whether they are online or available. Whether it's store owners, or people reaching out through the forums, a notecard is more likely to find its way than a stray IM is, and it doesn't necessarily prompt any urgency in the recipient to reply with any immediacy. Besides it feels as if it better accommodates a more formal approach, you can better format a notecard than you can an IM - if you need to write rather a few words to explain a problem, or if you wish to add reasoning or just simply strew in some politeness (or perhaps a vivid description of what an absolute rotter the recipient is?), notecards certainly allow for doing so more elegantly than a tightly crammed wall of text would. Besides, whilst looking back into a chat log can be nostalgic, one does rather tend to accumulate quite a heap of chat history, which prohibits any precise navigation, usually. And if your hard drive burns, that's all gone. Unless you back up your chat logs in a cloud storage or a save stick . . . The thought strikes me as quite weird, though. But, finding old notecards from family, friends, or partners in your inventory when you're having a half-ahemmed go at some spring cleaning your inventory (composing this very post may well be the result of an alarmingly expedient procrastinating diversion thereof!) - well, there you have a window back to Valentine's of twenty-nineteen, or a love letter someone wrote you in twenty-sixteen that you had completely forgotten about. Or just finding you had, for some reason, saved your SL Christmas card list from twenty-eighteen - who was on there? Or an invitation to your sisters' birthday festivities the other year, which brings back how you asked someone to dance and promptly nodded off. People still bring that up on occasion. Friends who've been around for a long time by now, some whom you speak to on a daily basis, others that you communicate with more rarely, will reach out to say 'Wow, I just happened upon the notecard you wrote me before we became friends!'. When I began composing the post, I was just going to ask whether people used notecards to communicate in a social capacity. After having seen where things went though, I'd like to add a recommendation: do it.
  15. .. Whut. I've had the same phone number since I first got a phone. Changed phones a few times since then, even sim cards. Still can't remember my own number. It's only been 16-17 years or so?
  16. It's probably the case for most Internet forums, no matter the topic. People can be toxic, rude, and inconsiderate on forums for supposedly supportive pregnancy communities as well. ... Don't ask me what I was doing there. My reasons were entirely horribl-- I mean, honourable. So. Spring in 3 days, huh? Got to love the whole .. Sun and .. Stuff. Retches.
  17. I much prefer to live and let die. ... Is going to have that riff stuck in his head for a week. Worth it!
  18. Not all special characters are supported in display names. If you try to use one that isn't, it will look as if it worked for a bit on your end, but then it'll revert to the previous one again. I'm not sure whether there's a list of which characters can be used anywhere as I refrain from using them - display names should be legible, in my opinion - but perhaps someone else has a useful link somewhere.
  19. I'd like to extend that to language in general. People with so little respect for the importance of consistent and coherent communication that they don't mind hijacking an established word to give it a meaning of their own, so that they may then point out how your opinion is somehow 'uneducated' because you don't keep up with their lingo, to shift focus away from how batship crazy their ideas are.
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