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Ethan Paslong

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Everything posted by Ethan Paslong

  1. Kalback Legal Insanity Lapointe & Bastchild Ascend A&D Not so Bad Clef de Peau Lenox Cold Ash Gild Meva Mossu Riot Gabriel Gas Zed PBM Versov lots more.... and visit the main male events: TMD Mancave Men jail Mens only Monthly
  2. first one, and with test: attach and color your freenis
  3. new premium perk? new players under 90 days : one minute clips with instructinal info no payment on file: 30 sec ads payment on file but not used : 30 secs ads payment info used: 15 secs ads premiums no ads
  4. the question should be: are people who going to live there adult enough to keep the community as nice as it is ... i think i know the answer.....
  5. retorical question i hope?
  6. none if they change my name(s) it would be the last day ever being here.
  7. /me... my alt is sad..3-5 am (rl) is really a bit too late/early 😢
  8. being premium isn't needed in case of using the Lindex and Proces Credit, only having a valid payment method and paypal/skrill for the proces credit.
  9. no they do not, they only tell you "made for"
  10. for me it means the same as hru, sup, k, ..... : dbmidwc *don't bother me i don't want to chat"
  11. placing it in the right subsection? this is: Regions for Sale: Full Private Island For promoting your full transfer sale of your region. Formerly Regions for Sale: Full Regions.
  12. the gradingscale doesn't go lower but this would be a F - ? ... in Western Europe, a 3- .. ( we grade between 10 and 0, the 0 nearly not given, always a 1 for the efford of wrting your name on the test) If shareholders would get 4 instead of 15 promessed there would be a replacement of the whole board. Nothing wrong with ambition, but please keep it to a scale you can handle... and ditch that Sansar...
  13. not sure where you read 5 different explanations... paid tier level is 35 usd... means 8192 sqm + premium 1024 + 10% if you use a group ( do nót donate this last to the group!,the 10% is added to the groups available sqm automaticly)
  14. be carefull it can be confusing for sure for new buyers you really need to look at the "parcel" capacity only, teh region capacity will mislead .. thats showing the (group) owned capacity on the total sim.
  15. i don't mind older posts getting at top again, for sure not when it adds something like yours did. I just like it to to let somebody roll eyes...grins 😀
  16. 😉 you didn't start the necro, the post above yours brought the thread up
  17. 1. depends on the market, current rate has 17 million waiting at 251 that's not that much, but everybody who adds the same or better will get in front of you. So i'ts very difficult to set a time to wait. 2 you can always cancel a order and add it again at a better rate. What that rate should be is on you, but think you'r pretty close to it already with 250.. you could lower it to 251 to be in the first row to sell If you want to sell faster... go to 252 ( see in the window where you enter it, how much difference that brings) 3 what is sell on the one is buy at the other, the buy/sell is from resident position , the marketdata is the Lindex view. 4 as any marketdata there are always fluctuations. the Lindex works totally the same as any currency market at Wall street... You can't simply say the other amounts you see are older, they can be, but also added just a minute ago by somebody who thinks to get rich fast ... It's at the current market quite safe to say that the sell orders lower than 245/1 will be stuck for some years. There's such flow in the offering of selling nobody will ever take the offer of less L$ for his USD.
  18. hmm we take the touristic route?... i know a few more that are worth to be seen 🕺
  19. the others are still dreaming about Chris pine and your Jason
  20. based on? ohh finally again... the sky is falling... the sky is falling... i really missed this for a while great... finally agreement with most of us... SL IS better
  21. ehmm...the one soon, the other also soon but different soon and i wouldnt be surprised it takes a bit more time, but it will be rolled out when time is there around same time as steps in premium are added
  22. If a Linden or Mole finds your driveway hanging over the edge of your land your additional driveway will be deleted .. as on all parcels, roadsides don't allow encroaching objects.
  23. when i see a question like this i expect to find a possibly interesting post to discuss a familyhome. But when finding just a link to a questionaire makes me move away faster than i came here...
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