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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. And a herd of elephants in your swimming pool will create more refuse than a dragon fly.... Here is the script usage of one of my rezzed breedables - compare this with your typical mesh head/body avatar loaded with accessories, and tell me which is worse: [Script info: 'KittyCats - 9T-f MCPC SW Wld Vamp': [4/8] running scripts, 512 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.000971 ms of CPU time consumed.] The 4 running scripts are for touching to display chat text information, and keeping track of food usage locally. Food uses one line of code about every 10 minutes. Total stats: 1 objects, 1 prims for one kittycat breedable: Faces: 6 Visible: 6 Vertices: 44 Triangles: 22 Complex.: 1,598 Textures: 4 TMem: 4,864 KB VRAM: 4,864 KB ------------------------------------------------------------ A mesh chair not in use with a few sit poses is worse: [Script info: 'DO Cottage Cushions': [7/7] running scripts, 448 KB allowed memory size limit, 0.001257 ms of CPU time consumed.] And this is a very well designed mesh chair: Total stats: 1 objects, 2 prims Faces: 4 Visible: 4 Vertices: 3,532 Triangles: 5,046 Complex.: 1,209 Textures: 2 TMem: 6,144 KB VRAM: 8,192 KB Compare this to your typical avatar... And how about those moving leaf trees the Moles use for building in Belli? - I wish they would at least make them phantom..
  2. It takes about 50 stationary breedable kittycats inworld, to create as much lag as one avatar. Therefore: Avatars are the one of the worst things ever added to SL.
  3. Firestorm Search does not crash for me, ever. If this is a consistent error with your computer setup, go to FS help group and ask if anyone else has ever seen your result. Since you showed FS search result on your earlier post and it worked, I guess you were just reporting that the internet world is not always perfect. Events search does not require an asterisk to do a "no key words" search in Firestorm. If you add the * it returns the same results as with no *. Same as it's been for many years. Are the results for both viewers the same? Well if they are not, I want a refund!
  4. When you listen to an online streaming station, they always get your IP address, which then gives them your general location. It's all automated with their music software to customize ads to your area. Not much you can do about this. Clear cookies, and use a VPN from the Ukraine - at least the ads will be different.
  5. The Linden Realms and Paleoquest used to be full of false positives. Their cheating detectors simply don't work when you are doing normal game play. Paleoquest seems to have gotten better - but's it is still a joke. Normal jumping and running can trigger their detectors, usually when there are other avatars around you. I have never worn any kind of HUD in Paleoquest, but jump a little too high with a standard avatar and they accuse you of either "flying or not moving". They can't tell the difference, and jumping is part of the game and not flying or cheating. If I am jumping or running, I can't be stationary either. The same detector basically says, we don't know if you are moving or not, so we will just send you back to the start. In Linden Realms I can measure my speed, and it is exactly either SL default walk speed or run speed, since the avatar is just a deformed system avatar. No HUDs. At one time they tried to call jumping, part of the game, cheating. At least with my avatar, they haven't done that for a couple years. However you can jump twice as high as normal if you hit one of their invisible physical boxes when jumping up a cliff. This is on the normal marked path for the game, You can't get to the next quest without jumping. They no longer detect this as cheating, because it is normal SL default Forward Arrow + Page Up jump, where you hit two physical boxes closely in time, before gravity causes you to fall back. And it is impossible to control the jump height at some spots. At one spot I can do a normal jump, and go 3 times the normal height before I fall back down, about every 10 jumps - random. Jumping above a tree height on the top of a cliff is a complete waste of time. I have not found any "flying" detectors operating in the Realms. More likely some observer saw you jump too high (normal because of the build) and filed an AR w/ a photo. Governance will never tell you why, where or when you were banned in the game. Which of course makes it impossible to appeal.
  6. I have an alt that looks exactly like my main acct name. I made it before someone else did, and tried to impersonate me. I have to change the tag name so most can tell the difference. It also uses the same mesh head and body and hair. For some reason though it looks younger than me. Must be those tight fitting system jeans.
  7. Google Search gets it right, actually only lists the quoted string hit:
  8. The dropdown suggests using multiword phrases "clothing store" to narrow the search down. Quotes usually mean search for the exact search string, in any normal search engine I have used. But strings seem to be interpreted as: worda AND/OR wordb AND/OR wordc in any order, in the SL search. So don't use a common word or you just get everything: Of course it didn't find this forum, which is not inworld. Turns out there are very few forums in SL. Twelve hits for forum inworld:
  9. Yes, I re read the announcement again and it says the tax after paying will be clearly shown. I also forgot they had not started taxing the purchase of Lindens yet. A friend purchased $100 USD of Lindens on April 2, and I could not figure out where the sales tax was listed in her records she showed me. Of course there was no tax collected.
  10. LL/Tilea knows what they charged you for sales tax at the time of the sale. And they know this in US Dollars. There is no reason why the transaction to say, Buy Lindens, should not show what you paid in sales tax, somewhere in your online account records. Every other internet business shows the sales tax just like they show shipping charges, when they list your order. Why is LL not showing this? It's not difficult in the least.
  11. I like this point, but as you say, it gets old fast going to the trouble. And normally I would never think a thread in the Technical section of this forum would ever become a mud slinging contest. What bothered me was all the work I put in collecting in world data about different TPV's and the SL Viewer, and putting that (unpublished data) info in a post, only to have all those posts removed, for unknown reasons. I swear the nuclear codes for Putin's ICBM's was not hidden in that data. There's more to this story than I am going to mention here, because I don't need another blanket ban.
  12. This happened to me. A 36 hour ban from logging into my SL inworld account, or my acct web page, or the community pages including these forums. What was my crime? I and others were trying to help someone who had no clue how off parcel Media works, and was complaining about it here on a Technical Forum. We all kept telling her how it actually worked and what she needed to do on her own parcel. This was regarded as a personal attack by her, and apparently submitted AR's and complaints every time we posted the information she needed. There was no personal attacks, no profanity, nothing but one upset lady that didn't like our advice. Based on this the moderator hid about 30 posts, and I got a 0 pt Warning for Abusive Behaviour, AND a 36 hr ban from logging into Second Life. So don't blame this on some robot program - I assume Governance has to approve a blanket ban from SL. I never got a response to my appeal, or any specific reason for the Warning, or my ban. But it is one reason I will never post here with my main account. My Warning point was from "profanity". I used the common word for a street walking lady in a post, that starts with W. Than was back in 2019. My coveted warning point was not related to the above 0 pt warning and ban.
  13. Awesome! Is that an old pre-mesh build? It looks great! No, that is Mesh with Materials, created by Walton Wainwright of ContraptioN. Normal size it is 7 LI. I resized it up a bit (I am Normal sized cat) to make it 34 LI. It was part of the Journey Collection, which I won in his Gacha for 75 L$ just before LL killed the Gachas. No longer available as a single item. It's now part of the complete Journey Collection full pack only. I have no connection to Contraption btw, just a fan of their creative arts. Hardly the crap with a gears on it that some here think steampunk is.
  14. My pet owl: https://i.gyazo.com/b41bf4687265eec213fd989307f8f09d.mp4
  15. I think the OP flunked the real estate exam, and needs to look for another line of work. I can safely say I have learned absolutely nothing by reading this thread!
  16. Hi Whisp, Just want to add my support for changing LL's completely stupid restriction on the SL Event posting time. As any club owner or manager knows, artists have a RL and are forced to change their sets at the last minute. Add that to log in issues and no shows, and finding a new singer or DJ at the last minute is all part of the business. There is no reason for the 2 hour limit - and in fact there should be no time limit at all, other than posting after an event is over. LL also now charges for posting an event, 50L for non premium and 10L for premium. Paying for a posting service, and then being restricted from changing it to reflect the actual event should not be allowed. This sounds like no one in LL has any club experience at all. There was once a work-around to allow last minute editing after the 2 hour restriction. But I tried that last week, and they have closed the loophole. Which Linden makes these decisions? BTW thanks for your support of Live performers in SL for the last 13 years. I try to make your early morning (SL time) events at Colour of Whispers, whenever I can.
  17. And how would that impact the hundreds of tiny animal and furry attachments that are the most common avatar form in the Linden games? Don't these need scripts to simulate some motions? I use a Kittycat Avatar, which is basically a deformed standard avatar with a full alpha layer, plus the cat as an attachment with a transponder. The motion is entirely from standard LL avatar scripts for movement and jumping translated to the body, leg motion and physics of a real cat, using the arrow keys and PageUp keys for movement. Flying is disabled in the games, so you cannot fly using the Home key. Here is my Worn Items when I wear the kittycat avatar. Would this still work with only Experience approved scripts allowed?
  18. Yes it would require more work that any effort would justify. Speed detectors are famous for false positives, since they fail to account for the hills and normal gravity in the SL Realms. As you run uphill, you slow down, and as you run downhill you speed up. The downhill speed can be 50% larger than the flat ground speed, setting off detectors for anyone using the standard LL avatar run speed. These became so obnoxious when a few self appointed police decided to use them, that the use of the detector HUD was an AR offense. Harassment and false accusations made in public chat by name was against the TOS. The Realm cops quickly went away or were banned. Jumping is a waste of momentum. You will not move any faster forward by hopping around like a grasshopper. There is one spot in the Realms where an illegal Hud enhancing jump can get you to a crystal region before running the quest. There are already detectors for entering from the wrong end, and the black splotches will get you, if the green mist doesn't. Flying is also mostly useless. Crystals grow from the land, and are not in the sky. Flying (actually changing gravity with a forward jump so you don't fall as fast) is another false cheat. You can legally jump the rocks in the last two quests in 20 to 30 secs. You can fly over them in 15 seconds. What's the rush? You have a week to finish the quest. The only serious cheating were those using the Follower Huds. I have not seen them in use since Abnor Mole put up the large signs warning against their use. Maybe a few new players can not read English, and they need the warning signs in other languages. I don't agree that there is any noticeable increase in cheating. It may have gone from 0% cheating to 5% cheating this year. I expect declining currencies against the US dollar might cause a few to try for a quick Linden. 25 Lindens/week won't get you far in the real world today. Inflation anyone?
  19. The TL;DR summary is: This is all expected behavior, so don't expect LL to fix it. The gateway traffic jams is largely because more avatars are playing the Realms, with fewer Realm estates now available. Prior to the payout cut and crackdown on players using Followers, there were 6 active Realm estates, with 12 regions per estate, all identical in landscaping and functions. Now there are two estates , LR 167 and LR 187. The other four have been taken offline over a year ago. When the Village region gets to capacity, the Try Again Later message seems to pop up. I could not enter the Realms just now, from Portal 1, which was directing traffic to LR187. I TPed to Portal 2, and entered LR167 on the first try. Both estates are up and active, but LR 187 is blocked until the avatars in LR187 move to another region. The intelligent switching at the portals seems to be broken also. There are no "decoy crystals", except the one you mentioned. It is called "Dummy Crystal v2" and is a leftover from the old Realms. Perhaps it is an NFT, so you can't take it away. (I heard Patch paid a fortune for it, but you know rumors...) The crystals that you cannot collect are phantom crystals, caused by your viewer not getting the message that they have derezzed. This happens if you are within a region range, but inactive for a while. The crystals actually derez if not taken within some time frame, around 10 mins or so. But because you were not within the range to see them derez, they are still there in your cache. If you click on one, it will vanish immediately since you just asked the servers to resend that information, and the updated data discovers it is in the non rez state. This is an issue all over the SL grid, but the frequent refreshing of crystals in the Realms just makes it easier to see. I doubt a JIRA will fix this basic SL design problem, since most residents never see it. Is LL trying to kill the Realms? I asked Patch that question last year and he said no. But they are doing nothing to make the Realms more fun or worthwhile to play either. Too many players in just 2 estates also means fewer of the high value crystals last for long. The main complaint from newbie players is, where are the green crystals? They got snapped up in seconds or a few minutes, and won't be back for another 25 mins - because too many players and too infrequent green and blue crystal recycling. I try to play the Realms once a week, and everything is harder to do there now, more time spent for less rewards. Is that the plan? Who knows?
  20. The Fantasy continent in Bellisseria is full of interconnected water channels, or large streams, that can be easily explored with a small shallow bottom boat. A larger motorboat that can seat up to 4 also works, but of course you still have sim crossings, so the fewer avatars the better. The waterway system there is a giant maze, so be prepared to spend hours getting lost. Repeating scenery throughout the hundreds of regions adds to the confusion, so you will need to use the maps to figure out where you are. A good starting point is the Fantasy Community Center Arrival point, where there are water rez zones nearby. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Eyrie/127/206/25
  21. Debug Settings \ ShowHoverTips = False What I really meant was, where is a USEFUL hover tip enabled in the SL Viewer. ShowHoverTips = True is enabled in Debug, and I get this mostly useless hover tip: While in Firestorm, the Hover Tip provides useful information that I use to check on prims, LI, owner, distance, location, and phantom state, as shown here: If I wanted to find that same information in the SL Viewer, I can't get it from a Hovertip. I would need to press the Info icon on the hovertip, open a window that tells me nothing, page back to another window, and finally give up and just use Edit. The point is, a hover tip is supposed to SAVE time by displaying the info without clicking through multiple hidden menus. Otherwise it is useless to me. Note the SL Viewer only displays the object name (first line), and a price if the item is for sale. FS hovertip does all that, and the info I need, with only a hover. And there is no way to enable a detailed hovertip in the SL Viewer. Why? SL assumes all users are idiots so their viewer must be dumbed down to that level. A new user can learn little with such a dumbed-down viewer. That is why a mentor will tell them to use a TPV from the start. FS also has a keyboard shortcut Cntrl-Shift-T to toggle hovertips on and off. SL Viewer has nothing but going to debug to turn hovertip off.
  22. I took a moment to consider, and decided to bump this old thread. All I want to know is where is the Enable Hover Tips in the GUI these days in the SL Viewer? I can't believe LL would remove hover tips and information on objects, but my latest SL Viewer just shows some useless thingie with an Info I on it when I hover over an object. Where is the hover tip like in Firestorm, that shows the object Name, grid location, Owner, Prims, LI, Position and Distance? I use these every day in FS, so the SL Viewer must have the same useful hover tip popup, right?
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