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Everything posted by Jaylinbridges

  1. I have 50 Mbps up and down on a direct wired fiber connection. It is massive overkill for just SL. Only time you want faster speed is for downloading movie and sound files, and that assumes the source doesn't limit their download speeds. I just TPed to a marketplace sim with many thousands of high resolution textures - a heavily loaded breeder marketplace using every last resource in their 30K private region. These are the results, for all data, TCP and UDP and local LAN. Note the download rate peaks around 11 Mbps for a few seconds. Data collection rate is every second on this graph: And for my Home region with a few breedables and 2 avatars, I need about 180 kbps. Turned on the radio stream and we need about 300 kbps. So I could get by with a 0.5 Mbps connection if needed for SL, if I never went anywhere
  2. You cannot use all the forms LL Dollars as the same thing. Linden Dollars are tokens, worth nothing outside of the game, as stated in their TOS. Tilia Dollars are a USD fiat currency that is still not a USD dollar in your bank account or wallet. The $600 IRS threshold does not apply to Linden Dollars at all. I am not sure if it applies to the Tilia Dollars in the Reserve account either, assuming those Tilia dollars are never cashed out to real USD in Paypal. I have assumed (might be wrong) that for Tilia to report your > $600 Tilia Dollar balance to the IRS with a 1099, they first had to send it to Paypal. If I have a $600 Tilia balance, just sitting there in Tilia, as what I still call "fake dollars" because I can not spend them in RL, does that cause a 1099 earnings form to be sent to the IRS? And what if that $600 is on hold by Tilia, to pay a land tier fee to SL? Now my Tilia balance is $0 Tilia dollars after SL takes it for tier, which is a business expense (I don't pay tiers for pleasure). And finally does anyone here have a business that earns over say $600 Tilia dollars in a short time like one month, and do you get a 1099 sent to you every month by Tilia, irregardless of whether you try to cash it out or not?
  3. Why do you think Tilia will not apply their "hold" policy to your alt's Tilia dollars? Tilia requires your full legal identification before they will approve any Process Credit to Paypal or Skrill. They know your full name, your RL address, your age, and your social security number and your e-mail address. (your RL phone number is optional.) If Tilia sees Linden dollars being transferred to or from an alt account, which they can easily confirm is yours, they could call this an illegal attempt to violate their new TOS terms. Or they can apply the new Hold policy to both accounts, since they share the same social security number and RL name. I have an alt account with Process Credit approval, to a different pay pal account connected to a different bank. But my RL name, social security number and ID are still the same for both my main and alt SL accounts. I am not going to test your scheme out after Oct. 31, 2022. Now if you can enlist another trusted person to open an SL account and obtain Process Credit approval, with a different social security number and address - I guess this could work. Might want to run this money laundering scheme through Tilia first though.
  4. I don't think OP wants advice. Just wants to vent. IT'S BROKEN AND THEY WON'T FIX IT!
  5. Of course, Paypal has no direct FDIC insurance. But I would only use the funding transfer when I was actually paying a bill to Tilia and LL. And this transaction is instantaneous, or maybe a few seconds. I don't need FDIC insurance for funds that are in my Paypal account for a few seconds. The money in my bank account is still FDIC insured. And if I transfer Paypal funds to my bank account, those funds are also insured once they reach my bank account, the same as any cash deposit I add to my bank account. So it really does matter. Added: see prior post - all banks have FDIC insurance as stated, and PayPal has NO requirement that you ever keep any funds in their account. With a $0.00 balance in Paypal, they simply take the funds from your member bank, insured funds.
  6. Not everyone pays with a credit card. My payments to LL are from Paypal, which transfers funds from my connected bank account, that has both FDIC insurance and pays interest. If I don't have the funds in my bank account, the bank may still pay Paypal/LL, and hit me with an overdraft fee. Usually I keep enough in Paypal to cover all my LL expenses. This hold request does not list a time frame, just they use their "sole discretion" to decide. The only way to find out how much you can have as a process credit is to wait 5 to 30 days and see what they have held back. If this was automatic when you made your process credit request, then it would not require someone's "sole discretion" decision. If high income land barons or designers wanted to avoid the risk of LL holding their fake Tilia dollars, they could and some already do, ask for payment for their product and services from RL credit or debit cards, or Paypal directly - bypassing the fees and uncertainty of these new TOS rules. If their usual payment is with Lindens, now they get stuck with holds. Reducing one's payment obligations to LL is the only way to avoid Tilia dollar holds. Fewer inworld stores, fewer regions to pay for, etc. LL already knows there are few income generators in SL (artists, designers, land barons, and escorts), so they can do this without many complaints.
  7. If LL tells Tilia to withhold any Tilia dollars from a process credit because you may owe those dollars to LL in the future ("If you accumulate more value in your Stored Value Account than you need to pay amounts associated with your use of SL"), then there is no separation. Tilia follows whatever LL tells them according to the LL TOS. You must follow the LL TOS rules, not the Tilia rules, or delete your SL account!
  8. 4.3 Process Credit from Stored Value Account to Permitted Account If you accumulate more value in your Stored Value Account than you need to pay amounts associated with your use of Second Life, Tilia may, in its discretion and subject to its agreement with Second Life, allow you to request a refund from your Stored Value Account. Subject to your compliance with Tilia’s Terms of Service, you may be permitted to request that Tilia process a credit from your Stored Value Account, in an amount equal to all or a portion of the available funds associated with your Stored Value Account, to your PayPal account or other account permitted by Tilia. Tilia, in its sole discretion, will approve or deny your request. If approved, the request will be subject to a fee (the “Process Credit Fee”) payable to Tilia, and the credit will be processed within approximately five (5) to ten (10) business days following the request. Some requests may take up to thirty (30) days to process. So say you "own" 10 regions bought from LL (private regions), and you then pay LL $2,290 USD/month in tier to LL. If you want to cash out say, $500 USD with a process transfer, you must have 2,290 + 500 + fees in your Stored Value Account, to get $500 to Paypal or your bank. Tilia will hold the first $2,290 to pay your monthly land tier. Some landowners might prefer to pay LL from their interest earning insured bank accounts, instead of leaving $2,290 in their SVA. Of course if you never sell your Lindens for Tilia dollars, they will take the tier from an outside account. But your renters pay you in Lindens, so you need to sell Lindens into your Tilia SVA so you can afford to pay your region tiers. How will the land barons like this new rule? I prefer to keep my Tilia SVA at $0 USD and only have a balance when I am doing a process credit. Why give my dollars to Tilia for no interest and no FDIC insurance?
  9. Wasn't the reason they raised the process credit fee last time, was so they could transfer your money to pay pal in 2-3 business days on average? Are they going to raise the fee again, so we can hope for 5-10 days?
  10. I agree with you Rick. But until they change the shutdown process so people won't go shutting down their computers too quickly, you just have to adapt. LL and the SL coding has never been known for writing robust software. And the old programmers who might have been able to keep the code up to date have retired or left LL. Timing and race conditions have caused problems for years, as hardware outpaces the software design in LL. My point is they might think there are higher priority bugs to fix than this one. Their early answer to shutdown was to prevent a user seeing the Window desktop until the viewer was finished updating the logout state. Now they hide that, for what reason I have no idea. Maybe it's a feature Marketing requested. Logins were also a problem with large flat inventories, and the viewer often just timed out and you had to start over.
  11. Neither is mine. My shutdown time before the "performance" viewers was about 10 secs. I have 85K of non flat inventory. But if I insisted on shutting off my computer to save energy, 5 secs after I logged off, then I might be affected. Good luck convincing the SL coders that this is an important issue. One of the praises from the masses about the new performance viewer is that it "shuts down so quickly". You think this might be a reason why it was included?
  12. It is in both the SL Viewer and FS code, which copied the SL code. I am not affected since I do not shut down my computers seconds after I log out of SL. Those who are affected should file a JIRA. Being retired, I really don't have such a tight time schedule anymore that I can not wait 30 secs before turning off my computer, "to save energy".
  13. Just like they did before the "instant shutdown". You did not see the WIndows desktop return when closing down the viewer until the application was finished. If you shut down your computer when FS was still closing, as the shutdown window told you, the corruption was on you. The problem is the fake instant shutdown. Submit a JIRA to LL and to FS if you are affected. They might just close your JIRA, telling you to simply wait a minute before shutting down Windows.
  14. You mean Windows? It used to take minutes for FS to shutdown with large flat inventories, as I said earlier. If the user shuts down Windows before FS is finished, you corrupt the .gz file. It would really help if someone familiar with the viewer (SL and FS) shutdown code would explain why the new performance viewers appear to shut down instantly, instead of minutes for some inventories, as they did in prior viewer versions.
  15. I always leave my desktop systems powered up 24/7. Only thing that powers down is the monitor displays, with a screen saver after 20 mins, and sleep mode after 30 mins. I never have missing inventory problems. I guess with some laptops, when you close the screen it logs out windows and powers down. Never power down in Windows until all active program processing is completed. Must be that everyone is in a hurry these days. Slow down and you will live longer. I had a partner that had a desktop laptop, and a horribly flat and large SL inventory. For 5 years nobody explained to her how to make a sub folder, so she had none, just a 250K very flat Main inventory. It would take 3 mins for her to log out of SL. She was always shutting down before she got the explorer desktop back, thinking something had crashed. The result was missing inventory for her every day she was impatient. It took years to convince her to take a break, walk around, get a snack, and stop turning her windows laptop off just because the screen was black. I gave her the recovery procedure - log in with an alt - find the settings folder for her main SL account, and delete it. That removed the .gz inventory file that was damaged from her early shutdowns. Then clear the cache, and relog with her main account. Her inventory would return in full, until the next time she grew impatient and shut down windows before FS had written the full .gz file. SL and FS has made this problem worse now with the instant (fake) shutdown. Apparently logging off and shutting down is some sort of modern fad.
  16. Be careful to not tell Paulsian about the grid survey bots, that visit mainland, unblocked regions, including private and Bellisseria regions daily. They record your presence on a region and add it to their database. Then they sell that location information to porcupines, so we know where to find you!
  17. Nope, it's still in Dublin and active as always. You might want to update your Landmark. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dublin/92/89/26 All decked out in black and grey for Halloween. Club crowds have decreased compared to "years ago" though.
  18. Me, in my porcupine avatar, getting ready to jump into the lap of strangers in adjacent regions. I don't care if I can see them or not, I am just a harmless porcupine looking for someone to pet me.
  19. So you are the other one? I went back to Win7 from Win10, so I don't have to look up Win10 tutorials from the web for you. It's been so long since I have found anyone using Win7, and had any problems. Another lesson, but MS profits come first. My NAT router firewall stops any invasion from ports unless I approve, and is all the Firewall I need. I have checked all the paranoia sites that try to break into your computer, and they cannot even see me. I do not need anything more. A software firewall is redundant, and will just slow your web transfers down. Too eliminate your firewall messing with your files, I would turn it OFF. Then install the Win7 virus program, Microsoft Security Essentials, and leave it on for real-time protection. That is really all you need! It has never caused any computer issue, but has caught plenty of viruses from downloaded files and programs. I don't suggest you run without realtime virus protection, and your firewall is not giving you that. My Drive I:/ contains subfolders for my SL caches, for Firestorm: To set up the whitelist, add these folders and programs to Security Essentials. And set the whitelist like this (red is your win7 acct name which I crossed out): If you still have missing inventory, then It's a timing bug in FS or your system, or a network issue. Maybe a FS developer will figure out, but if they cannot reproduce it, don't hold your breath.
  20. I didn't comment on this, even though I quoted it in the last post. Your .gz file being smaller is the same as saying your inventory did not load completely, so this might be a timing issue when logging off. If you log off and then delete the .gz file, SL servers send you your complete inventory when logging back in because the .gz file was missing. So it might be a timing bug in FS. Maybe there is some comment in their JIRA about this, other than blaming your antivirus. I do note the instant log off does not mean the SL servers are done closing down your account.
  21. I sort of gave you the standard FS support answer in my other post. This missing inventory problem with the new Performance FS is the most common complaint in the Firestorm support group. But I've also seen that many who are told to whitelist the FS folders and files, and do it again if they were whitelisted before, but are not whitelisting all the folders, though they claim they are. When asked to show a screen shot of their whitelisted files/folders something is usually missing. The FS whitelisting Wiki is poorly written for anyone but an experienced techie that pays attention to detail. The only complete procedure is for MS Defender, and even that assumes you remember the filenames that they list two pages above of scrolling before that. I found many were not whitelisting the main FS .exe file, because the procedure is not explicit enough for a recipe follower. Partial inventory loading has been an issue for those with poor internet connections anywhere in the path, and for wireless users, and cable users with too many TVs and gadgets attached. It is worse if your inventory is too large, or is too flat. That has been the case for years. The new performance FS seems to have made it worse for marginal setups. Maybe the common use of SSD's has a timing issue if your connection is not always rock solid. The FS support group can not explain why whitelisting the antivirus is now so necessary, when it was not before. Their best answer is the antivirus programs are getting smarter, eg hand waving. For the record, I have a solid fiber optic connection at 100 Mbps (no packet loss), live 50 miles from the AWS servers, and use all wired connections for everything, including the mouse and keyboard. I also use a separate WD Black label Hard Drive with an SL cache partitioned, no SSD for the cache. I have never had a missing inventory problem with prior FS's or the newest one, and I log in and out every day a dozen times/day. My inventory is also full of sub folders so not flat, and only 80K after 10 years of daily use. I also do not use any software firewall, just the MS security software and the usual default modem/router port settings.
  22. How did you turn off your antivirus program? You realize that the Microsoft Defender Security software starts up again when you log back into Windows? Turning it off the usual way is only temporary, until you relog or reboot. It is a part of Windows, and always runs unless you have another active antivirus program running. I think using the MS firewall is a waste of time. But since you usually get your full FS inventory, that is not your problem. The built in MS antivirus program will protect you from any serious virus. What happened to you years ago is irrelevant. You could also use MalawareBytes which will catch a few more mostly harmless but resource using programs from installing. Chrome also has security options that annoy by blocking web pages without an up to date certificate, or have been reported as having viruses attached to downloaded files. But an active antivirus program also will catch these files and block them if they exist. Your approach of thinking you have no antivirus and depending on a firewall will not stop an imbedded virus program. So did you really disable the MS Defender AntiVirus? Because if you did not, then you need to whitelist all the FS files they suggest in their Wiki. Here are the many obscure steps you need to do to disable all antivirus and file protection for Windows 10/11 (a foolish thing to do imo): https://www.windowscentral.com/how-permanently-disable-windows-defender-windows-10
  23. If it's running on the integrated Intel chip, the monitor would be plugged into that output. Easy way to check. The 770 is better than older models - gamers seem to think 60 fps is the minimum for game play. Overkill for SL though. 45 fps in SL depends on where you are - try Fogbound Blues at 8pm slt and see what 60 avatars do to your fps. Shadows On usually kills low end graphic chips, which is why your 45 fps is suspect. The 770 is designed for 12 gen Intel CPU's though - should be good enough for walking around SL. Oh you had shadows turned off, so never mind, 45 fps seems reasonable for that chip for low avatars loads.
  24. His CPU has a built-in graphics processor, but anyone needing good performance in SL would add a separate video card. It will certainly log you in and from there you have to decide if using the built in Intel graphics is good enough for you. Intel Core i7-10700 - Core i7 10th Gen Comet Lake 8-Core 2.9 GHz LGA 1200 65W Intel UHD Graphics 630 Desktop Processor - BX8070110700
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