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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Theresa Tennyson wrote: It sounds like it's working the way it has been for quite a while. Scripts are only allocated a maximum amount of time they can run in a frame and if they won't all run in that slot they take turns in a rotation. You're right of course, that's how it's supposed to work and should work. But I've been to sims with frame times well above 40 ms and scripts still running fairly normally - although of course rather slowly. Maybe I should rephrase the question: Are the servers stricter about keeping sim fps up now than they used to be?
  2. There was a question in the Answers section here (https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Controls/Menus-are-not-displaying-in-a-zone/qaq-p/3040058) which turned out to be about a heaviy overloaded sim. Nothing unusual about that of course but when I checked the stats, it turned out total frame time was just 22-23 ms. Script time 8-12 ms, Spare Time stuck at 0.000 ms and Scripts Run between 20 and 40%. I would have expected an overloaded sim to have a much longer total frame time but that doesn't seem to happen in this case. The sim just had to try to make the best out of the default 22-and-a-bit ms before the next frame kicks in. Has there been a change in how the system handles overloaded sims recently?
  3. I think I better write a brand new answer here, the first one I wrote got a bit too technical. The reason why the menu fails, is that the server running the sim is too busy. Skinny Dip Inn is an extremely overloaded sim and even at the best of times, when there are "only" about 40 avatars there, the server has to skip between 60% and 80% of the scripts it's supposed to run. I wouldn't be completely surprised if it doesn't have time to run any scripts at all when the sim is really crowded. Which scripts it skips is random so whether you are able to use the menus or not is just a question of luck. Edit: I can't post twice here in the Answers sections, so I have to add to my original post. I'm afraid the numbers are very clear. You can read the Scripts Run rate in the stats bar of your viewer. Type ctrt-shift-1 and scroll down about halfway. When I checked, Scripts Run varied between 20 and 40%, which of course means that between 60 and 80% of the active scripts in the sim did not run. That was with about 40 avatars int he region, more avatars mean more scripts and higher failure rate. The reason this doesn't cause lag in the normal sense is that the server has a built in safety mechanism to prevent script lag: when it gets too busy, it simply skips the scripts rather than slow everything else down. But of course, in your particular case, that safety mechanism is what caused the problem.
  4. Bree Giffen wrote: You get an IM by a linden. They tell you that due to a freak accident your avatar has been wiped clean. A Linden contating me in-world to tell me they had an accident? I would have logged of immediately and checked RL to see what else was different in that new alternative universe.
  5. It is not uncommon for people to end up high in thin air or under water when they go through the portal. The destination list there hasn't been properly updated for ages and many of the places it tries to send you to are long gone. But are you saying you still float in the air after you have teleported back? If you are, try to click on the "Fly" button (or use the "F" key shortcut. Then click on the "Stop Flying" button. This should fix the problem.
  6. As Arton said, this isn't really the right part of the forum for this question. That is not criticism, it's good advice, many of the best mesh experts won't see the question in the General Discussion Forum so you they won't be able to help you. Obligatory question 2: are all the normals pointing the right way?
  7. Maybe I'm asking for classified information here but I thought perhaps I should list some packages with some good textures on MP. I'm jsut not sure if it's worth the time and upload cost.
  8. llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast() is your friend http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast Yes, I know that wasn't too helpful if you have no scripting experience at all but there isn't really room for detailed tutorials here. If you want to learn more about scripting, see if Builders Brewery, Caledon Oxbridge or NCI have any beginners' scripting classes at the moment, I'm not sure if they do. You shuold also join the NCI Scipters group nad visit NCI South at Hamnida. Hamnida has become a kind of unofficial hangout for scripters and they are usually very happy to help beginners there.
  9. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I've never tried something like this but it may be difficult to time the head lifting to the animation so that it looks like the robot is actually lifting the head. Basically you need two objects to move in sync. I've only really tried that once myself - a trapdoor with a retractable ladder - and there were no particular problems in that case. But maybe the best thing to do is go to NCI South at Hamnida and talk to a guy with yellow wellies, a funny hat and a satelite circling his head. If anybody knows about this, he does.
  10. walterwhiteSr wrote: How do i get the settings to make viewing at longer distance so the MG created mesh object doesn't distort and become a pixel mess at distance? As Chic said, you can increase your RenderVolLodFactor but remember that it only affects how you see the item, not how everybody else see it. You mention "prefab", does that mean you are going to sell or give away your builds? If so, they need to be optimized to work with Lod factor 1. Same if you build for public places of course. What you build for your own little hidden corner of SL is nobody's business but yours. But keep in mind that increasing RenderVolLodFactor adds a lot of extra strain to your graphics card. Typically you should expect the gpu workload to double if you increase it from 1 to 2. No matter how strong your computer is, there are always better ways to use its power than to compensate for poorly made mesh. The "switch points", the theoretical distances where the view switches between the different LOD models, depend on the object's size. The formula for the first switch point is: √(x*x+y*y+z*z)*L/0.48 (x, y and z are the dimensions along the three axises, L is the RenderVolLODFactor.) The second switch point is four times as far and the third eight times as far away as the first. There are however quite a few factors that affect the actual distances: There is always a delay in the switching when you move towards or away from the item. The delay depends a lot on how busy your computer is. When an item is rendered, it is first drawn as a generic shape, then as the lowest LOD model, the low LOD and so on until it gets to the LOD model it's supposed to have. Usually that happens very fast but if your computer is heavily loaded, it can take ages. (That actually means that if you set the RenderVolLodFactor too high you may well get worse, not better LOD.) There is at least one bug that sometimes causes objects to get stuck at a lower LOD level than they should have. For various reasons some meshes (and sculpts) are more vulnerable to this bug than others. The bug Arton mentioned applies not only to meshes and prims with three faces but also to ones with four. What happens to those items is that the z factor in the formula is ignored. Usually that has little significance but it can have a huge impact on the LOD of tall, slim items like columns. I really can't give detailed instructions how to make good LOD models with Mesh Generator, that's way too big a topic for a forum post. But the first rule is never ever use LOD models generated by the uploader, they're simply not good enough. The only exception is that unless you're really obsessed with low LI and good LOD, you may allow it to generate "zero models". Sometimes you don't really need the lowest LOD model at all, sometimes you can do without the low LOD and even - in rare cases - the mid LOD models too. Such models can be generated reasonably well by the uploader. The trick to get good LOD without sky high LI is to create the LOD models manually. Decide how much detail the model needs to have at the various switch points and make separate LOD models to match that. Curve resolution is the first step. Mesh Generator only has limited options here but it's not too bad and you can get a lot done simply by choosing which of the numbered buttons on the panel you click on. That is just the start though, to get really good LOD models you will also have to manually edit the prim build to eliminate details you don't need. Mesh Generator can never match the optimisation that is possible to do with a 3D editor like Blender. But then again, it seems few Blender users really optimize their LOD models, they just hit the decimate modifier and/or limited dissolve and leave it at that. With a bit of thought and experience you can do just as well as that with Mesh Generator. How to do it? Well, that is the weak point with Mesh Generator. I really don't want to start a Mesh Generator vs Mesh Studio argument here but it's hard not to notice that while there are lots of excellent meshes created with Mesh Studio, the ones made with Mesh Generator tend to be of much lower quality - last time I checked even the example meshes included with the program were garbage. It's not because of the scripts themselves, MS isn't that much more powerful than MG, it's because of the support. With Mesh Studio you get a lot of great tutors and tutorials teaching new mesh makers the basics and also a strong, active community of users helping each other, sharing tips and tricks. With Mesh Generator you are thrown into the deep end and left alone. As I said, there's no room for detailed instructions in a single forum post and it would be far too much info to digest in one go anyway. But keep asking, keep experimenting, keep working on it! You'll get there in the end. Edit, almost forgot: Extra special thanks to Drongle McMahon who were the first to post the switch point formula in this forum! Edit 2: Also forgot: the "z factor bug" isn't just for meshes, it also affects prims.
  11. Alwin Alcott wrote: it is totally possible you bought a limited quantity item... disappeared item means not much in that case, only that there are none available anymore. Be carefull what you state about the seller. It is also possible it was taken down by LL, not the seller. Some other buyer may have flagged it before you could do it.
  12. And always remember: If it seems to good to be true, it probably is.
  13. I can't help you with the problem but have you tried moving the camera with your mouse? Ctrl-alt-clik on an object, then move the mouse around while you hold the keys down. Add shift key to pan, release ctrl key to zoom.
  14. Tytia wrote: I know my contacting LL will be futile since reading all the info here. I still have all the transaction info but what good is it if I can't even see the transaction anymore in MP. You can always try. Linden Lab will still have all the info from the deleted listing so they can do somethng about it if they want to and have time. Tytia wrote: What the heck? So a seller can remove a listing if they don't want to deal with it??? Check the store and see if they have relisted it. If they have, flag the new listing. Tytia wrote: Didn't mention she is a CEO of a business in SL too. Anybody can open a business or "business" in SL and call themselves CEO.
  15. XxZeroxX Avedon wrote: but, what if I use the same particle system but instead of drop a particle, it drops a cube, as a particle, is it posible? No. A particle script can only emit two dimensional particles, not three dimensional objects. You can use a rezzer to rez temporary objects but that's a completely different script. XxZeroxX Avedon wrote: anyways ill keep trying with ribbon now, Without knowing exactly what you're making, you may also take a look at the PSYS_PART_FOLLOW_VELOCITY_MASK flag. What it does is rotate the texture so the top points in the direction the particle is moving
  16. An item in your inventory isn't going to do you any harm anyway (except add to the clutter of course). A script will only run if you rez r wear the item it's in.
  17. Alwin Alcott wrote: There are lots of laptops totally able to run SL in a decent way.... There definitely are lots of laptops that can handle SL but remeber we're also talking about a budget here. A laptop will nearly always cost a lot more than a stationary computer with the same performance so if you want max power for your money, you probably want a desktop computer. There's also the question of monitor size. There are limtis to how big a screen you can fit on a laptop of course.
  18. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Your avatar has an internal "skeleton" that is used to animate it by moving parts of this skeleton called "bones." ... Fitted mesh is connected to these main bones and also an additional set of bones in your avatar skeleton called "collision bones" Well, strictly speaking all the bones in the skeleton are called "collision bones" but that may be hairsplitting. Unrigged mesh is attached to one point of the avatar and only one point. It just moves along with that attachment point and doesn't change shape. Rigged mesh and liquid mesh were "hacks" invented by two different groups of clothes designers allowing different points on the mesh to be attached to different bones on the avatar skeleton. The mesh between those attachment points flexes and distorts to follow the movements of the avatar body. Linden Lab eventually decided liquid/rigged mesh was a good idea so they made it official and called it "fitted mesh". They also made a few changes, most important was the one Theresa mentioned: more bones to attachs the mesh to. Recently they've taken this one step further and introduced the Bento skeleton with even more bones - a lot more.
  19. I'm not absolutely sure what you mean when you say he can't use the bed. If you mean the animations in the bed don't work for him it's possible he has a particularly aggressive AO that overrides all other animations, including the ones in the bed. If it's block/mute or permission issues as Whirly and Theresa suggested, the easiest solution is probably to rez a new copy of the bed and delete the old one.
  20. hectic1 wrote: How can I measure the ARC of my avatar? Two ways: With the latest viewer version you get a small window with your ARC every time you change outfit. It isn't visible for long though and easy to miss. You can also find your ARC in the Advanced menu: Advanced - > Performance Tools -> Show Avata Complexity Information If yu don't have the Advanced menu enabled, type ctrl-shift-alt-D to switch it on
  21. wherorangi wrote: ACF GD: Playboy Mansion RP Startup Needs You ... XCITE ISSUES Shouldn't that have been in the Inworld Employment section?
  22. AdamZadig wrote: From what you're saying, I could sell an item creatd by another designer and Linden Lab wouldnt take it down? you just facilitate the ability to sell, so you wouldnt mind if I sell an item by ABISS, and I call it "THIS IS AN ABISS ITEM" and i sell it for half the price of ABISS. And i use a logo by ABISS which is not copyrighted. Thats all ok? It's not ok of course. Question is, will you get caught or will you manage to hide among all the other shady listings on MP?
  23. Lifestyles and Relationships: Looking for a family oriented male ... It can happen!!!! Building and Texturing Forum: Total Confusion ... Project Bento Feedback Thread
  24. wherorangi wrote: General Discussion Forum: Dressing Up ... social islands What we actually have right now is: General Discussion Forum: Where are these eyes? ... social islands and also: General Discussion Forum: Computer question ... Can I make money with one sim's worth of residential property?
  25. Tari Landar wrote: Not that moderating MP is an easy job, or that it should be, of course, but come on now. Ten minutes is a ridiculously long period of time. It's not hard to have a checklist of things that violate the mp, check a listing for those things, and boom, remove, or not remove. Yes but that's my whole point, they don't seem to have those routines in place. Keyword spamming? Which keyword? The flag report doesn't say so you'll have to check each and every keyword in the listing to see if you can spot it. Inflated Listing Price? Where inworld is it for sale cheaper? Wouldn't it be nice if the person flagging the item could include the SLURL? And so on. (Edit: Adam, if you happen to read this, these are examples of the "low hanging fruits" Pamela and Sassy were talking about: very simple changes that would improve the quality of MP and also make the Commerce Team's job easier.)
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