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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Lifestyles and Relationships: Looking for a family oriented male ... It can happen!!!! Building and Texturing Forum: Total Confusion ... Project Bento Feedback Thread
  2. wherorangi wrote: General Discussion Forum: Dressing Up ... social islands What we actually have right now is: General Discussion Forum: Where are these eyes? ... social islands and also: General Discussion Forum: Computer question ... Can I make money with one sim's worth of residential property?
  3. Tari Landar wrote: Not that moderating MP is an easy job, or that it should be, of course, but come on now. Ten minutes is a ridiculously long period of time. It's not hard to have a checklist of things that violate the mp, check a listing for those things, and boom, remove, or not remove. Yes but that's my whole point, they don't seem to have those routines in place. Keyword spamming? Which keyword? The flag report doesn't say so you'll have to check each and every keyword in the listing to see if you can spot it. Inflated Listing Price? Where inworld is it for sale cheaper? Wouldn't it be nice if the person flagging the item could include the SLURL? And so on. (Edit: Adam, if you happen to read this, these are examples of the "low hanging fruits" Pamela and Sassy were talking about: very simple changes that would improve the quality of MP and also make the Commerce Team's job easier.)
  4. Sassy Romano wrote: I think you were crossbreeding a SKU with a UUID Yes probably. Fortunately it seems the offspring is infertile. (Edit: Why hasn't anybody tried to market breedable words in SL yet? Could be the next big fad)
  5. Yes, you can make a suggestion to the Sl but you can't make it here since nobody working there will read it. This is strictly a users-trying-to-help-other-users forum. If you want to make a feature request, go to: https://jira.secondlife.com/ In this particular case, however, as MrBill already said, they already do regular scheduled mainetnance every week, Tuesday or Wednesday depending on what kind of server the sim is on. And as Rolig pointed out, emergencies can be a bit hard to schedule, they happen when they want to happen and often at the worst possible time. Of course we could discuss whether the SL servers are up to the task these days, there seem to have been quite a lot of breakdowns recently. If you want to start that discussion, you can do it at: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/bd-p/SecondLifeServer
  6. Let's see if I get this right: You've checked if the HUDs are invisible with (I suppose you meant ctrl-alt-T, not alt-shift-T) You've checked if the HUDs are off screen by scrolling out from an attached HUD You've eliminated inventory cache issues by trying different viewers You've tried a different sim Some of the HUDs can be worn as regular wearables, others can't That eliminates a lot of possible explanations. Unfortunately it seems to eliminate all possible explanations. There are a few more things you can try though: Type ctrl-shift-1 to bring up the Statistics window. Do you have any packet loss? Is the ping sim time higher than ... say 400 ms or thereabouts? Problems like yours can be caused by poor connection but if so, they should happen more at random. It's still worth checking though. Do the HUDs show up as worn in your inventory and in your Current Outfits folder and Appearance window? Find a no script sandbox with short autoreturn (such as the one at Ambat) and try to rez some of the HUDs on the ground (preferably copyable ones, there is a very minor chance no-copy items will get lost forever). Do they appear? And if not, are they autoreturned? If you can't see them and they are stil autoreturned, it's clearly a problem with your computer. If they don't turn up and aren't eutoreturned, it's either your connection or the assets server. Go to a low lag water sim (such as Bevel), remove everything from your avatar and try to wear one of the troublesome HUDs. If you can wear it there, it's almost certainly a connection problem.
  7. Sassy Romano wrote: I'm sure that the number of flagged items is huge and takes time to get through but when one does come across a listing which is in clear violation, attempts to flag it yet sees it up there for an extended period, in that already flagged state, one loses hope and confidence in the process. That's a crucial point of course. Earlier this year there was quite a stir when a number of well known merchant were suddenly banned from Second Life. Eventually it turned out the reason was that they had posted images of people having sex with animals on some of their MP listings. Those pictures had been there for years before LL noticed and when they eventually found out, they went full tilt and banned the merchants. When asked about it, Ebbe Linden said that the fact that something had gone under LL's radar for a long time didn't mean it was ok. Fair enough but it's not ok that such things go under the radar at all! When the s''t eventually hit the fan, LL overreacted. I suppose they felt they had to to state an example but it had some very negative effects: people got mad at LL because they never learned why those merchants were banned, people got mad because they felt the merchants were to harshly treated, people got mad because LL had let this go on for so long... This whole mess seriously hurt Second Life's and Linden Lab's reputation and the ultimate reason why it went so bad was the lack of efficient policing of the Marketplace. Let me do a thought experiment here: Let's say a large group of residents finally get so tired of it all they get together and flag all the dubious looking listings on MP. Let's say they flag 1 million listings. Linden Lab of course wants to do a proper job so they investigate each and every one of them properly. On average they spend ten minutes reviewing a flagged listing. Does that sound about right? If it does, one person would have to work 24/7/365 for 20 years to check them all. There have to be better ways to do this, Dakota, and there are and you better find them because right now the system simply doesn't work.
  8. hectic1 wrote: So I am bit confuded about that ARC meter. Your ARC - Avatar Render Complexity or Avatar Render Cost - is an estimate how much time it takes your computer to draw your avatar on your computer screen and on the computer screens of everybody else who see you. I'm sure you have noticed that the more people there are around you, the slower everything becomes. That's because the ARC of all the avatars add up, slowing down your computer. In really crowded places, the total ARC can esily get high enough computers to crash, Until recently there were no regulations for ARC and few people cared or even knew about the issue. When things went wrong, they just blamed it on everybody and everything else. But this just couldn't go on and eventually LL introduced UiqkGraphics, a filter that removes high lag avatars from the scene, replacing them with monochrome silhouettes. It doesn't affect your avatar on your own computer screen but if you want others to see how great you look too, you better keep your ARC down to a sensible level. Your avatar is not just that of your mesh body, it's the sum of all the items you wear. Let's say you have a 100,000 ARC body, 10,000 ARC mesh hands and feet, 60,000 ARC mesh head, 50,000 ARC hair, 60,000 shoes, 5,000 skin, 30,000 clothes, 60,000 jewelry, 50,000 of other wearable accessories, your ARC is... ummmm.... a lot! hectic1 wrote: Just saw at the Meshbodyaddicts blog a comment from Tonic's body creator claiming he has fixed the ARC for that body. Does this mean ARC is no longer a problem for this body? That's good I suppose. But they couldn't be bothered to fix a serious problem until they were forced to? That's not a good sign. hectic1 wrote: The only catch I can see (besides that ARC thing you guys are mentioning and its supposedly fixed now) is the lack of direct support from clothing designers, That can be a rather big catch actually. The people who make mesh clothes templates aren't going to make them for a specific body unless there is a huge demand for it. But with Omega support there's always applier clothes of course. Well made applier clothes can be much better than many people seem to realize. Two more things to look out for: Are the feet really Slink compatible? Don't take anybody's word for it, try yourself. How noticeable is the seem at the neck? Always a weak spot for mesh bodies. Btw, if the manufacturer mentions smething about changing windlight settings to fix this: do not buy.
  9. jeanbabini wrote: I would like to know which line should I change for the door to open and close slower, in timeless linked door script Umm, did you notice this thread is three years old, and the Timeless door script was way outdated back then? Don't mess with it at all. Find a modern door script instead. Edit: to answer your question: you can't. The Timeless door slams open and slams shut instantly. That's one of the reasons why it's outdated.
  10. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: Second Life: Taking naked to a whole new level. I know there is an old love song about that but I can't place it. Can anybody help? It's very romantic. The singer tells how his lover undresses for him - taking off her clothes one piece at a time, then she takes off her skin and then her muscles and...
  11. AdamZadig wrote: I thoguht best selling was based on number of unites sold in the past 30 days? The search ranking they used until recently was based on two factors, sales figures and customer ratings. Sales figures were weighed against time (the more recent a sale the more it counted) and price (the higher the more a sale counted). It wasn't a set cutoff time though but a gradual decrease in significance as a sale got older. And the price weighing wasn't just a question of how much money the item had brought in, freebies still added "ranking points" and two 50 L$ sales counted for more than one 100 L$ sale. Ranking points for ratings were simply calculated according to how many four and five star ratings the listing had accumulated over time. Listings with the same number of "ranking points" were listed chronologically with the oldest first. Fairly simple and child's play to manipulate for anybody with a little bit of search engine optimisation experience. Last autumn somebody was foolish enough to post the complete recipe here and shortly afterwards LL launched a disastrously rushed attempt at a more sophisticated algorithm. They've been struggling ever since to get that new search into shape but although they've made considerable progress, it's still very much in beta. I think they have made some minor changes as a stopgap solution though. Customer ratings don't seem to count nearly as much as they sued to and they seem to be timed the same way sales figures are now. There may well have been other tweaks too.
  12. AdamZadig wrote: ...and somethign to do with SKUID. Woops, bad typo. I meant SKU of course. No idea where the ID part came from
  13. Chic Aeon wrote: I would go with one of the more mainstream bodies over the less expensive ones. Being fitmesh compatible means very little. That is a very good point. Regardless of what the maker may claim, you can't expect fitted mesh clothes to fit a fitted mesh body unless they were made specially for each other.
  14. arton Rotaru wrote: Actually I thought pretty much the same. Because 350k won't help me much in a crowded area, regarding FPS. That is a crucial point of course. A lone 200k avatar posing for a picture won't do anybody any harm but a dozen of them dancing in a club may be enough to cause even the strongest graphics card to faint. I don't think there's much risk creators will start maximizing ARC to fit the new levels though. It's hard to decide which numbers to aim at for a start. A low ARC mesh body still means you can add so much more of other lagginess loveliness to your avi without hitting the limit and that alone should be a good selling points. Besides, by sheer coincidence it seems most of the big names who make the big money for themselves and LL already tend to have products tailor made for these new levels. I can't imagine them wasting time on updates just to increase the ARC.
  15. wherorangi wrote: Everytime we cut away from that pretty avatar we lose about 2 million viewers But that pretty avatar won't even be there! I've learned to stay away from crowds in SL. (Chin Rey dodges the rotten tomatoes and escapes out the door before anybody manages to find heavier things to throw at her.)
  16. It's a testing grid. There is no guarantee it'll be accessable at any given time and it may well be down or lagged to a standstill for hours. It doesn't happen that often though and it seems to work well right now.
  17. Aethelwine wrote: I think I would wear one of ChinRey's jelly baby outfits, so it looks like I have really made an effort. Oh, those have been a big disappointment. I thought I had finally cracked the code for SL haute couture but nobody buys
  18. You are wearing the Omega-Maitreya relay, aren't you? The Maitreya body can't use Omega dircetly, you need to wear one extra little HUD to relay the data between the two. You can get it here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Omega-System-Kit-Maitreya/6709966
  19. Bitsy Buccaneer wrote: ... it would be such a shame if they kept asking why someone would pick such a strange pink avatar. :matte-motes-smile: I remember when I went to the VMM info meeting. I used a fairly low lag avatar there (although I did wear some mesh clothing) and it was quite a surprise to see myself as just an orange cloud in the video recording afterwards. (I didn't fare as badly as poor Sassy though - whoever made the recording had blocked and derendered her.)
  20. Sassy Romano wrote: Despite ChinRey calling me "old" You're more than twice as old as me in SL and I don't think I can call msyelf a newbie anymore either. Sassy Romano wrote: I was making a gentle dig at LL for failing to implement a number of very easy things that would have high usability value, the low hanging fruit I referred to. They did actually pick up one of the lowest hanging fruits last week: the SKUID field on the listing edit page is now big enough you can actually see the whole SKUID at a single glance. Yes, that change hardly counts as "high usability value" but usability value it has and considering that it was a two-minute-or-so job to fix, I think it was a job well worth doing.
  21. arton Rotaru wrote: It turns out that the 80k default setting was a viewer bug, They 80 000 default limit was not a bug but very much a deliberate decision. It was pointed out very early in the development process that a threshold as low as that would affect a lot of "safe" avatars and LL was very clear they didn't consider that a significant problem. It's good to see they eventually changed their mind though. But back to the items in question here: it's not 100k for a complete avatar, it's 100 k for a single worn item! Add a good hair, some shoes, some mesh clothing, some jewelry...
  22. Sassy Romano wrote: I never did find out if the search was skewed though, I think I bust the price point... Price was still a significant search ranking factor half a year ago when somebody who shall remain unnamed posted a fairly detailed description how the search ranking worked here on this forum. I didn't even know about Sassy's poseball at that time and was using much more recent info from a different source for that post. With hindisght that post may have been a mistake but fotunately, by sheer coincidence LL announced shortly afterwards that they were working on a brand new ranking algorithm and although they are still working on it, there are indications they have already implemented a few changes.
  23. AdamZadig wrote: So im not crazy, the 1,000,000L$ asking price is rediculous right? Oh, I can tell you that. Sassy was doing an experiment to see if sales price affected search ranking - which it did - and probably as a joke too. I don't think she expected anybody to actually buy it.
  24. AdamZadig wrote: haha, oh I just cant wait for all this frustration, disapointment and generally being let down by Linden Labs! Linden Lab without an s please - there's just one in the whole wide world!
  25. Somebody else will ahve to explain all the technical details but a very simplified explanation: When you teleport, basically what you do is log off from Second Life and then back ona gain at a different location. That means you avatar has to be rerendered more or less from scratch. That can tale a bit of time even of course, especially if it's a very graphics heavy avatar (I have no idea how the NAM chibi Bunbun score there) but you are supposed to get there eventually. However, there is an old and never fixed bug that causes meshes to stop loading long before they're finished. It can happen at any time but usually during teleporting. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any fix for this.
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