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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. spiritLed wrote: it only affects one side of the mesh. I think that's the clue. Am I right in assuming you use LOD models generated by the uploader? The algorithm used there is a rather crude mesh butchering device called GLOD (Geometric Level Of Detail). It's not a proper simplification tool at all, the only thing it does is remove polys and when it does that, its first priority is to retain at least one tri for each face, second priority to keep the overall size of the object, third priority to retain the outline. In this case that means it's quite hapy to delete all the tris for a face on one side as long as there is at least one on the other side of the item. You can compensate by increasing the number of triangles in the LOD models of course but, really: don't use that function at all. Create your LOD models in Blender instead. Ideally, you do them manually but even if you don't feel up to that task, Blender has to fairly decent autosiplification tools, limited dissolve and the decimate modifier, that both do a far better job than GLOD.
  2. You need to go to the Omega HQ and buy the Maitreya relay and then wear it when you apply clothes and skin textures. It's quite cheap so no worries.
  3. Mizzy Maltz wrote: Just to chime in, I'm a full-permission content creator and the bulk of my sales are my textures. I sell both normal textures and materials texture kits, and both sell the same amount. Thank you Mizzy, that was really useful info! I suppose I'll give it a try then. Mizzy Maltz wrote: but the bar for quality is much higher than it used to be. I don't think that'll be a problem.
  4. wherorangi wrote: you had a win Rufferta. Good on you (: Yes, Nice. :-) They forgot about the unsecured sim crossings though so you still fall through the floor every now and then.
  5. Darcia Wildmist wrote: ... it's really loud and no matter where I place the media volume slider it stays the same. Try the Music volume slider instead, that's the one that controls the parcel music stream volume.
  6. Rhonda Huntress wrote: So ... your are at a club when someone who is the same gender makes a casual flirt with you. I just keep chattering until they fall asleep from boredom.
  7. Quinn Lysette wrote: im using IE lates on windows 10 There's a rather long thread about the IE problems here: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/The-Marketplace/td-p/3043819
  8. Callum Meriman wrote: They have just discovered nuclei with pear shapes that all point in the direction of time. Oh no! The whole universe has gone pear shaped!!! Callum Meriman wrote: The ping time between the UK and the US and back is about a quarter of a second (250ms or so). That's back and forth, right? So 125 ms ping time gives 250 ms delay? That sounds about right. Where I live I have a ping timeto UK around 90-100 ms and ping time to SL in USA (through UK) around 220-250 ms. Of course, that's only the time it takes for the singal to travel across the U.S. continent, through the roadblocks on the east coast of USA and across the Atlantic. There are delays everywhere else on the line too so I'm not surprised if it adds up to a second or two.
  9. Usually sliding doors use llSetPos(). You can probably get smoother movement with llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast() though.
  10. Freya Mokusei wrote: It's quantum science! The most confusing of all the science. Used to be the most confusing. Once they came up with the brane theory most of the pieces fell into place and it's quite easy now. Except for time of course. Still no explanation for that and it may not exist.
  11. Freya Mokusei wrote: Electrical signals are beholden to the laws of physics. The longer the distance, the longer it takes to traverse. Let's hope they've fixed that in Sansar: http://www.universetoday.com/33752/device-makes-radio-waves-travel-faster-than-light/ It's not exactly rocket science ... it's far more complicated than that.
  12. Rufferta wrote: ... and it seems like it would be an easy matter to make another exit/entrance on that side and extend the road so that Route 6 would connect with the Robin Loop. Interesting idea, you've got my vote. The best solution would probably be to extend the wall through the northeast corner of Minoa and then into Vine but that may be a bit too big a project. Or how abobut some cool alternative way to get vehicles and such on and off the wall at that point. A huge ancient Egyptian style elevator for example? Unfortunately there is very little chance LL will update a mainland build as old as this but it's worth asking. Rufferta wrote: Oh, and someone should fix the 'soft spots' on top and inside the Great Wall. Those are unsecured sim crossings. I suggest you open a support case att. Michael Linden about that. Fixing small errors like that is all in a dau's work for a Mole.
  13. Yes, one person can own more than one region of mainland. The price list is quasi-confidential. That is LL won't publish it but all you have to do is tell them you want more land and ask them the price
  14. ChinRey

    a scipting question

    I'm afraid there is no way to make it work. I have a render weight avatar lag meter ready for sale and everything but it turned out the avatar render weight you can get from llGetObjectDetails() is way too unreliable to have any practical value whatsoever.
  15. Artorius Constantine wrote: Someone has to figure out how to make a mirror work eventually and I think this is the best route. Interesting idea but I doubt it would work. You'd have that annoying MOP popup nav bar for a start. More seriously, you'll probably have serious sync problems and if there are more than one avatar present you'll have issues with animations not showing up the same on all clients etc. If you want mirrors in SL, I think Zi Ree's patch is still the way to go. It works too, you just have to compile your own custom viewer for it. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-2055? A few demos:
  16. I have to emphasice what Rolig said: look at the house in Second Life before you buy it. It may look good in a carefully staged and edited promo picutre but that doesn't always mean it looks good in-world. A pciture can lie mroe than a thousand words. There is also the matter of build quality. I'm sure you have noticed that some meshes are so poorly made they break down into a mess even at moderate viewing distance. You don't see that on a promo picture. Some mesh houses have floor you sink into, walls you can walk right through, doorways you can't walk through and lots of other flaws. You should never buy mesh unseen from an MP seller you're not familiar with, especially not a mesh house. Since the seller doesn't have a inworld store, you should contact him and ask if he's willing to show it to you in a sandbox or if he can tell you where else you can take a look at it.
  17. ChinRey

    New home

    If you can't find your Linden Home, log on to the SL website https://secondlife.com/ and Second Life at the same time. On the website click on "Get Your Home Now" and then on "Go to your Home". That'll give you a tp back there.
  18. I can give you one hint: Never drink alone! That's the point where most people seem to get stuck. There is no walkthrough as far as I know but there is a very friendly group where you can ask for hints and tips.
  19. Chic Aeon wrote: As a creator making products for SALE, we each have to decide who our customers are. Mine for the most part are those higher end folks Don't you think that the people who do invest in high performance hardware for SL have other uses for it than to compensate for poorly made mesh? Look at this thread for eaxample: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/20-fps-with-gtx-1080-and-i7-4960X/td-p/3040683 The OP there could probably have increased their fps from a measly 20 to an acceptable 30 by lowering the LOD factor to 1.
  20. arton Rotaru wrote: This makes sense actually. Woops, sorry about that. I swear it was an accident! arton Rotaru wrote: I think it's only cylinders which ignore the Z dimension though. I did the same test with a sphere as I did with a cyinder and it to showed up as hexagonal when viewed from the top and down. Very hard to see though, a 0.1x0.1x6 m sphere hardly looks rounded anyway. arton Rotaru wrote: It's also true that round prim shapes, and sculpties, use a different factor for the LOD switches, than the other prims (and meshes). It's not a secret though. :matte-motes-smile: Round prims use a factor of 0.6, and all others 0.5. Which makes curved prims 20 % larger in the LOD calculation. Oh. Is there an official documentation about switch points anywhere? I've only seen the formula Drongle posted here logn ago.
  21. ChinRey


    If you didn't receive anything at all, it's a failed delivery. Delivery is Linden Lab's responsibility and you should contact them and ask for a refund. You can do it here: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/If you received something but not what the desciption said, it is the seller's responsibility and unfortunately, if they don't respond, there's not much you can do about it.
  22. Bobbie Faulds wrote: NCI, Happy Hippo, Builders Brewery are your best bets And also Oxbridge University and Helping Haven.
  23. You can find the IP tutorial for the beta grid here: https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/ip/tutorial.php It's exactly the same as for the main grid, it's just that you have to retake it so it's registered in the beta system too. The inventory problem is a completely different issue. You have to open a support case and get LL to reset your inventory manually for that. There used to be a system where beta grid inventory was automatically syncornized to the main inventory when you reset your password but the changed it recently and the new system is still a bit buggy.
  24. That is correct. I think autoreturn on the Linden Waterways and Water sims is usually five minutes, maybe a little bit more or a little bit less. The autoreturn does not kick in while you sit in the boat though. As for why, any parcel in SL with object entry and/or building allowed for anybody and no autoreturn will fill up fast with garbage and griefer objects. In other words, if you like to sail on Linden Water autoreturn is your friend, not your enemy. It's what keep those passages open so you actually can sail there.
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