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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Aethelwine wrote (in April): I don't see any progress on this since February, it really is tiresome. And now it's August and still no progress. Has anybody heard any news at all about this bug?
  2. Devriv wrote: Thank you very much Zed, that’s good to know. The official viewer, the viewer I’ve always used, also allows one to make the physics visible (in blue) but I don’t think it has the other options; I’ll look into it. It has. The show phsyics shape code is shared by and identical in all current viewers. Devriv wrote: I actually used it for the circle in question but saw no anomalies. You wouldn't because the anomaly is so tiny. The simple explanation is that there are no such things as exact measurements and alignment in Second Life, so the server and viewer will always see a tiny height diffrence between the two road surfaces even if there is none. Arton's solution is probably the best one: simply remove the physical surfaces the software believes you are bumping into. Three less good solutions are to use analyzed physics, convex hulls or a script removing the bump sound. All of these methods have serious drawbacks but they may do in an emergency. Devriv wrote: In passing, one aspect of FS that I’m not at all enthusiastic about is its default LOD factor of 4 (or so I was informed some time ago). It's not that bad but yes, it's too high (1.5 and 2 at mid and high graphics respectively). I actually believe that RenderVolumeLODFactor fucntion is one of LL's biggest msitakes ever. It adds a tremendous lot of lag and its only purpose is to compensate for mistakes made by incompetent builders...
  3. Chic Aeon wrote: But along the way it seems like that idea has expanded as there have been mentions lately of "regular folks' (my quotes) being able to "create their own world" (pretty close to the video text as I remember LOL) by purchasing items and designing their own environment. So NOT just a world for content creators. I can guarantee that doesn't work out well *wink*. Yes but a sim (or whatever the enclosed environments in Sansar are to be called) wil still have to be designed as a whole, not assembled from fragments. And that means there have to be strict limits to what resources/items each user of the environment can add to it. This is the one factor so few people in Sl seem to to be able and willing to comprehend: the sheer amount of data required for a SL style virtual environment. Let me try to illustrate this: Imagine a Linden Homes sim filled up with happy residents. 48 houses, each filled up with ... 20 pieces of furniture, each piece of funriture has two 1024x1024 res textures - and then of course a bunch of scripts and animations and such. That's several thousand assets and well over a gigabyte of raw data for the furniture only! Now, move this to a place where the hosues themselves and the surroundings around them are just as varied an un-optimized as the furnishing, put an avatar in each house, each avatar three time the complexity of the house it's in, expand the whole scene to 256 times the size... We're actually dangerously close to talking about millions of assets and terabytes of raw data here. It all have to be retrieved, transferred and processed one way or another. And of course, the data has to be reprocessed somewhere between two and four times as often as it is in SL today. I'm sure there is room for a lot of improvements to the three C's of auto-optimization (Culling, Caching and Compression) compared to how they're handled in SL. But a lot of improvements is not enough here. We'll need an earth shattering, revolutionary breakthrough in optimization technology and that's not going to happen this year. Realistically, the only way to make a Sansar experience performance as intended is to make it the way modern high performance games are made: you start with a very strict resource budget, you sue instancing for all its worth and anything that won't fit the resource budget you jsut find a way to do without. In such an environment there is very little room for content chosen and added by each individual user.
  4. Chic Aeon wrote: Recently a well-know blog did a survey and found that 38 percent of SL businesses "are already preparing to launch their brand in Project Sansar". Interesting, especially since it seems that less than one percent of SL business owners have even the faintest idea what creating content for Sansar implies. It seems most just assume they can simply bring their existing SL work methods and business models and keep running business as usual, only - for some unexplained irrational and miraculous reason - better, bigger and faster. Chic Aeon wrote: Hi Fidelity sounded pretty exciting until I got in there with the first wave of the second wave of Alphas and we found out some head shaking things. Many departed. I certainly did. Chic Aeon wrote: So?????? How many are already working in the new file types and actually feel committed. Preparing? Yes, to some degree but committed? No way! Far too many unknown factors: Who are the customers there? Experience creators only or will there be room for direct sales to end users too? What are the technical/performance requirements? Will Sansar succeed or will it flop? And perhaps even most important: considering Linden Lab's horrible record when it comes to handling b2b, do I really want to enter another venture where I have to rely on their whims?
  5. Izzy Stipe wrote: When adding animations to furniture is it better to leave animations as Mod, Copy, No Trans? Or would it be better to leave them No Mod, No Copy, Trans? If the furniture is copy/no transfer, set the animations to copy. If the furniture is transfer/no copy, set the animations to transfer. And, as Amethyst said, set them to no-modify in either case.
  6. arton Rotaru wrote: So there never will be a face with the number 8. Not quite true. There is one prim twist that has nine faces: a hollow cube with a small pathcut - small enough that all the original faces remain.
  7. Phil Deakins wrote: To be perfectly honest, Darrius, through your posts in this thread, you do sound as though you are miffed because you are not one of those who are helping with Sansar. If you were one of them, I have no doubt that you'd see things wholly differently. Oh no, we have to be fair to poor Darrius. He's been expressing the same view all the time, even long before there was any talk of inviting people to the beta. We can argue whether he's right or wrong, but he's definitely sincere, no doubt about that.
  8. wherorangi wrote: + i think that before end this year then it will move to beta, and opened to a large pool of content designers and users/players/testers. In other words open to amateurs and self-employed crafters, grafters and grinders... That's possible and if that happens, Sansar will fail miserably. It's time to face the fact that 99.99 percent of the content creators in SL do not have the skills necessary to create content for a high performance virtual reality. It's not about whether they have friends at LL, it's not about what tools they use, it's not about whether they do it for a living or for a hobby, it's not about whether they have any formal education or not. It's simply the fact that most SL content creators - and that includes most of the ones who make a decent living here - don't understand what is required in a high performance environment and how to achieve that. Look at the SL Viewer section of this forum. People are struggling to get 20 fps out of their GTX 1080 graphics cards. Why? Some of it is of course because of old, geriatric, inefficient software but most of it is because of bloated content. Sansar needs 90 fps to work with VR headsets and it is simply not possible to achieve that the way we build in Second Life. It is barely possible by building the way professional computer games are built, with strict resource budgets and scenes constructed as a whole right from the start. A high performance virtual reality has to be built with a very simple background, some fairly simple middle ground and a few carefully selected detailed centerpieces. In a typical Second Life scene every single item and every single avatar is desperately fighting to be the centerpiece - it's an orchestra where everybody try to play the solo violin. This is why I'm confident Second Life will live on for a long time still. There is certainly a need for a place in virtual space where everybody are allowed to build to their heart's content and where aspiring beginners can learn the craft through trial and error. I can't see any other place than Second Life that can fill this need.
  9. Airikk Ellisson wrote: This being said, everyone has said for a long time that SL needs to upgrade their graphics engine...the Sl game engine is way out-dated, and thats all true.. this NEW platform is what is needed tor SL Yes but no. That is, yes, the SL software is way outdated an needs to be seriously upgraded. But no, the new platform is not what is needed for SL. In fact, Second Life as we know it can not possibly exist on the Sansar platform as we know it so far.
  10. That's a very good question. I suggest you repost it in the General Discussion Forum here. The Answers section isn't really suitable for long discussions. But a quick answer: We do have something called freedom of press and that certainly applies to bloggers. It's a freedom with responsibility though.
  11. Darrius Gothly wrote: It's fairly easy to spot people (Merchants and Customers both) that are on the edge of suffering burn-out as they start sniping at people for little to no reason. That's what happened here actually. For those who hasn't read the review and the comments: it's a quite factual and not even particularly negative review and the seller did go completely mental about it. I'm not sure if there is an excuse for that but I do know a bit of the background and I think there should be room for forgiveness at least. Among other things, I know how far that product was from finishing only a week before it was launched and the seller must have worked 24/7 since then to get it done in time. There are also a few other factors that shouldn't be discussed in an open forum and I'm not at all surprised something like this happened. It's a shame that an innocent buyer/reviewer had to suffer because of it though, she really has my sympathy here and I hope she didn't take it too badly. It'll pass anyway. It's not as if many people read comments to reviews - at least not once they're getting a bit old. The product has already been updated twice sicne then and although I don't know for sure, I believe and hope the seller did see the points and fix those issues once he calmed down enough to think rationally again.
  12. Not sure if I should post in a necroed thread but here we go: bahiRD Oyen wrote: I'm not a purist who thinks you have to make everything from scratch. My only concern would come when someone violates the license but theres plenty enough available that can be uploaded to SL without doing so I wold say it's not wise to jump to the conclusion someones rights are being violated. Yes jumping to conclusions is something that should be avoided. But what else could they have done when the OP flatly refused to answer some very apropriate questions? I mean, all the OP had to do to clear any possible misunderstandings was to tell where they got the obj file from and what its license said.
  13. PurveyorOfProperty wrote: I'd be happy to take a look at someone's sim and try to sketch up a realistic survey of their property if I had a volunteer I would have to figure out pricing as I went but for the testing I'll guarantee it's free I could certainly need a map of Greater Coniston. Send me a private message here or an IM inworld if you want to look at it.
  14. I have to agree with Amethyst there. Privacy screens are really the last desperate solution when you're well established at a place and some ruthless neighbor suddenly puts up some horrible eyesore and nothing else works. You just don't buy land where you need privacy screens right from the start. But now that the damage is done, I suggest you try to cover the edge the best you can with some nice vegetation or such.
  15. Oh, sorry to hear that. Land tier isn't automatically reduced when you reduce the amount of land you own. You have to do it manually here: https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php If there's any comfort, you're not the first to fall into that trap and you won't be the last.
  16. There's a rather long discussion about the IE/MP problems in the General Discussion Forum: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/The-Marketplace/td-p/3043819
  17. Are you absolutely sure about those numbers? I've never ever heard of anybody achieving 200 fps in SL under any circumstance (nor can I see any point in it) and 30-40 certainly isn't low. That being said, if you have noticeable difference in performance, first thing to look at are the factors that are different? Are the avatars the same? A single really high ARC avatar can easily lag down the place all on its own. Are the inventories roughly the same size? If your main has a very large inventory, it'll take a long time before it's finished loading and you may have performance issues until then.
  18. Why settle for less? At Greater Coniston we now have two medieval castles available for rent! Both were created by none other than Hatris Panacek of Rampart Casltes fame. Keswick Castle is a tall Italian style castle controlling the waterway through the Keswick Channel. It comes with its own morring place for a boat and offers access to all the waterways around Sansara and Heterocera. You can sail all the way to Bay City from here! The dungeon has three cells - plenty of room for all your enemies - and a secret room somewhere (can't tell you where because it's a secret). A convenient passageway leads right from the dungeons to the master bedroom at the top of one of the towers. Rent depends on the number of prims you need. It is currently set to 1000 L$/week with 600 prims included. Additional prims are available at 2 L$/week for each.  Blackstone Castle is a smaller castle controlling the Linden Road at the sim crossing between Coniston and Langdale. And it's twice as big as it seems! At the entrance there is a time machine that takes you 1500 years back in time (or 1000 m up in the air if you have to be mundane about it) to a second copy of the castle in a medieval landscape. OPtional mooring space for a boat is available at Port Langdale only a stone throw away. Price is 370 L$/week including 120 prims. More prims are available at 2 L$/week for each.  Is a castle not quite the right thing for you? At Greater Coniston we have a variety of rentals from small 20 L$/week budget cottages to family homes and also stores and open parcles - all in an idyllic Northern English themed setting in one of the loveliest parts of Second Life.
  19. Nalates Urriah wrote: I don't know of anything the 32-bit Firestorm Viewer can do that the 64 bit can't... Apart from the mesh upload physics issue you mean? But that is easily overcome simply by switching to a different viewer for mesh uploads. As far as I know, there is no law against using different viewers for different purposes.
  20. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Aren't you supposed to use whatever bit viewer your system matches? By that i mean, i have a 64 bit system so i use a 64 bit viewer. No, not necessarily.
  21. ChinRey

    Media URL

    That's the control strip for a MOP (Media-On-a-Prim) player. MOP is a crude function that lets you display a web page on the surface of a prim or mesh. It's too primitve to be of much use so you probably want to switch it off (uncheck "Media" in the sound mixer menu or in preferences). But unfortunately that doesn't solve the problem with that annoying control strip. It pops up whenever your cursor is anywhere near the MOP item no matter what you do. If the media player belongs to you or is on your land, you can just delete it of course and if it's a rental, you shoud have a word with the landowners (MOP players aren't usually allowed in densely built rental areas since they're such a big nuisance factor). But if none of that works, I'm afraid the only thing to do is ask the owner nicely to delete it.
  22. Qie Niangao wrote: ... without anybody telling the bidders it's a "waterfront" parcel. It does now. The land flipper who won the auction describes it as Waterfront w/Sunset :smileylol:
  23. spiritLed wrote: I created each level of detail in blender, the lod created by the viewer was not up to my standards I was going to post the next possible explanation but entity0x beat me to it. Flip them normals and all should be fine. One additional tip: the Normal pointers in Blender can be a bit confusing when you have several srufaces close to each other. Sometimes you may also want to check by switching on backface culling (it's in the Shading section) right above the Mesh Display section).
  24. Izzy Stipe wrote: Does anyone know a store that sells some good animations for a fair price? Depends on what you mean by "fair". If you mean fair to the creators who spent hours making the animations, no - everybody sell much cheaper than that. But if you mean dirt cheap top quality adult animations, this is the first place to look: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/AM%20corporate/4/180/21
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