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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Sassy Romano wrote: Second, based on the ratio of flagged items to the store owners sum of products, if that goes above a determined threshold, the whole store gets taken offline. Ummm, do you mean that's how it is or just the obvious: that's how it should have been?
  2. Interesting. It's not the same thing though. If you look at the list of factors affecting LOD I posted in another thread, the Firestorm JIRA describes #2 and/or 3 on the list, while the hexagonal cylinder is clearly related to #4. The elongated cylinder becoming a hexagon issue has been in SL for as long as I've been rezzing prims here, it just didn't occur to me until now it has any connection to the z LOD bug. It's conistent, it is affected by RenderVolLODFactor and the LOD model always switch back and forth at the "right" distances - that is the distances that would have been right if the z dimension had been 0. What the Firestorm JIRA describes is LOD delay or LOD hangup and that's a very different issue. A newly rendered object gets stuck at too low a LOD level. Increasing the LOD factor won't improve the LOD here, if it has any effect at all, it only makes it slightly worse and once the right model has been force loaded, it stays correct. This is not a new problem either but yes, I do think it has grown steadily worse over time. I don't know why and I may be wrong anyway.
  3. Cordelia, I'm neither wrong nor right. I just tell you what the server statistics say. So if you want to accuse somebody or something, tell the server it's lying, not me.
  4. Errr.... this is the merchant section of the forum so the question many people visiting here are likely to ask are: How do we get our hottest fashion items and/or Venues included in the HUD? Just asking in general, I don't do fashion nor venues myself.
  5. Alwin Alcott wrote: Nearly all from the same shop. Wow! Nearly 900 items in that store! That's the most massive single person keyword spam attack I've ever seen. It's going to be very interesting to see what LL does about this.
  6. Have you looked inside your head recently? All avatars have something like that inside them. It's that bald hair base. Nobody uses the old system hair anymore of course but it's a mandatory part of the avatar so you can't remove it. The solution is to shrink it down so it's hidden completely inside the head. This is the first time I've seen a designer making something out of it though. Most of us are hair brained,.
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: I don't understand. Those don't look like a cylinder and tube. I know but that's what they are. Easy test to do actually, although perhaps easier horizontally than vertically: Rez a cyliner and a tube and place them right next to each other, rotate the cylinder 90 degrees around the y axis. Apart from the UV mapping they look absolutely identical. Make them 64 m long and 0.1 m in diameter and look at their ends. The end surface of the tube is still circular while the cylinder has degenerated into a hexagon.
  8. For those not familiar with that particular bug: A mesh' LOD is of course dependant on how well the LOD models are made but it also depends on the "switch points", the distances the different LOD models are applied at. The switch points are calculated according to the overall dimesions of the mesh and should be fairly easy to determine. But some meshes have much worse LOD than they are supposed to have. What happens is that if a mesh has three or four faces, its dimensions along the z axis is ignored. Usually the difference is barely noticeable but if such a mesh is very tall and thin the bug can have a huge impact. Linden Lab has never shown any interest in fixing the issue, nor have they been able to explain how such a weird bug can even exist. Anyway, I had a thought it may have something to do with prims. After all, the whole LOD model system we use was originally made for prims and then implemented on items - first sculpts then mesh - it is thoroughly unsuitable for. Here are two prim pillars, 6 m tall and 0.1 m in diameter:  The difference between them is that the one to the left is a cylinder, 6 m along the z axis, the one to the right is a tube rotated 90 degrees, 6 m along the x axis. So, the z LOD bug applies to prims too but not in the same way as meshes:  Here the cylinder has been hollowed and pathcut so it has six faces and it still suffers from the z LOD bug. I did some more tests and it turns out spheres and cylinders have the bug, the other five prim shapes don't, regardless of how many faces they have been twisted into. This is speculation but I think the explanation is that the bug was a deliberate attempt to save a few polys back int he early beta days when there were only two curved prim shapes. LL then forgot to include it when they introduced three more curved prims later and then they forgot not to include it when they introduced mesh.
  9. arton Rotaru wrote: Is that a rhetorical question? No. We'll never find a definite answer of course and most likely we'll never reach any kind of agreement. But we all keep saying that low poly is important but I've yet to see anybody even trying to explain what it actually means in Second Life context. Some thought exchange here should help give a little bit of clarification.
  10. Wikipedia says: "There is no defined threshold for a mesh to be low poly; low poly is always a relative term..." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low_poly)
  11. Alwin Alcott wrote: nothing slow here, functioning normal Isn't that a contradiction in terms?
  12. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: ...and as soon as it was implemented, it was also removed. Sigh. It may be back. But that's a leeeetle bit worrying actually. I've seen some comments that definitely weren't intended for public view. I think msot users here don't realize they are supposed to be for everybody to see. Besides, comments to comments to answers ... the Answers section may turn into a discussion forum fast.
  13. arton Rotaru wrote: AFAIK the installation of the viewer fails when the crash logger is still running. Failed to close with the viewer. A few weeks ago I had 3 of them running with each taking 25% (started the viewer 3 times during the day) of the CPU. This is beginning to sound like LL bought the whole thing from Norton. ;-) "Tired of your old computer problems? Replace them with brand new ones!" Yes, I do remember some occasions back when I did clean reinstalls on my old MacBook (which sadly has long gone to the Great Network In The Sky) without getting that error message.
  14. arton Rotaru wrote: It's very possible to slow down FPS to 20 or lower in crowded areas. Even with the beefiest hardware. It can happen in empty sims too if they're seriously overloaded with items and - above all - textures. It's not as common as avatar overload but it does happen.
  15. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: just rename win_crash_logger.exe and it won't load. it is in the same folder as the viewer, and it will need to be renamed on each update. Can I just delete it? One additional question there btw: how did it get there at all? When I install/reinstall/update the viewer, I get the "can not install win_crash_logger.exe" message and I click on the ignore button. I always assumed that meant it wasn't installed but apparently it is. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: it does do something useful, exactly what its name says. Useful enough it's worth spending a third of my computer's cpu time on?
  16. Is there a way to delete the win_crash_logger.exe permanently? It takes up an awful lot of processor time and doesn't seem to do anything useful.
  17. Fessy wrote: yeah. More fps on higher settings. FPS no limited in game Ok, so your graphics card is innocent then. And so is your connection which of course would have been the next suspect. So, the question now is: what can cause the computer to run slower the less work it has to do? Some weird quirk with the graphics driver perhaps?
  18. ChinRey

    destination guide

    YW If you mean Alwin was a butt, he's not! He may sound a bit rude sometimes but he's always genuinely trying to help. Besides, how was he to know the Desitnation Guide form was broken? Is it still broken btw? It's been a few months since I tried to submit anything there.
  19. If you don't believe me, just check yourself. The scripts failure data is readily available in the viewer for anybody to see. See my edited post for how to do it.
  20. Probably just MP interface mess, old listings that were never migrated still show up that way. As far as I know, there is no connection at all between the current MP software and the old Magic Boxes so there is no way for MP to know if a Magic Box still exists.
  21. What??? They forgot to include Maitreya and Omega!!! :smileysurprised:
  22. Fessy wrote: Tried different settings but when I use low settings there's 11 fps. When high - ultra it's 20 fps. Idk how that works. I'm not sure I understand this: are you saying you get higher fps on high graphics settings than on low??? That sounds really strange but if it's the case, it must mean the factor limiting your fps lies somewhere else in the chain, not in your graphics card.
  23. Fox Paragorn wrote: sorry but no, i Know this exists because i see something similar where the head was at the side (on the hand) of the person. Woops sorry, I didn't realize you were talking about an avatar, I thought you meant a rezzed robot figurine. ;-) But I think the answer would be the same anyway. A regular robot avatar is made from attached objects on a full alpha covered system avatar and the easiest solution is probably to use a script to move those attachments rather than animating the avatar skeleton. Takes a little bit of math to get everything in sync but not that difficult. At least that's how I would have done it. Somebody with more animation experience and less scripting experience may have a different answer, a deformer style animation that stretches your neck in sync with the arm movement. Edit: Come to think of it, you didn't say what kind of robot you are. I assume you're talking about a "classic" robot here. For an android style robot with humanoid animations, you'll need a special animation for it of course, an animation that deforms the neck by moving all the skeleton bones in the head in sync with the arm. Can't help you with the details there but do a Google search for: "second life" deformer animation
  24. ChinRey

    destination guide

    The form Alwin gave you a link to was broken until very recently. I'm not sure if they have fixed it now but if they haven't, you can send an email to the guide editor. You'll find the email address towards the end of the Destination Guide FAQ page.
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