Hi, well i was trying to do animations with motionbuilder, for seling it and that kind of stuff, so, i find motionbuilder, thats a powrfull tool so much good for animations, and well, previously i was trying with "qanimator" and (i work doing animations for shorts movies in 3d, and some games animations, this is my first time trying with second life) i notice , that program is so...rough, and i dont like it, cuz it only allow you to rotate edges only, but no ik, no rig, and obviously, no inverse kinematics, so, is not a big deal trying to do a decent animation in this program, but lucky, i listen in some place of internet, you can make work in second life, animations from Motionbuilder, and upload it in sl, but its a pitty cuz when i try it, with the original skeleton downloaded from lindenlab library, in the moment when im uploading it, the character in second life, doenst do nothing in the animation, just do random movements, like just move the hips around, but no play the animation what i did. I was thinking, well maybe i do something wrong, but for check it, i try to reproduce it in qvanimator (yay the program was usefull finnaly XD) and the program take the animation perfectly, and well, thats my question, is there any "special" form or maybe a plugin or script for motion builder, for get allowed to use the *.bvh made in motionbuilder in second life for upload? Thanks for all the feedbacks, all the answers will be welcome.