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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. ChinRey

    is there a way?

    MacieLu wrote: oh so thats why. well time to change pc ^^. As Drongle already said, that won't help if you're making a mesh for Second Life. It is not possible import a mesh with 66000 triangles into SL. You can split it up into sveeral meshes of course but think of the lag. If Blender has problems rendering that single object in a timely fashion, imagine what'll happen when ti ahs to share the computer resources with hundreds or even thousands of other items in a complex scene. It's hard to define how many polys an item can safely have since it depends on so many factors. But as a very general rule, the moment you go over 1000, you better make sure you know exactly what you're doing.
  2. I think Rhonda and Amethyst mentioned out the most important point: something that is low lag! Apart from that it depends on the occasion.
  3. Second Life economy? Klondyke shortly after the goldrush superimposed onto a feudal social structure.
  4. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: My post was very much on topic for this thread. Oh yes yours was definitely on topic. It was my reply that wasn't, although it wasn't completely off either.
  5. Sassy Romano wrote: I still want to know why I had L$27,000,000 taken from me without full explanation. Were the buyers refunded or did LL keep the money themselves?
  6. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: So, LL is OK with profiting from fraud? If i buy a $10,000L Horse from the MP (which i did a few years ago) and the box is empty (which it was) and the merchant never responds (which they didn't) and LL takes their 5%(Which I assume they did) how does that not make them an accessory to fraud? Another example which strictly speaking is a bit off topic for this thread: Failed deliveries are not easy to spot for a merchant. The only message you get aboutt hem are buried in a list of all transcations sorted by date and with onyl ten on each page. But a few motnhs ago I did happen to spot a failed delivery at my sotre so I contacted the wannabe buyer. Turned out that he ahd been charged, I never received any payment and Linden Lab refused to do anything about it. So essentially LL just took the poor guy's money and delivered nothing. That's petty theft. The buyer did get the house he wanted btw, I gave him a free copy.
  7. You can always ask the group owner nicely and hope he or she agrees to invite you back in. But apart from that I'ma fraid you can't do much.
  8. Tamara Artis wrote: Words mean nothing when the system doesn't work. Words and intentions mean nothing when the system doesn't work. That is the crucial point. I do not for a moment doubt the intentions of the people at LL working with the Marketplace. My impression is that they are doing a great job all things considered. But you don't try to empty you swimming pool with a teaspoon. There are more than 4 million items listed for sale on MP now. I don't know how many merchants there are but it must be close to 200 000. How do you manage something like that? Certainly not on a case-by-case basis. You need efficient, reliable software and efficient, reliable work routines. Without those tools any sanctions against dishonest merchants are bound to be arbitrary. You have to be very unlucky indeed to be caught. And of course it doesn't exactly help when honest, well-meaning merchants risk being penalized too just because the software messed up their listings. There's no sign of any significant improvement. I mean, Grumpity has been hard at work for more than half a year trying to fix the search algorithm. All credit to him or her for that but it is one of the minor issues. At that speed it'll take 20 years before we have a presentable Marketplace. This hurts all serious MP merchants. It hurts our reputations, it hurts our incomes and it steals an amazing amount of precious time. It hurts Linden Lab in the same ways too. LL's commission rate is 5% today. As Medhue Simoni once pointed out, serious merchants would be quite happy to accept 25% if the services provided were worth it. But they aren't. They're hardly worth the current five.
  9. In case you don't have time to read that long article Alwin linked to: Avatars heavily loaded with wearable items and textures are one of the main - perhaps even the main cause of lag in Second Life today and can in extreme (very extreme and rare) cases even be heavy enough they crash your computer. To counter this, Linden Lab recently introduced a "filter" that removes the avatars deemed too laggy to be safe from your computer screen, replacing them with monochrome silhouettes. It's far from perfect and tends to filter out quite a lot of "safe" avatars too but it's better than nothing and although you can turn it off, you don't want to. (Edit: of course it is possible their avatars actually do look that way but that's unlikely, there aren't that many Jellybaby avatars out there.)
  10. AdamZadig wrote: But this time i did. My mistake. I don't think there are many people in SL who haven't done that mistake, Adam. Btw, in case there's any doubt and since I ended up writing yet another post here anyway: With all the info that have turned up after the original post I have to say: yes, this particular case is beginning to look more and more like genuine fraud and not a honest mistake.
  11. Phil Deakins wrote: Have you helped your noob today? Every day. Unless they've changed things recently, you can't get back to Learnning Island where you first started. Social Island, yes, Learning Island, no. If you try, you're sent to the old Help Islands instead and then you kind'a drift off onto the neighbor sims and as often as not end up at Coniston.
  12. wherorangi wrote: the portals are way better I think in these times, at least for those who have played other games and already understand how portals work Oh, don't get me wrong, the portal park idea as a concept is absolutely brilliant! The problem is it's implementation. The selection of destinations needs to be much better and the whole system also needs a much better differentitation. If you go through the chat protal you should be taken to a place where you can meet people. And not only that: people who are actually willing to chat with strangers. If you go through the music portal... Well, what are the chances a techno music disco is what a newcomer who chooses that portal wants and expects? Even if it hadn't been empty I mean.
  13. ChinRey

    Tier for Land

    You don't actually pay for owning land, you pay for the right to own land. In this case it means that although the land the group owned is sold, the tier is still donated to the group. It's easy to fix: instead of selecting "Buy Land" directly in the land menu, select "About Land" and then click on the "Buy Land For Group" rather than the "Buy Land" buttton. (Ummmm... on second thought maybe easy isn't the right word here but this is SL after all ) The reason why you have to pay 8$ a month is that you have donated 1443 m2 land to the group from a single account. Reduce that to 1024 or less and donate the remaining from your other account and next time you pay tier it'll only be 5 $. The important things to keep in mind here are that as far as LL is concerned, your two alts are completely different customers with no connection whatsoever (except being co-owners of the same group of course) and that any reduction of tier - for a group or for an account - has to be done manually while tier increases are often automatic. (Not sure why - it's almost as if LL wants us to pay them as much money as possible but that doesn't make any sense of course.) Edit - hopefully to clarify things: The method Lindal mentions is the way you'd normally do it: Withdraw tier from group Buy land personally Deed land and tier to group That is the safe way since you'll get a warning message if you make a mistake. Unfortunately it only works if all the tier can be covered by a single alt. In your case you have to do it the other way: Deed tier to group - and yes you have to deed all the tier from both alts separately Wait a little bit to make sure the system register the deeding (it may take a few minutes) Buy land for group and, as Lindal said, make absolutely sure you buy for the right group In any case, you will have to pay a little bit extra. Two 512 m2 tiers plus 10% group bonus is still only 1126 m2, not 1443. The reduction in tier won't happen on your next payment btw. But after that you'll go get it down to 5 dollars a month.
  14. wherorangi wrote: the problem for LL with mini-SL orientation islands has always been, every time they do it, is the numbers of people who never leave them. They start there, are happy there, and never leave for SL proper Oh, victim of its own success then? Yes, that makes a lot of sense. But it shoudn't be solved by nerfing the intro, it should be solved by improving the next episode, and that brings us back to that portal park. I haven't been in SL for that long but still long enough to have seen four different newcomer entry systems. The only constant through them all has been the portal park and that has always been the weakest link.
  15. Juliansanderson wrote: What are you talking about Zyra sells complete avatars for L$150 - 300linden that are not mesh quality. However they're fine enough and they come with hair/clothes/etc.... So it is perfectly feasible to get a decent skin for $100 linden. Oh yes, definitely. You can even get a top quality (classic) complete-except-for-hair avatar for 10 Lindens - or for free even. Some good content creators only do it as a hobby and don't worry about the income, some think it's better to sell a lot of copies cheap than fewer copies at a higher price and of course there are always lots of cut price promo items. Most of the time however, the good old rule of trading still applies: 
  16. Theresa Tennyson wrote: I initially searched under "Avatar Appearance" Oh, there! Yes, that one is very obvious.
  17. Theresa Tennyson wrote: A marketplace search showed most of the skins priced at exactly L$100 are being sold by one merchant, and that merchant offers a wide range of skins with other skin makers' names on them. That's weird. I'm looking at the MP now. about 30 different merchants on the top 96 list of 100 L$ skins, including one or two fairly well known names. I can't go through all 3185 listings in detail of course but it seems to be more or less the same all the way and I can't even try to guess who you're thinking of there. Did you use some other filtering and/or search words too?
  18. Juliansanderson wrote: I am glad that your initial response is to blame the victim. I don't think anybody blamed you for it Julian. If some of the replies seemed a bit rude, it's because lots of people are frustrated. But it's not right to blame the seller either, at least not until you've actually given them a fair chance to respond. When items disappear from MP lsitings it's usually because they've been eaten by the crappy software, way out of the seller's control and something they can't be held responisble for. As for Linden Lab, they don't take responsibility for the Marketplace, never had and never will. I can't see how we can do anything about that.
  19. Chic Aeon wrote: PS. I went to the Marketplace store with NINE items (all low priced) and there is no consistancy to the style or to the vendor adds. Add the trombones. Why stop there? Here's is one of the items from that store: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Just-Magnetized-Diva-Brows-FULL-PERM/8405915 Compare to this older listing from a different store: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Just-Magnetized-Diva-Brows-Tintable/5993154 ------- Edit: Maybe we should answer Reighelle's second question too: You don't transfer a system body skin to a mesh body. Even if you find a way to do it, you'll never get a good result.
  20. wherorangi wrote: with the exit portals I would make 3 of the gates bigger than the others, to emphasis them more Oh, the portal park. They did remember to fix that, didn't they? That was the other HUGE error at the old Social Island. You went through the Role play gate and you were either sent to an empty building where apparently somebody tried to make an rp sim hub many years ago or to a fairy community who had asked LL over and over again to be removed from teh category since they weren't an sp place at all. If you went thrugh the Music gate you always ended up in an empty shopping mall where you could faintly see a just as empty techon club in the distance.
  21. wherorangi wrote: when working with older teens and adults then is more a peer-to-peer relationship (power equality - we) rather than a more formal tutor-to-student relationship (power inequality - you and I) I go for the peer-to-peer approach even when teaching small children. That's the educational culture where I live. I didn't list that as a "fundamental principle" since I know there are lots of couhtries that still use the old authoritarian school model and they seem to get good results there too - there is always more than one way up a mountain. But that was the approach of the previous Social Islands. It wasn't a school or a formal tutorial at all - or at least it never felt like it. It was a concentrated, distillied, simplified version of Second Life. It was a miniature SL where newcomers could practice the essential skills whilst having a good time and without being overwhelmed by the sheer complexity of the Big Thing. The new Social Island has much more a formal school feeling to it. Even the architecture there emphasizes that. The newcomers are sent through a path from station to station where they are told all everything they need to know about Second Life. But they better listen carefully cause they're only told once. How much do you think they remember of it all next time they log on?
  22. Juliansanderson wrote: So the other day I went onto marketplace to buy a skin. I purchased it and an empty box was delivered to me with just a note card in it. I contacted the vendor hoping for a resolution but have received no contact. I agree with everything Chic said of course (I always do) but this particular case looks more like a honest mistake than genuine fraud so you shouldn't give up hope yet. Depends on how long you have waited for response from the seller of course. If you haven't from them for a week, contact them again - and remember send the message both as a notecard and as an IM. If you still haven't heard from them for another week, then it may be time to start worrying. Two things you need to know: It is quite common that items disappear from a folder when you copy it from your regular inventory to the Marketplace. It's a bug in the MP software and something we just have to live with. That's what probably happened here, if it had been a fraud there wouldn't have been a notecard in the package. Very few MP sellers make a living from Second Life, most don't even have a noticeable secondary income here. It's a hobby and that means they don't always have time to keep a watch on their store every day so it may take a while before they are able to reply. Also of course, as you know messages are lost all the time in SL, so you really should send it at least twice before you give up hope.
  23. Saul has already given you a very good down-to-the-point answer. But I think there is one more thing you should be aware of: It is not possible to get somebody's IP address through Second Life itself. It is however technically possible to get it from the music stream they're listening to since that comes from an external server. There are some fairly expensive systems that claim they can identify new alts for old accounts that way but they don't work because: They can only identify (or misidentify) people who actually have music streaming switched on and most people with evil intents know better than that The IP address is not a reliable way to identify a specific computer, let alone a specific person.
  24. I have to post a reply to one of my own posts because it occured to me that something in it can be misunderstood in a very bad way: ChinRey wrote: >The reason the article you linked to gets a different result using data from the same source, is that it only goes back to 2013 which means the plateau in the curve right after that time has a much bigger impact on the figures. Looking closely at the figures I think both using 2011 and 2013 as reference points give misleading results. This may be seen as an indication that that article mentioned is deliberately trying to mislead. That is not the case. The article, written by Tyche Shepherd and reposted by Jo Yardley, is simply a summary of what had happened since last time Tyche Shepherd found time to make a summary which just happened to be back in 2013. The article does not present and does not in any way claim to present a picture of grid shrinkage as a whole.
  25. Supersatan3 wrote: Wait, so it 1500 the net loss of regions Oh, it's never been quite as high as 1500 except possibly in 2012 - have to take a closer look at the graphs for that. But yes, it's net loss. Like: according to gridsurvey.com 298 sims closed down last 30 days and 212 new ones opened. Net loss: 86.
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