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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Not to mention re-using code by others. The first reply in this thread recommends the many free script libraries on the internet and I think that is a very bad idea. This is mostly because the scripts you find there tend to be way outdated and not all of them were very well written in the first place. But it's also because of one of the most common and dangerous programmers' anti-patterns, thoughtless copy and paste programming. Not copy and paste programming in general, just the thoughtless kind. Thoughtful copy and paste can be a great time saver.
  2. Yes, it's shadows interacting with each other that are challenging for the gpu. Adding a little bit of brightness to a couple of spots on a flat surface is fairly easy. That being said, in a setting like the one you describe, it might have been better to go for a completely different approach, no illumination at all and a texture chanegr for the wall switching between textures with and without the light spots baked onto it. Whether that solution would have worked or not, depends on the windlight you use.
  3. I think that is the answer to your question really. Aditi is made as a completely separate grid and syncing the mesh upload permission data would be more work than it's really worth. Taking that test - or acceptng those IP terms twice is hardly a big deal. At least it wouldn't have been a big deal if they kept the page for it at the same URL - or at least rememebred to update all the links when they changed it.
  4. I doubt there are many computers that can handle as many as 61 light sources (we have to include the sun too, remember) at the same time anyway. Try to do it in Blender. Add 61 lamps to a scene and run it through cycles while you're away on your summer holiday. The number of active light sources isn't necessarily higher with ALM btw. With ALM the number depends on how busy the gpu is and sometimes it can be as low as just two. It still works though, both with and without ALM because it is always the ones closest to your camera that are the active ones and as you said, you can get an amazing effect walking around in a scene. Add glow to the lamp too and you won't really notice how few of them actually are illuminating.
  5. Best scripter tip? That has to be one by the Danish mathematician Piet Hein (1905-1996). Translated to English: Writing a script usually takes between two and ten times as long as we think and if we remember this even before we write the first line of code, we save ourselves a lot of frustration
  6. If all prims in the linkset are to act eaxactly the same way, you can do it with a much simpler script than the one Innula suggested. Something like: integer On; default{ touch_start(integer num_detected){ On=!On; llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_SET,[PRIM_POINT_LIGHT,On,<1,1,1>,1,1,1]); } } Of course, all those 1 digits need to be replaced with the values (rgb color, intensity, radius and fallout) you want the light sources to have.
  7. Rolig already answered but to clarify a bit: being banned from a sim or parcel is no big deal, it's happened to everybody and there are still 23,686 other sims to choose from. Anybody can call their place a "welcome center" and Linden Lab has often been quite liberal about which they officially approve of and they don't really keep track of what happens on all the old ones. Best thing to do is jsut shrug and move on. Do you really want to hang around at a place you don't feel welcome?
  8. This is a game, isn't it? "Hunt For the New URL". Better hurry up before they notice Whirly's posted the new one and change it again.
  9. Since this thread is still active, Linden Lab released version yesterday. I think the main purpose was to let Whirly flip.but since they were doing a viewer upgrade anyway, they also added a few new safety measures to reduce the risk of accidental deletion: Added a new floater to let you sort through your Trash before clearing it. When you empty trash from there, there's a confirmation dialog with item count too. Backspace won’t act as delete on Windows (but will on Mac, because there’s no other delete) Purge trash will tell you how many items you're permanently deleting. (Known issue: if you delete just a folder, the item count is incorrect). You can no longer purge trash from Recent Items tab, because you might think you're deleting just the recent items, but in fact it's everything. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/
  10. Oh. I kind'a mentioned him earlier in this thread and nobody responded to my straight line so I thought only us people who are interested in history still cared. But you were foolish enough to mention Trump and Humble in the same post... I've noticed that there are quite a few people who are very strongly opposed to what Trump has done as a president, while many others are just as stronly in favor of it. Both sides are wrong because apart from making a lot of noise and offending a lot of people, he hasn't actually done much at all. The main reason is that a supreme leader isn't nearly as supreme as people tend to think, especially not a new supreme leader fighting against the inertia of the organization. I suppose I don't have to tell you what prevents Trump from doing much damage or good (depending on your "political" view). Humble took over a company in disarray. Everybody had their own ideas where Second Life was heading and each department did their job the way they were used to do it, out of sync with each other and with the top management. It's hard to get much done under those conditions. The results Altberg achieved during his first few months were actually astonishing. This may partly have been sheer luck, one of the heaviest anchors holding SL back had left only a month or two earlier, and I think part of it is that he is a good leader. But nobody is that good and I'm quit sure much of the explanation was that his predecessor had laid down some solid groundwork for him to build on. I think we should keep that in mind if we are to talk about Humble's achievements or lack of such.
  11. Calm down, calm down, calm down! The world hasn't ended yet I thought LL had updated those links by now and apparently so did Nalates. Try to log on to https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/ and then check the Mesh status under the account tab in the left column. That should take you to the upload test for the mesh grid. If it doesn't, I suggest you open a thread about it in the Mesh section of this forum because that would certianly be something we all want to know about. Edit: I see you are new to this forum Bo, so you may not know that Answers section is a user-trying-their-best-to-help-other-users forum. Nobody from Linden Lab ever replies to the question. We all try our best to help but we are not always updated on the latest news. Aditi and the Aditi website are test sites for Linden Lab too and they can make changes to everything, including the URLs at any given time. Anyway, if you don't get a good answer right away, take a deep breath, get yourself a cup/glass of whatever you prefer to drink and jsut wait for somebody to come up with better/more updated info.
  12. They still do if the copyright owner demands it. It's required by law so LL doesn't have a choice there. But most people who file a DMCA do not make that demand because they don't want to hurt the innocent. Linden Lab certainly could and should do more than they do there. But to be fair, it's easier said than done. Two weeks ago I stumbled across a small alternative grid where they really take IP protection seriously (no, not the one that claims it does and then gives their users friendly advice how to rip content from SL, this is another one). It's a fairly small grid so it's easier to keep track of everything, they were prepared for the problems right from the start so unlike LL they're not trying to close the barn door after the horse had fled and since it's not completely U.S. based and locked down by the rigid, ofte counter-productive requirements of DMCA, they can sometimes find better solutions than the ones LL are allowed to use. The result is of course far fewer IP violations than in SL or on the less serious alternatvie grids but even there it's not hard to find them.
  13. I assume the offending item was returned too but I wasn't there when it happened so I don't know. The owner may have removed it himself afterwards. Yes, I really hope they take heed. There are at least two safety measures built into the software that should have prevented this from happening at all, at least four others that should have helped reduce the damage and they all failed at the same time. That's not really an ideal situation. Maybe, maybe not. Flickr spends a lot of time and effort on adequate backup for their free accoutns and so do all those cloud storage services of course. But anybody who has land in SL is a paying customer anyway, either directly or indirectly. I'm afraid you're right. Let's get back to talking about how wonderful this new forum is.
  14. If you really want me to bore you with details. One of my tenants accidentally rezzed something that had an LI a bit too high for the sim to accept. All the failsafes failed and rather than return or refuse that particular item, the server cleared three fairly big parcels - about 1/5 of the sim - completely. To make matters worse, some key items of the build weren't returned to owner, they simply vanished without a trace. And to make matters even worse, about half the affected items were part of one of the Lutra City games (completely breaking the game of course) and the owner of those items weren't available to restore them. This is mainland so LL couldn't do a regular rollback, especially not since it took 20 hours before they even responded to my support ticket. The four Lindens who were on the case at various times were really trying to help but the simply had no idea how to handle it. And they should because anybody can set off a prim bomb by accident. How many here can claim they always know the land impact of every single object they rez? LL's standard answer is that they can't guarantee the safety of our data. It's in the ToS and we have to accept it or leave. How many customers have chosen the second option? And more to the point: how many customers can LL afford to loose that way? I had already started work on the goodbye letter to my tenants but only two hours before the final deadline I had given them, LL managed to come up with a way to restore the damaged parcels without affecting the rest of the sim. The deadline was well past midnight in my time zone and I was already exhausted so I had gone to bed. The next morning was truly a beautiful one. In the end I lost one tenant, one night of sleep and about 30-40 hours I could have spent on more constructive work. On the plus side I gained a reputation among my tenants as a landowner who is really willing to stand up and fight to protect their homes. Techincally the case is still open btw. I reopened it and posted and evaulation of the incident as a whole and how it was handled. They haven't responded yet but that's ok, no rush anymore. It'll probably take them a few days to read that last message. I had a lot on my mind and I shared it all with them. I do hope they learn from it though so that next time something similar happens to somebody, they're prepared.
  15. The one thing I resent, and I really mean resent, about the way LL has been running SL is the overselling. It's better now than it used to be but there is still too large a gap between what they (implicitly and expilicitly) promise and what they actually deliver. This goes all the way back to the early days of SL. The first Lindens believed in their own hype. They were convinced that the innocent little shootup game they had made for fun could develop into the Brave New World of the Future. This is very obvious to see in that other virtual world some of them launched recently. They just don't understand that you need to have your feet on solid ground to be able to build castles in the air. Then for a while SL and LL went on in its own little bubble and they failed to notice that the world and internet around them evolved faster than them. The incident I had last week is a good example there. A server glitch lost me so much and vital data I just couldn't go on unless it was restored. Proper backup and data restoration routines is something you really take for granted on the internet these days, at least when we're talking about paid services. Linden Lab didn't have that. I had to push them really hard before at the last minute they managed to come up with an acceptable solution. (I tried not to push too hard though and I know at least one of the Lindens involved survived.) It has grown better recently, no doubt about that. Among other things, they brought in somebody with experience from a major modern internet company and he must have noticed many of the issues right away. They still have a long way to go though. (Disclaimer: I'm talking about Second Life here, not Linden Lab's entire product range. I won't say if these problems apply to Sansar too since I'd rather not test the limits of that NDA.) Oh no! Ebbe is wonderful!!! And believe, me, it's not easy for a Norwegian to say that about a Swede - it's like a Canadian praising USA or an Irish admiring England. He's not really here though. That is the one serious negative effect Sansar has had on Second Life: It seems the LL top manangement is so busy with this new project they don't have time enough to give SL the attention it needs.
  16. There are several such places already and they all seem to manage well simply by looking at people's avatars and expecting people to respect the rules.
  17. THank you Innula! I've been wondering if I could put that flag to any use. Now I Know.
  18. And something like this to hold the output
  19. ChinRey

    Head Attachment

    Yw. Sorry I can't help you with the rigging question too. We don't usually use rigged mesh for houses or plants so that's a bit outside my field. I'm sure others here will turn up with some good advice though.
  20. Unfortunately yes but in this case that's not very likely to help. In fact, increasing LoD factor make matters worse - it can dramatically increase the workload of the graphics processor and that again means a bgger chance of render failures. Personally I still maintain that people who sell mesh that requires LoD factor 4 in 2017 should be hanged, hung, quartered, drowned, shot and beheaded and then forced to write "I will never sell shoddy mesh again" 1,000 times on a blackboard. It's for their own good! Edit: Oh, and after that little exercise to get their attention, they should be forced to learn by heart all the countless forum posts Drongle, Aquila, Arton, me and many others have posted here about all the far more effective and less destructive ways to save LI.
  21. ChinRey

    Head Attachment

    No but there we have an alternative reality called the Beta Grid where your Lindens never run out. You have to redo the mesh upload test an enable the grid in your viewer but once you've done that, you can do all your testing there and it won't cost you a single "real" L$ no matter how many times you reupload. When the grid is working that is. It usually is but it is a test grid and sometimes Linden Lab tests it to the breaking point and beyond.
  22. I think the Mac version of Crazybump is still free. Crazybump calls the Mac version "official beta" but the only thing that seems to be missing is the progress bar as the program loads. Instead you get an image saying "Imagine a progress bar here" For Windows user on a budget there is always InsaneBump, a freeware program that does pretty much the same once you have figured out the nightmarish user interface. There is also NormalMap-Online, A free online map generator. It is supposed to need a height map as input but I have found it usually works well making maps from textures too, just like Crazybump but easier to use. Btw, if you use Crazybump Personally I always use fake baking for AO effects, it gives me far better control over the result than any generated maps. For normal maps NormalMap-Online has become my main tool. I sometimes use it for specular maps too but very often I just manually edit the diffuse map - or even use it unmodified.
  23. Where? Edit: Never mind, it shows up in search - I wonder who's paying the fee for a search listing... http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allana/192/62/21
  24. A friend of mine who is a clothes designer partnered her pose stand because that was what she spent most of her time with. She had to create an account for it of course but that was easily done. Edit: Woops! Sorry, Alwin, I didn't notice this was a nekro thread.
  25. Also make sure the normal map has something to work on. A normal map on a surface facing the light source directly should not and often will not give any visible effect at all.
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