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Jadeclaw Denfu

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Everything posted by Jadeclaw Denfu

  1. Doesn't surprise me. But - We have to keep in mind, that most of these Grids are cheap as chips, especially compared to SecondLife. However, what about Support, when things go seriously pear-shaped? A point important especially for commercial estate owners. As I mentioned in another thread before, judging from the statistics provided by Gridsurvey, SL seems to follow the RL-economy relative closely, so the development we see currently doesn't surprise me at all. Just as a reminder, the real estate bubble in the US and especially in Spain exploded with nuclear force, in Greece, the s**t really hit the fan financialwise, Italy and Portugal don't look that good as well. The only thing I'm a bit worried is the retaining rate of new users. Seeing recent threads about the new user experience, I have the impression, that Linden Lab is trundling through the landscape like AnnMarie Otooles automated abominations. All over the place with no real sense of direction.
  2. It is simple, you can put a different texture on each face of an object. If you put a transparent texture on one face of that object, you can look through that object from that side. In practice this happens: A megaugly club from the outside: http://sl.jadeclaw.de/Snapshot_427.png You can look into it. The same club from the inside: http://sl.jadeclaw.de/Snapshot_428.png From the inside, a black wall. The outside face is set to transparent.
  3. That the FAA has no jurisdiction here is a point, that doesn't even needed to be discussed here. I brought it up fo another reason: In RL, the land ownership end above a certain height - for a good reason. And it should be possible to come to a similar agreement/way of handling, basically to stay out of each others hair. If not, LL can stop giving out vehicles in Amazon welcome packages and premium gifts. It's no fun, being kicked out of free air every second sim. Flying circles over a sandbox gets boring rather quickly... I have been kicked out of a tour pod a few times by a security orb on Linden road. However, these cases are not 100% reproducible. I don't give too much for the permissions system in this regard, Griefer devices and AnnMarie's cars at the weirdest places are ample proof, that the system isn't fully waterproof. To make finally one point clear: I have no problem being thrown out without a warning if I accidentially tp into a house or skybox. I guess, that was clear to you from the beginning.
  4. The minimum I expect is a warning and enough time to leave the parcel/sim. Not everyone has property lines visible and at 500m above ground, one cannot be expected to move exactly around a certain parcel. I have been taken out of free air multiple times without any warning. In those cases, an AR will be filed. 100%. Btw. I treat the free air above a parcel in SL as it is treated by air traffic control/FAA/DFA in real life. Minimum flight level to not disturb the people on the ground and not permanently circling above a parcel. And before you call me egoistic, it is not about me, it is about the whole flying community. Everyone suffers, when security devices take people out of free air without warning. And that some property owners are too dumb to setup their security devices isn't something new. When I do a tour with a Yavascript tour pod, I usually get 10 to 20 warnings from misconfigured devices. I also have been kicked out of the pod by security orbs. Since these pods are waypoint controlled only, they never enter any property, that is not owned by Linden Lab. In other words, these devices reach into public space.
  5. You can't hide any structures. Never. If an object is rezzed, area search will find it. Especially the search in the latest Firestorm-Version. It even offers a 'Teleport to'-function. Security orbs: What is covered, depends on the device used. Some simply cover a sphere with a given radius, others cover the whole parcel horizontally and the whole free air above it vertically (0 to maximum height above ground technically possible ). The best ones have a graphical setup, you drag a box across the area you want to protect and all that is inside that box is protected. I do warn against the dumb security orbs, that simply kick out everything regardless of the height above ground, I consequently AR those, if I get kicked out of free air - 100%.(Harassment > Impeding movement) Oh, and putting a transparent texture on the skybox, or setting the outer face to transparent doesn't hide the skybox, it only makes it easier to watch, what is going on inside the box. Basically, a skybox @ 4000m is not hidden, it is only considerably less obvious than a house on the ground. And I have to agree with Pussycat here, a distraction on the ground works. Besides, it's much nicer to the eye.
  6. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: "I would tell them not to introduce any new features until the fix all the things that have been broken, some of them for years." I can not agree more. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: "The problem is that the avatar is based on the old Poser 2. If they update the entire avatar to today's standards, all the content that is for avatars would break. Animations would no longer work right and all clothes would no longer fit," Well, there is an old saying here in Germany: "You should not ask the frogs, if you want to drain the pond." Seriously, the time is overly ripe for a new avatar model, the current one is so outdated, it's not funny anymore. However, since the rendering/texturing happens at the client side, it is no problem running the old and the new avatar parallel, users will move to the new model as updates for accessories become available. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: "The second thing is no support for clubs. " I do think, Jonas meant the technical side, not financially subsidizing the clubs. There is a thread on the server forum about problems during larger events and a good running club is practically a permanently running larger event. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/Increase-in-Instant-SIM-LAG-amp-Crashes-During-Larger-Events/td-p/1683765 Already ten pages and the problems aren't fixed, only morphed into new effects.
  7. Persephone Emerald wrote: "It just makes sense to segregate your personal information and only tell people what they need or have a right to know." Exactly that is the reason here in Germany we have a 'Right to anonymity'-clause in our data protection laws. And it is this clause, which is Facebook is at odds with german government officials. Facebook's real name policy is a violation of this rule and the case is going to court in the next few weeks. The law clearly states, that social media providers (like Facebook, SL, etc.) must allow sign up under a 'pseudonym', that means, you can call yourself anything you want, the provider is not allowed to request to use your real name. Since Facebook is present in the EU and offers its services in Germany, that rule applies. I expect Facebook losing that court case. Linden Lab follows that rule, only LL's billing department can connect my SL-user name to my RL-Address.
  8. Phil Deakins wrote: "That was a stupid thing for the moderator to do." I agree here. But - I can understand, that a mod gets a bit miffed, when the same thing gets reported thirty times in a row. However, getting mean at the reporter is the wrong way to deal with that. Suggestion: There is that 'Add Tag...'-thing at the bottom of each post, why not mark the spam with a 'SPAM - reported'-Tag after reporting it? So everyone else knows, that the entry has been reported. Keeps the clutter down on the mod's inbox.
  9. 1: Yes. You get a allowance of 512m² for free. Or a Linden home. If you buy more than that, you have to pay tier fees, which are listed here: https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php?lang=en-US 2: Yes, but you have to explicitly downgrade your account, simply stopping paying kills it - including your name, your inventory, etc. To become a basic member, you have to explicitly abandon/sell all land you have. The free part must be abandoned. 3: Yes. If you can't pay your premium fee on time, you can lose your account with all the inventory, free basic accounts live forever. You may compare the whole premium thing with renting land. But don't forget to count in the premium sign up bonus(L$1000,--) and the weekly stipend(L$300,--). For me and my 2048m²-parcel, basic + rent comes out cheaper. but depending on what you want to achieve, premium might be the better choice. So do the math and decide then.
  10. The right bar is Network Bandwidth currently in use, the left bar is packet loss.
  11. Dillon Levenque wrote: "But, but...what if it's for real? " Trust me, it isn't. The Key point here is: To get the free Linden$, they don't need your SL-Password. Only your full avatar name. What a genuine paying survey site would do, is to set up an agent account inside SL and tie that to their IT. One Example: Eldexchange (the exchange I use) has set up such an agent, whenever I transfer L$ from them into my SL-Account, I get a message stating "N... B... paid you xxxL$". All they needed was my full avatar name and nothing else. They never got my SL-Password. The password for my account there is a different one. Dillon Levenque wrote: "Our survey SAYS: naah, probably not." And with that, you're right on the money.
  12. You might want to contact Prokofy Neva about the beach huts here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baileya/157/25/21 Lots of space and a beach hut is already there: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Waved/148/201/21
  13. Okaaay, a slightly deranged individual with entitlement issues. And L$300,-- is quite daft.
  14. Metalcoldreaper wrote: ""and recently i was told to be quiet over voice (I am not a child i am an adult being told to shut up due to -reason here-)"" Unless you were constantly blabbering away on voice chat, could it be, that an attachment you were wearing, was constantly spamming the local chat? There are still programmers, that haven't heard of llOwnerSay, using llSay or even llShout to communicate with the owner of the attachment. In that case, the staff was right to tell you to be quiet.
  15. Unless someone is hibernating in a himalayan cave for the last 30 years, it should be common knowledge, that if you have to pay to get a job or buy something beforehand from the employer, that it is a scam. 100%. Consumer organisations, consumer information programs on tv, etc. regularly issue warning about these scams. and just because it's on SL, that doesn't make it less of a scam. Personally, I think this stuff IS ARable.
  16. I can see a somewhat smaller SL staying in business for quite a time. I also can see a rise in demand for mainland, as some businesses still see a presence on the grid as a worthwhile enterprise, but cannot justify the expenses of a private estate. A growth is also possible, if the economy picks up pace again. I'd say, it is waaay too early to write off SL as dead. SL is alive and well, just on a slightly smaller scale. I even see that around my parcel, the three empty lots around mine are all rented out. Nearly in one go.
  17. Try Singularity: https://sites.google.com/site/singularityviewer/ Has the look & feel of the old Phoenix viewer but with a modern codebase underneath and improved performance.
  18. Xerev wrote: "My wife and i want to bread Meeroos, they are so cute " Hmm, roasted meeroos on toast? Tasty! *gets the barbecue out* Ok, seriously: 150p for L$150 @ Tuliptree: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tuliptree/15/102/30 120p for L$150: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Brown/140/164/25 Oh, and you really don't need a skybox, meeroos can happily live on ground level, stealing is prevented by the SL permission system. and there are no meeroo-eating dinosaurs. Tuliptree allows skyboxes. And making one is easy. You may want to look at the main office for additional offers: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Alston/114/23/37 You also might want to check out, what is available @ MarlyTomsen: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Junlong/130/184/50
  19. You can't in parcel settings. And that's good, so flying over is still possible, however without being able to land inside banlines. Yes, inside banlines, you can't go below 71m above ground. Estate controls keep non-members completely out, but if you still want to have a welcome area for non-members, the Telehub is an alternative: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Managing-Private-Regions/ta-p/700115#Section_.1.1 If you need an idea for designing the area, the old original Telehub-buildings are still available at the freebie market in Stillman. For free.
  20. Here in Germany, a constitution plus a constitutional court has prevented some bad laws created by the currently ruling idiots. The court shot down a data retention law, killed a surveillance law, corrected a bunch of other idiocies. All in the last few years. In that regard it is good to have another quality assurance on law making.
  21. Porky Gorky wrote: I spent time analysing the data for 2012 and changed my mind to some degree. I don't think SL will remain sustainable through to 2014. I tend to disagree here. Predictions like that are prone to miss the target. We have a commission here in Germany, that predicts yearly, how the economy progresses in the next year. They miss the target regularly by a wide margin. And these guys have master degrees and doctor titles in economy. In other words: Only a short prediction would be possible, e.g. when there are clear signs visible, that something goes seriously pear shaped. From the data Tyche has collected, I don't see those signs. In fact, the numbers look quite good, seeing how the economy has developed in some countries, notably Greece, Spain and Portugal. I expect SL following the RL economy to a certain degree and unless LL makes big mistakes, SL is here to stay. However, there is room for improvement, especially in regards of customer service and handling of ARs, hardcore griefers and copybotters. See for example the relevant entries in Prokofy Neva's blog.
  22. Sometimes it is good not to live in the US. Here in Germany, things like internet use at work is firmly set into workers contract law. In other words, the employer regulates internet use during work in the employment contract details and that's it. If you break these rules, you'll get admonished, or in serious cases like downloading porn onto a work computer, you'll get fired. But that's it, no police, no criminal investigation, it's a civil law matter. Oh, and employers are prohibited from asking for login credentials of online services and a lot of other private things. Almost all of the private life of an employee is protected, unless it directly interferes with the job.
  23. Sure, massive free areas between Linden homes are not practicable, however, this can be made in a nicer way, so it doesn't look like a ghetto. This of course requires a bit more work than simply copying a standard layout over and over again. The Elderglen und Tahoe-style areas look less cramped than Meadowbrook (which I had pictured), so it is doable without being too generous with real estate.
  24. Thanks for the pointer, works in Firestorm and Singularity as well, set the camera a good deal lower, works better - and is more realistic.
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