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Jadeclaw Denfu

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Everything posted by Jadeclaw Denfu

  1. *Thread hochhol* Coby foden wrote: " However, the only exact accurate way to measure the avatar mesh height is doing it by prim. Linden Lab is aware of this matter, there is even a JIRA: Incorrect height information in appearance editor Status: Aknowledged Resolution: Unresolved" Phil Deakins wrote: "That JIRA was created more than 2½ years ago, so it's not something that's likely to be fixed, even though the first response, on the same day, was from linden who said he'd like it to be fixed, and requested discussion for that purpose." Over two years ago for a simple bug, that could be fixed in the viewer? Oh, my... Anyway, went through Firestorm, Singularity, the official viewer and pulled up a prim next to me. Result: Firestorm: 1.79m; Singularity: 1.79m; Official Viewer: 1.60m, Prim: 1.82m including ears. The avatar came with a default size of 1.80m, only the arms were a tad short. Interestingly, Dark Spot Designs uses the female shape for the male avatars, which allows for a lean shape, that in my opinion fits a cheetah quite well. That's me next to one of Phil's kitchens: I also took a peek at Imnotgoing Sideways' house in Brown and everything fits perfectly my size, finally a doorknob, that doesn't poke ones eye out.
  2. Look into your transaction history. There you have the name of the customer. Then do this: Enter in your webbrowser: https://my.secondlife.com/name.surname name and surname are in lower caps only e.g. https://my.secondlife.com/pamela.galli Try resident as a surname if you have one with the first name only. There you have the profile. To send a message, it might be necessary to be logged in in your Web-Profile.
  3. Tie your SL-Account to an valid e-mail-address here: https://secondlife.com/my/account/contact.php?lang=en-US Make sure, that the 'I would like to receive offline IMs via Email' option is checked.
  4. There is a band aid already available: Open the Inventory-Dialogue, on the Inventory tab, scroll down to 'Library', then 'Body Parts' -> 'Alpha Masks'. There are three entries: Headless Avatar, Invisible Avatar and No Feet.
  5. And then I found this gem as a result of the change in the TPV-policy: http://moonlight-mce.net/wp/index.php/2012/02/25/197/#more-197 Only Linden Lab could pull it off: Quote: "" First important thing is that MoonBots are no longer allowed to identify themselves as bots. If you find it funny that LL breaks a measure that originally was implemented by us as a security measure – feel free to do so. Nevertheless, we have to live with that. From some point next week, MoonBots will not carry a viewer ID tag anymore, so they will show up in Phoenix/Firestorm/Imprudence/CoolViewer radar as any other client, no longer marked as ‘MoonBot’. Another issue is that MoonBots will not be allowed to ID themselves as bots when someone messages them. This feature was also a security measure, to make it possible for any land owner to determine if the avatar hanging around idling on their land is a bot that went astray because its home region is offline or if this is an idling avatar, and also to determine who is the owner of the bot so they can be easily addressed and asked to remove the bot. I am now forced to change that with the next update, so from that point on MoonBots won’t reply with “Hi, I’m a MoonBot and my master is…” anymore. Live with that, too."" Oh, my...
  6. If you want to have a bot stay longer in one place, you need to have an avatar logged in. But it can be done with specialised software, that doesn't display anything on the client side. However, the scripted agent policy should be followed: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Bot_policy Qie Niangao wrote: "Is that actually the common case now, that bot-running clients have graphical world views? " Depends on the purpose of the bot. Those 360°-photography bots surely do to create the photo, data collectors don't need graphics. And I'm pretty sure, the 'Harmless-Light-Legal'-brigade is commandline controlled. Bot controlling software: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Second_Life_bot_software_comparison You can even rent these critters: http://www.smartbots2life.com/
  7. Inworld bots are possible, AnnMarie OToole's automated abominations could be classified as bots, but there are considerable limits to those scripted objects, Autoreturn is one of them, unlike avatars, if they remain on one parcel longer than autoreturn permits, they're gone. Photography is another, inworld objects cannot take pictures. Moving into a parcel without enough prims available to accommodate the object kills the object as well. Plus a bunch of other limits.
  8. Anni Cybertar wrote: "Thanks, I`ll try again but I keep getting mountains when I raise" That's normal and no reason to panic. You have two sliders, Size and Strength. Push the 'Strength'-slider almost completely to the left, that makes it more controllable. Set the option on the left to 'Raise', then move the ground up to about what you want. Don't worry, if it looks like a crumpled up paperbag, we get rid of that with 'Smooth'. Set the option to 'Smooth', push the 'Size'-Slider a bit to the right, then wipe with the mouse over your land repeatedly, while holding down the mouse button. You will see, that the wrinkles are getting smoothed out. It does need a little bit of eperience, but you will get the hang of it quite quickly. You might have to repeatly edit it using 'Raise', 'Lower', 'Flatten' and 'Smooth', until it is to your liking. Oh, and everything you do IS reversible, so feel free to experiment a bit. Remember to keep any changes to your own property, as sometimes Terraforming rights work on all land belonging to the same group. Activate Property Lines with Alt+Shift+Ctrl+P, if you haven't done yet.
  9. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: "That's just lame. If sound can't be restricted in the land tools they should give us a screen control to turn it off by source, like you can for voice." I think, it is possible. But possibly only for direct land owners. Case at hand: Last year I had rented a parcel on Zindra, behind me a permanent no-show had rented one from a different landlord. This no-show resident had a strange device running, which produced a humming noise - 24/7. It was audible on all parcels around that one - except mine. As soon as I was on my parcel - Silence. So it seems possible to set a parcel onto a different audio 'channel'.
  10. NHK-World reported today, that Twitter has been attacked and account data of possibly up to 250 000 users had been stolen. Including usernames, passwords and session tokens. An attack started during analysis could be stopped in its tracks. (Heise.de confirms it.) These attacks are likely connected to the attack on the New York Times after that paper published a report about the wealth of the chinese leader Wen Jiangbao. Report: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/daily/english/20130202_14.html Addendum: No word seen about Hotmail or Yahoo.
  11. Syo Emerald wrote: ""Da wo der klügere nachgibt, beginnt die Herrschaft der dummen."" (Where the smarter one relents, the rule of the dumb begins). I do understand your sentiment and in most cases I would agree. In this case it was a one time incident, one of the parties moved the box and that was it. I would have taken a different stance, if the other resident had kept on nagging. In that case my recommendation would have been to AR/mute/block the other resident. A lot of neighborly conflicts are the result of the 'Relenting? Never evar in my life!!!!'-stubborness.
  12. Syo Emerald wrote: I'm happy this happened to you. Really. Hope it happens again. Öhmm, why? Is there a backstory to this? (Aside from the fact, that the OP hasn't fully understood the DMCA.process.)
  13. Ok, you have a point here, inworld it is an avatar, but on the client side can be a software, that emulates a viewer, which collects data about everything in draw range. Protocol and viewer sources are public anyway.
  14. The 'Harmless-Light-Legal'-Brigade is out again, sitting by the roadside. One is here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Chapala/106/216/50 Another one sits here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fymatigue/235/48/27 And the ones I listed on Page 39 of this thread are back at their old places as well, except the Borgatti-one. Seeing, how close to the road these are sitting, I wonder how many get killed by AnnMarie's automated abominations. But seriously, I don't get the purpose of these bots, there are no scripts running in them and they sit on nothing, according to the 'About Land'-Dialogue. And without any scripts, they can not collect any data at all.
  15. Well, here in Germany, we have an old saying: "Der Klügere gibt nach." (the smarter one relents.) And when moving the box is easy, just letting the issue go is the smarter solution.
  16. MissNessy wrote: " Was she right?" Of course not! Why? 1.: You are on a mature sim. 2.: Adult things are allowed in a mature sim, if it is taken indoor. What you did. Plus, moving a fully kitted out skybox is a pain in the a**. She could have moved her empty box much easier. Reminds me of the people buying a house in the approach vector of a busy runway and then complaining about the noise.
  17. Like the spammer this morning. Created about 10 accounts and started spamming. Luckily the mods removed the junk relatively quickly. If there had been a delay function, the spammer would have stopped quite quickly. One idea: 1 new topic per 24h and 5 thread answers until a minimum of 30 posts is reached. Why not sign-up date dependent? Because spammers often sign up and let account age to circumvent such regulations. By making it dependent on the number of posts, that trick fails. If you have a technical problem, you don't need the ability to flood the forum with hundreds of posts.
  18. One of the fast mesh capable Viewers is Singularity https://sites.google.com/site/singularityviewer/
  19. Multiple SIMS had serious problems in the last 5 days. Effects were missing parts (missing muzzle, eyes & ears on my lion avi, could look through the empty eye sockets) after teleport/sim crossing, vehicles crashing & dieing on sim crossing, some of the Yavascript tours failed completely permantly. I do hope, that the next rollout fixes these problems. The last one was a real b0rkfest.
  20. Oh, my... As I said before: In the strangest places... Is there even a Linden-Road nearby?
  21. I wouldn't harp so much on that 'Stay on the road'-thing, if I hadn't seen better implementations. However, if I had to implement an automatic vehicle, I would strictly use waypoints only. It is the most reliable way and if there is one constant in SL, it is the LDPW-road network. It seldom gets expanded and roads removed? Never seen that (Anyone have seen LDPW-roads closed/removed, correct me please). Roads over private property is a different case, but to prevent problems, automated vehicles should stay off these anyway, unless there is explicit permission from the landowners/groups. Waypoint-driven vehicles can cater to that and can be set to stay off other inappropriate areas (No, AnnMarie, the Bugatti does NOT belong on a waterway. And a schoolbus isn't a watercraft either.). @Qie Niangao: I do not claim to be an expert in LSL-Scripting, I had done a bit of experimenting and when the scripts died, all movements died with them. In case of Firestorms script counter, I have to rely on, what it reports. And I had a number of stuck vehicles with all scripts running, but zero script time. Some of them could be freed, others didn't move. Having seen another thing going seriously pear shaped last week, I don't fully trust the server data, that get reported by a LSL-script. Or a viewer.
  22. Qie Niangao wrote: "As "littering" goes, I could show you some Mainland that puts to shame any pile-up of automated vehicles. Just try getting any action on those ARs. " I believe you. However, just because there are worse areas, it doesn't make it better. Especially as it is almost completely avoidable. Qie Niangao wrote: "Of course this wouldn't work when the vehicle gets stranded on no-script land, but the majority of clutter vehicles I've encountered still have running scripts and can sometimes be freed just by sitting on them ( ... ), so those could self-destruct, no problem." She claims, the rotating parts, etc. were happening in the viewer, not on the SIM-server. She doesn't seem to understand, that when the script stops, the updates of the rotating position and with that the rotation itself stops as well. That means, if the wheels turn, the scripts are running, which is always confirmed by Firestorms's script counter. And that means, a clean up script would have worked. That there isn't one, shows, she either is unable to write one or she simply doesn't care. Qie niangao wrote: "For the ones stranded on no-script land, I wonder about having some vehicles run active sensor scans for stranded vehicles. I wouldn't want to run sensors on every vehicle all the time, but dispatching an occasional garbage-collection mission could locate them for manual deletion before they create so much annoyance." On the other paw, why creating an elaborate clean up scheme, instead of preventing the problem in the first place. For example by simply staying ON the road. Other automated vehicles have no problems with that. A few statistics: In the year I'm on SL again, I have found about 10 Yavascript-Tourpods, that were stuck, all of them were Temp-Images, that disappeared on right click, except one that was a permanent one, Yavanna removed it immediately when she came online. In comparison, the log files of the IMs with AnnMarie OToole are about 18kB, 95% of that are reports of vehicles stuck, sometimes at the strangest places. And a good number of messages were about multiple vehicles at one spot.
  23. If that isn't littering, then what is it?!? 8 vehicles on a 50m stretch of road: Far back behind the brick building is a trojan horse.
  24. 1.: It's ugly as hell, 2.: It's dirty, 3.: It does use up resources, scripts running or not. My patience is starting to wear thin. I used to notify you out of courtesy, but if you don't get the programming fixed to prevent being run over and object littering, I will start to AR these things instead. If ARs start piling up, your luck could run out rather quickly. Clarification for the others here: I don't have a problem with automated vehicles. Actually I like to see some automated traffic on the roads. But the key points are: No littering, stay on the road, be fully phantom, have WORKING clean-up-scripts. The Yavascript-Pods fulfill all four points. The same is true for the Jer Straaf-cabs running in the 'Something'-Sims. AnnMarie's abominations don't even get one of the points right. By the way, when I returned to SL last year after a long hiatus, I rode a few times in a black Ferrari, it was one of the self search variant, but much better programmed. It never strayed off the road and I haven't seen one stranded anywhere. So -despite AnnMarie's claims- It can be done. Sadly, the Ferraris seem to be gone.
  25. My experiences with the LL-Support were generally positive, most issues got resolved in less that 6 hours. Only this plywood abomination took a day to remove because of its size and mass: http://sl.jadeclaw.de/Snapshot_382.png (It completely covered two sims and was visible on the map as well) The other issues were griefer devices - a **bleep** sprayer, tons of yellow balls and similar junk. Plus some map issues (missing tiles, slow inworld loading)
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