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Hunny Bunny

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Everything posted by Hunny Bunny

  1. Isn't this what we have now with everyone inspecting their neighbors parcels looking for sex furniture on the lawn?
  2. Web User Group And Updates! Entry posted by Linden Lab · 15 hours ago "Second, we’re extremely pleased to say that in the last month we’ve made significant progress in laying the foundations for the long-awaited Name Changes feature. All of our teams have been working hard on preparing the grid and all of our systems to accommodate account name changes, both first and last. We’re not quite ready to release all the details yet, but suffice to say that if you’ve ever wanted to change up your account name for whatever reason (and we know you have!) STAY TUNED." Now, I have to wonder if "in last month we’ve made significant progress in laying the foundations for the long-awaited Name Changes feature", what was going on the other 528 days? Drooling on the keyboard?
  3. This is something I have struggled with too and I have pinned part of it to the unreliable destination guide. Also, there are so many different things to do with people scattered all over the grid doing their own thing that it's really hard to find any group like minded people in one place at one time to really get things going. Sure, there's clubs but generally speaking it's a lot of people standing around or dancing and spamming gestures and not much chat going on but in IMs. Searching for a hangout place you come across some unmentionable keywords and they get skipped. I've slowly been going to more and more places giving them a try but still not really found a place I can feel comfortable.
  4. How about we just stop letting people under 18 join and the problem sorts itself out in two years?
  5. It's only worth what someone will pay, simple supply and demand. Times changed when LL reduced Mainland costs by over 10 percent, increased prim allowances and moved forward with increased Marketplace commissions, Linden Dollar exchange fees, and cashout fees. While I'm sure some "Land Barons" passed along some of the savings maybe some others still need to reevaluate their business model. There's plenty of other threads discussing the vast amount of abandoned mainland that is available but nobody seems too concerned that it might lose any of it. What Bellisseria has brought to many people with much success is that coveted water access. That little sliver of prims to float your boat and go for a swim that people pay through the nose for only to snip the outermost beach from and abandon the remainder to keep their tiers low. With a "plan to increase revenues in other ways so that we can lower land costs" maybe the days of charging L$4/prim or more for rent while mainland parcels can be found for .5L$/prim are coming to an end as people find value where before they did not.
  6. If you bother to tick that little box the next time you do a search for some place to IDK - dance, I think you will see precisely where the masses are.
  7. A marketplace search for "Truth Hair" brings up a lot of results not sold by "Truth Hawks", what makes you think they are all legit?
  8. Finally take a breath as I've been holding it for 554 days now.
  9. Maybe if you had unlimited resources to buy all the pieces and parts this could be exciting. While I'm sure there's a bunch of free stuff that will already work but free stuff is generally worth what you paid for it. It's not going to work with a lot of the stuff you have without a lot of updates for those products which will take time. Maybe it will be more useful in a year and a half - IDK. So, hooray BoM, Animesh, lower mainland costs, double mainland tier and Linden Homes improvements (for premium users) is that fifteen yet?
  10. Just return everything on mainland and start over like a great flood, woosh and rainbows!
  11. Totally agree and up until March 21, 2018 it simply was what it was. I still feel that had they not come out and touted "The return of Last Names" as one of the "FIFTEEN REASONS TO CELEBRATE" this would not have become as popular an issue as it is today.
  12. Maybe they're afraid to lose you as a valued customer. That if they were to give you one, you might complain of where they stick it.
  13. Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong.
  14. Hey, I'm not judging anyone here just forcing them to stoop to my level or face the consequences for their intolerance. 😁
  15. Then don't imply that I am somehow mooching off of my friends. They are compensated much the same way as yours for their kindness.
  16. So, you wouldn't mooch off your friends but you would off of me by asking me to pay for you to have a premium account?
  17. No but I've made friends that can and do let me use their secure property. You could also try to do the same. Additionally if you look hard enough there are alternatives.
  18. Yes, I did and as many others have said, if security is such a concern then maybe building in a public sandbox is not the safest place. They should instead consider building on their own property where security precautions can be taken.
  19. Stick them in one of those fishing games and surround it with zombies with damage turned on.
  20. Anyone know where I can get an orb that will eject avatars over 6 feet tall? This kind of discrimination should really work both ways. I'll do it myself.
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