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Everything posted by panterapolnocy

  1. No, they do not synchronize. You can use the settings backup/restore functionality to manually stay in sync with your first computer.
  2. You may be a victim of https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-6825 - hold SHIFT, then double-tap-hold right or left arrow key (not forward or backward).
  3. Trish, please clean your inventory cache and relog in a quiet, non-lagged place - and let the inventory repopulate itself for few minutes. You may also want to check if you're not filtering EEP assets out in your inventory window.
  4. Just drag and drop the selected EEP asset from your inventory over the EEP sky names that are already there, in the Environment window, next to the altitudes. The only things I can think about now are resetting personal lighting with the "X" in its small adjustments window and making sure that you actually use the Shared Environment in the viewer, ticked World menu.
  5. Today I'm watching Shall We Dance? with my close friend. ~
  6. You've ticked "parcel owners may override" and you're checking the region settings. Try to check parcel settings you're on - they also have the Environment tab.
  7. If your computer's processor and/or GPU has hiccups with enabled multithreaded image decoding you don't need to revert to the previous version. The changelog for 6.4.21 clearly states, that "(...) any users that have problems should flip the setting to 1 for the old single threaded behaviour. (Preferences → Graphics → Hardware Settings → Image Decode Concurrency)" - this way you won't miss any security patches or features while allowing the viewer to utilize hardware as before. From the Firestorm's release notes...
  8. 50k L$ per month / ~30 days per month (as it's a "constant jobs", but post suggest you need to actually negotiate yourself) = ~ 1700 L$ per day. Which equals to ~7 USD per day and ~ 200 USD per month. As a small hobby-like activity it could pass. "Always ready to take jobs"? I'd personally pass.
  9. @Pookie Breadbinon the login screen press CTRL + P in order to open the Preferences window, then select Advanced from the left, finally tick the "Show Grid Selection at login" and click on OK - the third field should show up next to the password one.
  10. Linden Lab ToS is not a topic for a debate, but something that you need to uphold - and that's it. On ethical level it's not fair for merchants to do such things, no - but despite everything you're still bound by the ToS that you've agreed to uphold with the Lab, not the merchant; If you'd try to say that that you won't pay electricity bills in RL anymore because someone from the electricity company sent you a bill on regular paper instead of using a shiny one you like... do you think it would work? I'm pretty sure that if you'd be caught copybotting no "selectivity" would be applied.
  11. Because it's against Lab's ToS you've agreed to uphold (with said Lab) during Second Life account registration. The fact that you've got an item with wrong permissions does not cancel out that ToS statement. You should not take/reupload something that was not created by you - unless creator's license specifically allows you to do that.
  12. https://modemworld.me/2021/07/24/2021-tpv-developer-meeting-week-29-summary/
  13. Today I've decided to experiment and create my own variation of a favourite character from one of the few video games I still play.
  14. Yesterday I watched the movie "Addams Family", with a friend.
  15. Please take a look at this thread: In short, you cannot. You may try to create an invisible child prim and attach particles to that, then move it upwards relative to the stove's burner.
  16. I'd suggest checking under which group said gifts were rezzed under (right click -> edit) and if that group matched your own active one.
  17. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Residents'_privacy_rights You cannot copy/paste attributed chat on Second Life forums or inworld. End of story. It does not matter what a person would put in their profile - that cannot overwrite what the Lab established.
  18. No, you did not, but at the same time you've said that you're not providing support if something would break after a user would fiddle with the viewer files as presented. And that means, that if a user would have Firestorm viewer performing badly, then where would they go looking for help? Firestorm support, Firestorm devs... And for good reasons, as such operations are unsupported, not advised and if a user is told to completely reinstall the faulty viewer they usually react in a very... allergic way. Or they don't even mention that their viewer was modified manually like this - making support and devs divisions (inworld or on JIRA) try to help them blindly, which is doomed to fail. And it does apply not only to Firestorm, but to all viewers out there - including the Lab's one. If you are doing this yourself or offering such "tips" for users - you're starting your own viewer and you need to provide support for it. Just don't forget to be compliant with Policy on Third-Party Viewers. It's not a matter of porting, but rewriting from scratch. If you think that changing a graphical engine is that easy, then you may want to check this post by Inara, where there are some comments about Vulkan / OpenGL, as well as this one. I also encourage you to visit a TPV meeting (next one would be on 9th of July, noon SLT, Hippotropolis region) and share your suggestions, ideas and solutions for renderer replacement. Just remember that such thing need to support Mac, Linux and Windows; Do not break existing content; Be flexible enough to support specific Second Life needs (prims, building etc.); Have a decent frame rate; Be usable under LGPL. I assume that if you suggest a list of engines you've did a background check on them or even run some tests. If that would be true, then we wouldn't have so many different third party viewers available, suited for different audiences. Or we wouldn't have TPVs at all. That said, I'm happy that you've found a viewer that you like. Have a lot of fun with Alchemy! Hopefully you won't have any issues with Dullahan anymore.
  19. It seems that you have a DNS issue and server names necessary for grid operation are not resolved properly on your side. Sometimes a simple router reboot may help, sometimes the problem is persistent. If you're trying to connect to Second Life through a proxy or VPN you may want to check if the settings are correct and connection is stable. Even so, I'd suggest trying a different set of DNS servers than - most probably - the ones given by your network provider. You may want to try Google DNS or Cloudflare DNS.
  20. I'm personally not sure if this feature still exists (cannot launch a viewer to check right now), but if you're logged in / opten in to SL Share, then you can see other people from your SL friends list as suggestions on Facebook, in "suggested friends" tab under People. It doesn't matter that you have not accessed Facebook in years (actually, even if you have not - you've had. There are trillions "share", "like" etc. plugins on many websites that throw cookies at you and your web browser). Is these emails' source Facebook or Second Life servers?
  21. This may be a silly thought, but since I've made that mistake in my scripting career at least two times and I've been looking for a reason for a few hours each time... make sure that queryLandmarkData global variable is a key, not a string, and that you don't re-declare it or erase by accident in local scope with "key" or "string" at the beginning as well. I'd suggest to check line 138. Personally, I think you can remove it or (better) remove the "key" in front of it. You also should move everything that is under the llRequestInventoryData() call into/inside that call, as dataserver event is asynchronous and that "if (queryLandmarkData == NULL_KEY)" may (will) fire when the dataserver is still processing the data. It's a good habit to put "g" in front of global vars (gQueryLandmarkData), it's easier to spot re-declarations like this (you can look for "key g", "string g" etc.).
  22. I do believe that you can just check the name of the used EEP asset in About Land -> Environment (to open this window just click on the region name at the top bar), and if you see "shared environment" there you can just open the region info (left ALT + R) and poke your nose there instead.
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