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Everything posted by panterapolnocy

  1. It may be a silly thing, but I really like checkered/chequered pattern on... well, literally everything, not only clothes - especially if it's black and white. For the same reason I liked a SL17B art installation a lot and I still like Babel/Chouchou musical thingy. It may have something to do with Commodore/Amiga logos I've grown up with. ~ So today I've decided to be a walking chessboard, because for me it looks nice. :3
  2. Recently I've seen a few episodes of The Legend of Zorro, anime - many, many years ago it was aired on TV in my place and I must say, that I've liked that version quite a lot.
  3. Nowadays such error message means that you've just visited a webpage that still has Flash embedded, or your antivirus went haywire, and has nothing to do with QuickTime (according to Wikipedia - and as @Rowan Amorestated above - final release of version 7.x was January 7, 2016 and last stable release of version 10.x was issued at August 31, 2018). What can you do? Just browse away. And if such message pops up from nowhere it usually means, that - if your AV is not an issue - some shared media / media on a prim in-world has such webpage running.
  4. @Grumpity Lindenmentioned yesterday at the Third Party Viewer Meeting, that Linden team is/was in process of putting out updates to map generation.
  5. "No I can't, Yes I can't". Sooo... you cannot switch it off, or can, or something else? At any rate, if you can switch RLV/a off and you do have it enabled - do it, relog, and see if the problem persists.
  6. Make sure that Firestorm's folders (main, cache) are whitelisted in your antivirus software. Also, it's not normal that SLVoice prevents your laptop from charging, nor drain battery as much, as you describe. How old is that machine or what's its model, if you don't mind asking?
  7. If you're using a viewer with RLV/RLVa support make sure that it's not blocking you from grabbing / clicking on far way objects, or editing altogether. Can you edit things that you wear on yourself? Can you switch RLV/RLVa off, if its enabled?
  8. Nothing superb, just an evil web scraping, but as a proof of concept should work. It utilizes the fact, that graphic files are named in a 'cow-grade-XXX.png' pattern. As @Jenna Huntsman said however, far better solution would be an actual JSON API feed. key gRequestId; getGrade() { gRequestId = llHTTPRequest( "https://muffinsmilkers.com/Livestock/LiveStockDetails?slKey=" + (string)llGetOwner(), [HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH, 16384], ""); } default { on_rez(integer sp) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { getGrade(); llSetTimerEvent(60 * 10); // Call it each 10 minutes } timer() { getGrade(); } http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { if (request_id != gRequestId || status != 200) { return; } integer pos = llSubStringIndex(body, "/cow-grade-"); if (~pos) { string grade = llGetSubString(body, pos + 11, pos + 11); // 11 is the length of '/cow-grade-' llOwnerSay("Grade: " + grade); } } }
  9. All right then. Firestorm itself never was, is not and never will be a copybot viewer. Same as Catznip or any other viewer listed in the Third Party Viewer Directory that is maintained by Linden Lab. The whole Emerald privacy-based thing and its downfall caused people from said Emerald team to leave - people that didn't agree with "the Emerald ways" - and the Phoenix viewer was born, which later turned into Firestorm - a program and team fully transparent, built on trust and transparency, both with the users and the Lab. If you still have doubts about a viewer - any viewer - then please take a look at this article and decide for yourself. But don't call any project a fraud just because you don't know anything about it or "heard rumours" - such comments are not too pleasant to read for the people that maintain code in good faith. As for copybot viewers - yes, there are some out there, maintained by people who do not care about community standards and that are based on popular viewers, but they cannot be assigned to the original creators of said viewers for rather obvious reasons - these are completely different teams. I hope that this clears this topic. About your original issue; I'm personally glad it was fixed. Firestorm is going to obviously incorporate Lab's fixes sooner or later, so in time you should see everything as it should be on Firestorm as well. Right now there are no plans for separate EEP and Windlight viewers, as far as I know. 6.3.9 is the last one that is Windlight capable and should be blocked after the next EEP release.
  10. It does seem to be a change related to a driver update, as you're not alone (check below) - update done most probably by NVIDIA application or Windows Update automatically in background.
  11. Yay for instruments. ~ I'm listening to the whole channel right now.
  12. "It's been ten years and you still look worse than me".
  13. I've just finished to watch a pretty nice Star Trek parody named Galaxy Quest. And I liked it. ~
  14. I'm somehow not impressed with the performance of my draconic face.
  15. Completely not a joke, it's the new logo and the new, refreshed look of the splash screen.
  16. After I've published the green dress picture here one of my friends said that - in the topic of "going green" - there are more efficient ways to go environmentally friendly. I'm correcting my mistake with the outfit presented below.
  17. If you're using the default Linden Lab's viewer, then make sure that you have "Enable JavaScript" and "Enable plugins" ticked in Preferences -> Setup. Furthermore, whitelist the SLPlugin.exe that sits in the the main folder of the program in your antivirus software, as it may be interfered or blocked from operating.
  18. Today I've decided to go green. And since the only green thing I have is this wide dress... I guess it must do. Sitting down in this contraption would be slightly problematic, however... Therefore I've decided that today I'm also not sitting. Anywhere, at all. ~
  19. Suggested to me by a friend. Does have some foul language, but not in too large quantities. If someone like electronics may find this interesting, too. ~
  20. Something like this may be what you're looking for. string gNotecardName = "urls"; integer gChannelToSendUrls = 0; key gNotecardQueryId; integer gNotecardLine; integer gScriptReady; integer gListenHandle; integer gDialogChannel; list gItemsList; list gLabelsList; stopListener() { llListenRemove(gListenHandle); llSetTimerEvent(0); } default { on_rez(integer sp) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { if (llGetInventoryKey(gNotecardName) == NULL_KEY) { llOwnerSay("Notecard '" + gNotecardName + "' missing or unwritten."); return; } gDialogChannel = (integer)(llFrand(-10000000)-10000000); gNotecardQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(gNotecardName, 0); } dataserver(key query_id, string data) { if (query_id == gNotecardQueryId) { if (data == EOF) { gScriptReady = TRUE; llOwnerSay("Ready."); } else { list itemParts = llParseString2List(data, ["|"], []); gLabelsList += llBase64ToString(llGetSubString(llStringToBase64(llList2String(itemParts, 0)), 0, 31)); gItemsList += llList2String(itemParts, 1); ++gNotecardLine; if (gNotecardLine > 11) { gScriptReady = TRUE; llOwnerSay("Ready, but only with first 12 items."); return; } gNotecardQueryId = llGetNotecardLine(gNotecardName, gNotecardLine); } } } touch_start(integer tn) { key clickerKey = llDetectedKey(0); if (!gScriptReady) { llRegionSayTo(clickerKey, 0, "Script is not ready yet, please wait."); return; } else if (llVecDist(llDetectedPos(0), llGetPos()) > 20) { llRegionSayTo(clickerKey, 0, "You need to come closer."); return; } gListenHandle = llListen(gDialogChannel, "", clickerKey, ""); llDialog(clickerKey, "Select an option", gLabelsList, gDialogChannel); llSetTimerEvent(60); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { stopListener(); integer listPos = llListFindList(gLabelsList, (list)message); if (listPos != -1) { llRegionSay(gChannelToSendUrls, llList2String(gItemsList, listPos)); return; } llRegionSayTo(id, 0, "Menu option not found, try again."); } timer() { stopListener(); } changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { llResetScript(); } } }
  21. That is slightly not true, I guess. Rendering is done in the viewer - if viewer has all of the objects' positions, then can invert them and put inside a rendered mirror. Server has nothing to do with it. Mirrors as a concept / tech demo was done already - see https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-2055 - its "only" issue was that it didn't work with ALM enabled, worked only on flat surfaces and had some small bugs here and there. Other than that, they worked pretty well. You may also want to see https://modemworld.me/2018/05/12/projectors-as-mirrors-in-second-life/ and https://modemworld.me/2014/08/06/reflections-on-a-prim-a-potential-way-to-create-mirrors-in-sl/
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