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Everything posted by panterapolnocy

  1. That's actually normal. As per linked Wiki, "This setting is hard limited based on the VRAM available with your graphics card. (...) GPU 4GB+ = up to 2048MB" As Coffee said... If may I ask, what body do you use? What is your avatar complexity?
  2. I know that I've got a close friend of mine an external DVD player for their laptop, USB powered, so they could re-watch their entire anime collection again - the ones that you cannot watch in a single place anymore because of the tons of different streaming services, each of them with their own licenses, rules, subscriptions and geo-locking. I also have a small collection of movies, one that I've assembled over the years (Star Trek TNG disks, Digimon seasons 1-4 etc.) with few recent additions from Amazon/Ebay (physical copies)... and they're perfect to spin when the internet goes out or you just don't want to deal with distractions, you just put the disk in and relax, no Windows Update would ruin your watching. ~ So, by my book, DVD players are still useful devices. Also, I'd assume, this post was placed in a slightly wrong subforum.
  3. I believe that this is what you're looking for. https://www.lindenlab.com/tos#tos4 edit: LittleMe Jewell was quicker. ~
  4. Because I'm a Digimon fan; https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/My_Tomorrow_Single below, I'm listening to whole playlist while working.
  5. Thank you for everything good you've done for the platform of Second Life and the residents that use it - making their lives fun and more interesting.
  6. I do believe that there is no "send to marketplace" button any more. Please check the official video tutorial below, also feel free to visit the knowledge base article.
  7. Check this, please: https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/q3mnxnpys7dt
  8. If you prefer to avoid the timer, then you may want to experiment a little with PSYS_SRC_MAX_AGE rule, but keep in mind that it will show particles to the user "upon coming into view range" if it was activated at least once:
  9. Try to press CTRL + G to open your gestures window and check if one of the gestures has "landing" as activation word.
  10. Like people in this thread already mentioned you cannot expect that any Second Life viewer, be it official or third party one, will run at full computational power of your computer. Game designers often have the luxury to know where every object in the scene would be, what is the shape of the landscape, can optimize (finite) amount of game objects, textures and mesh entities in the final product - so the game runs relatively smoothly on a machine that is defined within system requirements. For Second Life platform it's vastly different, as - as mentioned above by the posters - creators sometimes upload non-optimized pieces of furniture, accessories, building items, clothing... graphics cards have a lot, lot more to do in SL that in any other AAA title. Even if you're in an empty sandbox you can wear three HUDs that can fill up your VRAM pretty quickly, by using tons of 1024x1024 textures where as small as 256x256 or smaller would be totally sufficient (or one 1024x1024 along with using sprite/offset technique). You also must take into account that Second Life clients use OpenGL instead of DirectX and generally run on a single thread of your processor (you can check related thread here), so supplying too much data at once may decrease the system's performance. If you want to run ALM with shadows - all right! But you need to lower the draw distance. And if there are 10-15 avatars in sight you need to use avatar imposters / max complexity functionality or just lower avatars amount that can be drawn at once. You also need to remember that Second Life viewers and servers did evolve during the time you were absent and they're more demanding on the hardware nowadays, especially with EEP that in the current state taxes computers a bit too much for a large portion of users (Enhanced Environment Project, see this thread, you may also want to take a peek at BUG-226381, BUG-227339, BUG-229031 or BUG-229490). You can continue to use Firestorm and tweak the settings, you may also try other viewers from the official directory in order to pick the viewer that both suits your needs and runs acceptable for you at the same time: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  11. Bonjour, vous pouvez décocher la case "Utiliser le menu circulaire" dans Préférences -> Interface -> Interface 2D. Toutes les options ne sont pas présentes dans le menu circulaire.
  12. Tonight I've been watching a classic parody... I've seen it several times already, but it's always nice to see it again.
  13. I'd take a bit brighter approach than a purgatory and would say, that... the thing that happens to them is exactly the same as the one, when you log off - you just severe the "link" between the avatar - link which is the "account" itself - and the real person, but this time permanently (or semi-permanently, if you decide to reactivate the account).
  14. Every time I log off I imagine that my avatar is transported to an alternate dimension on the quantum plane that is exactly the same as Second Life world, but the only difference (in addition to lack of lagging because of my underpowered machine) is the fact, that all characters have their own minds and free will, are not controlled by any external inputs. I can almost see that when I close the SL client my dragoness is like... "phew, she finally went away - now it's time to eat that whole cake hidden inside the fridge!" Side note: that thread pulled memories of ReBoot from the depths of my past.
  15. In the distant past I've created a very simple "translator" script that used Shared Media, for a friend - that maybe does not translate what the person says to other people (to a degree; the person still may copy-paste output from the Google Translator after something was said), but at least does translate what other people say to this person. Script is also very evil, as it does listen on public channel 0 for everything, filters out avatars later - so it should be worn only if absolutely necessary. Plus - it is suitable only for a rather quiet environment, as its rather slow - llSetPrimMediaParams() function has a built-in sleep and loading page can take 2-3 seconds as well; It works only in the same region, has 1024 URL characters limit. Still, the person who got it was happy enough, as was able to listen to written classes / lectures without much of a problem - now he doesn't need it any more, as he knows German well enough. Maybe it will be useful in this topic as well, as from what I see some solutions here suggest to play around with Google Translate, too. As a HUD, I suggest to attach a cube prim to the upper right corner of the screen, at position <0.0, 0.4, -0.2>, with size <0.75, 0.35, 0.5>, rotation <0.0, 270.0, 270.0> and 15-20% transparency. And then click on it in order to activate. // Target language code - format is ISO 639-1, two letters string gTargetLanguage = "en"; integer gMediaFace = 0; default { on_rez(integer sp) { llResetScript(); } state_entry() { llSetPrimMediaParams(gMediaFace, [ PRIM_MEDIA_AUTO_PLAY, TRUE, PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL, "https://translate.google.com", PRIM_MEDIA_HOME_URL, "https://translate.google.com", PRIM_MEDIA_HEIGHT_PIXELS, 512, PRIM_MEDIA_WIDTH_PIXELS, 1024, PRIM_MEDIA_CONTROLS, PRIM_MEDIA_CONTROLS_MINI, PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_INTERACT, PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_OWNER, PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_CONTROL, PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_OWNER ]); llListen(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, ""); llOwnerSay("Listener ready. Remember to take me off when I'm not needed."); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (llGetAgentSize(id) != ZERO_VECTOR) { llSetPrimMediaParams(gMediaFace, [ PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL, llGetSubString("https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=" + gTargetLanguage + "&text=" + message + "&op=translate", 0, 1023) ]); } } }
  16. Scripts aside, just for a moment... If I'd have an avatar key, then I would personally just use http://world.secondlife.com/resident/AVATARKEY or paste secondlife:///app/agent/AVATARKEY/about into nearby chat box (and replace the "avatarkey" with an actual avatar UUID) - I'd get a clickable name which would open resident's profile.
  17. As a person who is actually involved in translating Firestorm viewer into Polish language and quite often does check / correct JIRA submissions of other people in this field (French, Japanese, Russian etc.) I can tell you right away, that being a translator is a significant commitment - it's very hard to find a person who is truly dedicated and also does posses knowledge good enough to do the actual translation part; Google Translate is helpful sometimes, but it will not do the whole job. You can take a look at the very basic outlines by visiting this page. If there would be some brave adventurer out there who would like to put a lot of work, time and effort into the project /and keep going/ then they would be more than welcome on the FS JIRA. I'm not an expert in Arabic language, but if you ask for RTL support (right-to-left) then I'm not sure if viewer would support this natively - I've actually never had an occasion to test it.
  18. A nice, small and rather slow thing to listen during work.
  19. Welcome to Second Life. ~ There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking such a question. As far as I know there are no ways to get a free house in Second Life if you really don't want to pay for it - other than finding some sort of housing/roleplay community that would allow you to claim one small spot, but that would need some time. You may want to peek at this thread - a bit old, but I do believe that is still helpful:
  20. If you'd like to know a bit more about EEP settings you may want to 1) Poke the "?" sign in upper-right corner of every window inside the viewer for quick help, 2) visit https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_eep and read everything you can or 3) take a peek at this article, as both Firestorm's and Lab's environment editors are very similar: I do also suggest you to take a look at this topic - it's a bit long read, but you will be able to see reactions of other people and maybe continue conversation there:
  21. Tonight I've been watching two movies with my friends - first one was a family oldie named "Harry and the Hendersons" from 1987 while the second one was a bit newer, animated comic - "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse" from 2018. I must say that I liked both of them... and as a bonus we've also experienced three episodes of old "Exosquad" cartoon.
  22. You may want to take a peek at one more wiki page, maybe some of the tips there would be related to your issue: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/http_fetching_issues
  23. Please point them to the page that explains the nature of bakefail as that is what they're experiencing right now.
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