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Rufferta Mainlander

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Everything posted by Rufferta Mainlander

  1. One of my current pet peeves (I have a lot of them, like a crazy cat lady has cats) is going to an event and finding it full of avatars with complexities beyond 100,000. I have my preferences set relatively low (old computer) so if someone has a complexity over 60,000 they are just jelly people. Why get all dressed up if not everyone can see you and (perhaps) increase lag for everyone)?. It would seem that common courtesy would dictate that people wear low impact avatars when going out ....("Naah, who would see my beautifulness.") Ran into an avatar yesterday at one of my favorite regions - I don't know if it was an SL glitch, or whether she had gone beyond jelly person into invisibility. Anyway, I tried to use a vendor and instead of the expected response got "Pay ____________". I knew that wasn't the creator's name, but I couldn't see anyone, so I used 'show transparent' and set my preferences to what I call "computer crash" until I could see her. I IM'd her that I couldn't see her because of her complexity (103,000+) and perhaps she shouldn't stand in front of the vendor. No response, for many minutes. Later I got a long tirade from her, calling me the 'b' word and telling me I should mind my own business. That made me feel not so bad that I had AR'd her, thinking that perhaps she had become invisible on purpose to get money from the vendor. She was right, but really I was trying to be helpful. Really.
  2. I gave up my Traditional and started playing GOH with the lodge homes. After several days of getting and abandoning places that just didn't inspire me, I used my last pick and tried for a Victorian. I couldn't believe my luck. I did derender the hedges, but otherwise it is perfect. I hope that whoever abandoned this has been able to get a wonderful Lodge Home as a replacement.
  3. I saw this house around the first of the month. Was it an April Fool's joke, or someone who just likes outdoor living?
  4. I decided to try to decorate a traditional home. It's harder than it looks. Most items were from my inventory, or from garage sales. In the kitchen I splurged on a D-Lab refrigerator, but the kitchen cabinets are just textured prims - when I found one of the prims had stuck out into the living room I textured one side and pretended it was a painting. The lean-to greenhouse and freebie gazebo were textured to match the house siding. I got nostalgic and used some Julia Hathor furniture in the bedroom. Trying to decorate made me appreciate what others have done, and hope to do as well myself some day.
  5. Ran into a patch of rough weather in Petticoat - tornado, fog, snow, rain....It drove me batty.
  6. You got me -- it wasn't until I got to "alien abductions" that I did a double-take and realized what day it was. Whew!
  7. I'd been collecting landmarks for interesting places for years before I realized I should rename them to avoid duplication and confusion - now I (try to) start with the region name, some description, then the 'official' landmark' name. Same goes for naming things as you build - keeps you from having an inventory full of "Object"s. I'm glad the jungle regions are back. I have fond memories of doing the first quests. I don't need a lot of high-definition scenary to be happy - sometimes you have to use your imagination* - and the Pioneer Moles had wonderful creativity, imagination, and great senses of humor** *why I still play Minecraft sometimes **not that the current Moles aren't creative, imaginative, and funny***, but they have more pixels to play with. ***which reminds me about the original topic - I swear I saw a region on the map last week named "We Are All Doomed", but now I can't find it.
  8. Awesome! I think you should get another Premium avatar and leave this place as a permanent fixture of Bellisseria.
  9. I confess I am scared - as one of the 'older, immune-compromised' population at greater risk, I feel very vulnerable. More, though, I am frustrated at being house-bound and reflecting on all the things I can't do - I actually wasn't doing many of them before, but now I can't, and it seems worse somehow that all those opportunities were wasted. If I am spared I will do all I can to try to reach my full potential - I promise...(Although I suspect I will slide back into my old inertia...) Looking for good quotes about death I found: "I feel monotony and death to be almost the same." Charlotte Brontë Although, perhaps, Woody Allen's "I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens." is more appropriate. I found reading Daniel Defoe's Diary of a Plague Year to be somewhat cheering in a macabre way. Likewise Connie Willis' Domesday Book. I am lucky, we have enough toilet paper for at least a month, I have SL, and the newest Animal Crossing. I find comfort in reading the comments on the forums, and knowing I'm not alone.
  10. "Feted Inner Corps" - (Or "Fetid Inner Corps") - a conspiracy theory that there is a secret group of Second Life Insiders who get special privileges for some reason. If there is such a group, none of them has ever admitted it.
  11. I hope this fixes things http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Squall/187/228/56 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lastness/232/63/30 - Gaeta V http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Calleta/120/152/41 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Basilisk/5/161/22 Basilisk http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lewis/167/176/34 - dwarf sanctuary in Lewis Forest - I found a teaparty not far away http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cascade/137/147/115 - Pod Station
  12. Thank you for the correction. I thought that I had tested all the links before posting, but I'll try again.
  13. Ankh Morpork, part of the Time & Space Region, has always been one of my favorite places. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Time and Space/90/106/301 - As a fan of Sir Terry's Discworld series I enjoy walking the streets of Ankh Morpork and exploring places like The Patrician's Palace and The Brass Bridge. You can even get avatars based on Discworld characters - like CMOT Dibbler! There are other parts of Time and Space accessible through the teleport like Jan's Bazaar and the pleasant Ground level.
  14. I've been putting together a castle complex in Ukanipo from parts I bought and/or collected. I have been having a wonderful time. I love my houseboat in Bellisseria, but I also love being able to just play. The inner castle is from Sanspareil London, stairs and battlements from 'Jammin, bridge parts from Chin Rey, Tudorowen Wine Cellar from Elfico Penso, some doors and a drawbridge from Castle Snegelon (free in Marketplace), cannons from Aley, some textures from Yadni's junkyard, and portcullis from DAT's. Image windlighted.
  15. So, February 26th is "Wear Red" day in the UK? Looks like I might be waiting in the announcement area for a while. Meanwhile, I was looking around for any regions that looked like they might be ready to move in and I just noticed these two regions NW of Terraform Me. Perhaps they have always been there , but I found it odd that they don't have names - even the SSP regions have names.
  16. I went to investigate the 'clue' someone mentioned. If this is a true clue we should be very afraid. And this is the baby. Filters -TOR Subtleties/Pirate's Dream.
  17. I'd like to add that if they had wanted to create Bellisseria as a definite shape, they easily could have done that. I have seen different regions carved in different shapes, but the most beautiful I have seen is "Terraform Me" currently owned by Patch Linden.
  18. Was Bellisseria planned to be a specific shape? I think it depends on how you look at it. I tend to believe that our habit of 'pattern recognition' makes us try to make things make sense and Bellisseria just grew at random. Or, it could be planned to be the shape of a monkey with a tin cup. As for "What will be the theme of the next residences?" I looked at the new regions' names and thought I saw a few that seemed to refer to merpeople. I looked around for regions that seemed to be being seascaped (rather than landscaped) and couldn't find any - but perhaps those ice islands are covering something? I also wondered if the fact that the western extension seemed to be gradually rising meant that we would have snowy mountains in the future. I visited the current snowlands in Anton and found that (Second Life being what it is) you could have land with snow textures from as low as 90. And lastly - there is a new region called "Blueberry Patch" - could that mean the next residences will be big thickets?
  19. Lindal Kidd teaches a "How to Buy Land" class that is excellent, and you can ask her questions after the lecture. I recommend it highly. If you want to know "How Not to Buy Land", I've made every mistake in the book and I wrote a long article at https://thesecondlifetourist.blogspot.com/2016/07/draft-how-not-to-buy-real-estate-in_79.html .
  20. This is a great example of how one of the first educational centers in virtual reality used Second Life to show residents what it might be like to experience an earthquake, or to visit the interior of a volcano. You can also find out what it might be like to ride a space elevator or take part in a dozen other activities - all designed to make learning fun. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bowness/91/147/32
  21. Daniel Voyager just reported an extension on the lower east side of Belli. I went to look and it appears as if it could be extended in possibly three directions, with hills or mountains starting to show up at the farthest east point. I can't wait to see what happens!
  22. These two private regions were created by Cheyenne Palisades and she has generously made them open to the public. Over the years, she and her partner Sweetie have worked to bring the landscaping to perfection. This is a a wonderful example of what just a few people can achieve, and I always find something to inspire, astonish, or amuse me. The beauty extends from underwater to high in space - but at every turn the humorous touches make this place unique. Be sure to read the signs and pick up the notes and handbooks available at different locations. If you just put "Whimsy Kaboom" or "Kaboom" into your Second Life map you may arrive in the water, but that is just one of the many surprises you will find on your visit. If you want to try for a dry landing, just use one of the Slurls below. A destination board. Nearby are directions to places like the Robot Sanitarium and Earth Orbit http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Whimsy/16/108/33 This takes you to solid ground, near a directory of some of the many activities available. Turn around and you'll find a directory of other destinations, like the Robot Sanitarium or Earth Orbit. You can control the volcano from the viewing platform: Slurl : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Whimsy/34/57/60 Bob the Paleolithic Drinking Bird is one of the oldest objects here. Slurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Whimsy/101/44/30 Beauty, and danger, but I think the touches of humor make this destination unique. Be sure to read the signs and pick up the notecards. Have fun! Note: You can pick up a notecard with Landmarks (rather than Slurls) at the Unofficial Tourist Information Center in Ukanipo.
  23. If this is a community market area, does anyone have any idea how a resident could get a stall?
  24. I like the idea of having fixed sizes for parcels. I also would agree with a stipulation that these parcels not be split down into smaller portions to save tier. Imagine if a RL homeowner said "I'm tired of paying taxes on that 10 x 50 spot in my back yard, I'm going to abandone it and let the City take care of it."
  25. The Northeast Linden Home Continent was originally called Nascera or Nacera, but is now usually called the Eastern Premium Continent. Although the four Linden Homes Regions are pretty much clones, Nascera has some extra areas to explore, like Cape Ekim. The 'underground temple' is actually the end of a short quest that starts when you find a note on the ground in one of the park areas.
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