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Rufferta Mainlander

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Everything posted by Rufferta Mainlander

  1. Ferox Public Sandbox 80/186/24. I don't know if it is just me, but this was easier to find using the official Second Life Viewer than using Firestorm.
  2. Adam, I have been trying to compare your list to mine, but we have different methodologies - you have yours arranged by type, and mine are arranged by location....:) still, I've already found some I don't have, so thank you. Aethelwine, I didn't realize there were so many sandboxes in Second Life. I have been finding some amazing things*, but I haven't found the sandbox you pictured - yet. *Example "Public Avatar Sandbox" - in Firestorm Search I thought it looked like a region filled with individual dressing rooms. When I got there, though, it is a region called Mission Home Store and what I thought were dressing rooms were the tops of giant praying statues surrounding a store that sells Mission Furniture! The architecture is a tribute to Lebbeus Woods. (I'm not getting any kickbacks on this, but it is refreshing to see a region that includes a store that is not all just 'same old, same old'.)
  3. Right next to Ambat Infohub. Ambat 21/234/99
  4. Here is a spot I found today, but I'm not asking you to guess where it is. It is in Green, by the corner of the walk that ends in the falls at Mauve. (eMauve Falls). There is a hole in the walkway that I thought was a flaw, but it turned out to be a very steep ramp down to the surface, where I spotted this kiosk. You can get a copy of the original "I am" sign for $L1, as well as a tent or a cabin for different amounts (The sign said the cabin and the tent were in inventory, but I couldn't find them.) Thinking about camping sent me to DeHaro, which used to have a public campground; however, although †he sign is still there, and there is an archery range and a small stable, land return is set from 5 to 15 minutes, so you couldn't camp for very long.... These days I think you can rent a campsite through the SL Public Land Preserve, and there are some private campgrounds in Second Life.
  5. I re-visited the Chalet preview area, and while I very much liked the community picnic area, I was more interested in Abnor's car.....How about a Bellisserian area that is just for drivers? Every car has a garage or rezz area, and miles and miles of intersecting, looping roads...I visited a private region recently that had a road that corkscrewed up into the sky, so it can be done. The houses don't have to be all that much, as long as the roads are good. Seriously, though, much of Bellisseria is undriveable. The roads aren't named, and in at least one of the stilt islands you can't even drive around the block. I am assuming that this is by design, because pesky residents who don't want to stay put just put wear and tear on the computers... Sings "Oh give me a home where my roadster can roam.... Where the sky's always set on Midday, Where the crossings are smooth, and the ban lines defused - I'll just drive around heaven all day."
  6. Someone asked what amenities I wanted next - I like your idea of a "seven mile bridge", but also for sea, and air travel. Now that the region crossings have improved, driving in Second Life has become easier, but there are still large sections of the Mainland that are air-, sea-, and land-locked. Haven't any of those Linden folks ever played SimCity?
  7. If you visit this fortress, be careful of the floor over the molten lava. Where am I? Note: Currently having technical problems getting photos out of Second Life, so this is an old snapshot.
  8. The beach wreckage is in Squall 208/158/23. I used to have a parcel in the area, but before I learned how to use Area Search, so I hadn't seen the message in a bottle (or the FIC badge...).
  9. Thank you, Sylvia. This one is seasonal. I used a freebie bunny avatar to hop around and explore. Many of the landscape items give out freebies, and if you fly up to the top of a tower, the bird nest will give you a small chick.
  10. Dokkaebi 236/124/66 - Garden Mole's Butterfly House on Route 9 in Jeogeot. I was just posting that that the first picture was Garden Mole's Butterfly House in Dokkaebi, Route 9. Jeogeot. I didn't know thee was a clone in Clearwing! Can we both post a new location?
  11. I'm in Yeeowler in Satori right now - I can see on mapview what appear to be new regions with names like "Muesli", and "Winterberry". This should be great!
  12. From the Coastal Waterway side this cave doesn't look very deep - when I looked more carefully I found out that there is a back section with ammunition boxes and a Misty Moleteddy. Note: Two out of three times I've stopped by, other residents have been inside, so knock first...
  13. This is the Braunworth Infohub in Braunworth 98/140/18. An adjoining parcel "*under construction*", is turning into quite a nice reconstruction of a downtown urban area.
  14. I can't be having with chasing after homes all the time, but I have spent more time than I should playing GOH. After reading the recent comments, though, I let go of my perfect houseboat and moved all my alts into a Victorian. It's a little crowded, and the furniture won't fit, but now I feel virtuous.
  15. They are now in the Friendship Forest Area, along with the Protected Route Interest Group. Menorpha 191/44/43 - Asadora Summers made the bracelet and distributed it to Linden Roads Community group members. My copy is marked "no transfer" but I'm sure she would be glad to send you one if you want.
  16. Another broken bridge? How do drivers manage? (This is not the bridge with the monument to Cooter, this is the bridge with, currently, the Giant Snail and Giant Snail Sign.) It's in Sansara. BTW, the Linden Road Community has produced a "Where Am I?" bracelet to help you determine your location. It works the same way as other "Continent Locators" but your avatar doesn't go around carrying a can....
  17. Finally found it! Beatrice 149/178/34 in Nautilus. This is Route 12 - there is another U-turn on the other end, I think.
  18. Sometimes you can't revisit the past. I tried to resurrect one of my first favorite avatars, a dog, but Second Life wouldn't cooperate. Sure, he was not a stable avatar, as he tended to morph towards the human when under stress, but...well "on the internet"...you know. Then I had a period when I tried to find an avatar that resembled my 'real' appearance, but someone else was already using the "100-year-old Grandma" one. These days I change my shape and appearance depending on my mood and the situation - but I wish I could put my old dog back together again. Any suggestions?
  19. Sorry - pushed the wrong button.
  20. This Isle was home to a God thrown from the heavens after his parents saw that he was imperfect. He excelled in the skills of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, and sculpture and became their patron god after he was readmitted to Olympus. There is little on this barren land but a shelter with a fire and blacksmith's tools; however, on one edge of the island there are the ruins of a temple and a single light beam shining down. Where am I? Added another clue. Playing with environments, unfortunately I could not find one named "Fables".
  21. This is the Ciuacoatl Undersea Botanical Garden in Ciuacoatl. 197/220/1. This is a lovely build by Abnor Mole. There is a diving equipment giver just inside the outer door.
  22. An interesting thread. I would like to add: In the US there is a lively market selling 'subscription boxes'. The idea is that the buyer gets a 'curated' box which is guaranteed to be worth more than you paid for it. The boxes continue to come on a regular basis until you cancel your subscription. There are also 'mystery boxes' which are a one-time thing. I love watching UTube 'unboxing' videos... I believe that the appeal of mystery boxes and subscription boxes is the anticipation and the fun of getting a 'gift' in the mail. In SL the period of anticipation when you 'pull' a gatcha lever is shorter, but the bursts of good feeling you get when you 'win' a rare makes up for the disappointment of getting a common. Yes, this can become addictive. --- In Tofalar, near the southern edge of the region, there is a hut with a lot of information about gachas. --- If SL had "Non Sequitur" as a last name, I'd buy it.
  23. You're both right - It is the westermost part of Sharp/The Old Teen Continent. The monorail and tram run through at least four regions like Loki and Ni, and it is in Ni that my trolley evaporated.
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