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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. Cross-referencing ^a(.*?)e$ with an English dictionary results in this... abalone, abate, abbaye, abbe, abbie, abbreviate, abdicate, abe, abercrombie, abhorrence, abide, abilene, abjure, ablate, ablative, ablaze, able, abode, abominable, aborigine, abortive, above, abrasive, abridge, abrogate, absence, absentee, absinthe, absolute, absolve, absorbable, absorbance, absorptive, abstinence, abstruse, abundance, abuse, abusive, academe, accede, accelerate, accentuate, acceptable, acceptance, acceptible, accessible, accessorize, acclimate, acclimatize, accolade, accommodate, accomodate, accomplice, accordance, accountable, accrue, accumulate, accumulative, accurate, accusative, accuse, ace, acehnese, acetate, acetazolamide, acetone, acetonitrile, acetylcholine, acetylcholinesterase, acetylglucosamine, acetyltransferase, ache, achievable, achieve, ackee, acknowledge, acme, acne, acolyte, acquaintance, acquiesce, acquiescence, acquire, acquisitive, acre, acreage, acridine, acrylamide, actinomycete, actionable, activase, activate, active, acupressure, acupuncture, acute, acyltransferase, adage, adaptable, adaptive, addictive, addie, additive, addle, addressable, addressee, adduce, adelaide, adele, adelie, adenine, adenosine, adenosylhomocysteine, adenosylmethionine, adenylate, adequate, adhere, adherence, adhesive, adige, adipocyte, adipose, adjective, adjudicate, adjudicative, adjustable, administrate, administrative, admirable, admire, admissible, admittance, admixture, adobe, adolescence, adoptable, adoptee, adoptive, adorable, adore, adrenaline, adrianople, adrienne, advance, advantage, adventure, adventuresome, adverse, advertise, advice, advisable, advise, advocate, aerate, aerie, aerodigestive, aeroplane, aerospace, aesthete, aestivate, affable, affaire, affectionate, affective, affiliate, affirmative, affluence, affordable, afire, aflame, afore, afterlife, aftershave, aftertaste, agape, agarose, agate, agave, age, aggie, agglomerative, aggravate, aggregate, aggregative, aggresome, aggressive, agile, agitate, agone, agonize, agramonte, agree, agreeable, agriculture, aguirre, ahole, aide, aiguille, aimee, airborne, airedale, airfare, airframe, airline, airphone, airplane, airspace, airstone, airstrike, airtime, aisle, alambre, alamode, alanine, alawite, albacore, albemarle, albendazole, albertville, albie, albuquerque, alcove, aldehyde, aldine, aldolase, aldridge, ale, alegre, alfie, algae, algarve, alicante, alice, alienate, alignable, alike, aline, alive, alkaline, alkane, allee, allege, allegiance, allele, allendale, allende, alleviate, alliance, allie, alliterative, allocate, allopregnanolone, allowable, allowance, allspice, allstate, allude, allure, allusive, aloe, alone, alongside, alphonse, alpine, alsace, altarpiece, alternate, alternative, altitude, alumnae, amacrine, amalgamate, amantadine, amarone, amaze, ambiance, ambience, ambivalence, amble, ambleside, ambrose, ambulance, ameliorate, ameliorative, amenable, amiable, amicable, amidase, amide, amiloride, amine, aminoadenosine, aminocyclopropane, aminoglutethimide, aminoglycoside, aminopeptidase, aminopyridine, aminosilane, aminotransferase, amirite, amitochondriate, amitriptyline, ammonite, amodiaquine, amortise, amortize, amperage, amphetamine, amphitheatre, amphitrite, ample, amplitude, amputee, amuse, amylase, analogue, analyse, analyte, analyzable, analyze, anaphase, anatole, ance, anchorage, andrade, andre, androstenedione, anecdote, anemone, angie, angle, anglophile, anglophone, anhydrase, anhydride, animate, anime, anise, anisette, ankle, anlage, annabelle, annandale, anne, annette, annie, annihilate, annotate, announce, annoyance, anode, anodyne, anomie, anonymouse, ansible, answerable, antagonize, ante, antedate, antegrade, antelope, antennae, anthemideae, anthracite, anthracycline, anthranilate, anthropocene, anthropomorphize, anticipate, anticompetitive, antidote, antifade, antifreeze, antigone, antihistamine, antihypertensive, antimissile, antimouse, antinociceptive, antioxidative, antiproliferative, antique, antisense, antizyme, antoine, antoinette, antone, anymore, anyone, anyplace, anytime, anywhere, apace, apache, ape, apennine, aperture, aphrodite, apiece, apocalypse, apogee, apologise, apologize, apostate, apostle, apostrophe, appearance, appease, appellate, appendage, appetite, applause, apple, applebee, applegate, applesauce, applewhite, appliance, applicable, applique, appointee, appointive, apposite, appositive, appraise, appreciable, appreciate, appreciative, apprehensive, apprentice, apprise, approachable, appropriate, approve, approximate, apse, aptazyme, aptitude, aquaculture, aquae, aquamarine, aquascope, aquitaine, arabesque, arabinofuranoside, arabinose, arable, arbitrage, arbitrate, arbuckle, arcade, arcane, archdiocese, archduke, arche, archetype, archie, architecture, archive, arcuate, ardeche, are, arete, argentine, arginine, arguable, argue, argumentative, argyle, ariadne, ariane, arie, arielle, arise, aristae, aristide, aristotle, arizpe, arledge, arlene, armature, armie, armistice, armitage, armoire, arne, arnie, arogenate, aromatase, arose, arouse, arquette, arrange, arrearage, arrive, arrogance, arse, arsehole, arsenate, arsenite, artesunate, arthouse, artichoke, article, articulate, artie, artifice, artiste, asante, ascendance, ascertainable, ascorbate, ascribable, ascribe, asheville, ashlee, ashlie, ashore, ashrae, aside, asinine, askance, asme, asparagine, aspartame, aspartate, aspartokinase, asphyxiate, aspirate, aspire, assassinate, assemblage, assemble, assertive, *****, assignable, assimilate, assiniboine, assistance, assistive, associate, associative, assuage, assume, assurance, assure, astaire, astate, asteraceae, astride, astrocyte, astrodome, astute, asymptote, ate, athene, athleisure, athlete, atlee, atmosphere, atone, atpase, atropine, attache, attainable, attendance, attendee, attentive, attenuate, attire, attitude, attlee, attractive, attributable, attribute, aubergine, audible, audie, audience, audiophile, audiotape, auditable, augie, augmentative, auguste, augustine, auntie, aussie, austere, authenticate, authoritative, authorize, autocomplete, autocrine, autofluorescence, autoimmune, automate, automobile, automotive, autoreactive, autoregressive, autoroute, available, avalanche, avarice, ave, avenge, aventine, avenue, average, averse, aversive, avise, avoidable, avoidance, avondale, awake, aware, awe, awesome, awhile, awoke, awsome, axe, axillae, axle, aye, ayotte, azacytidine, azide, azure, azurite. Gotta love REGEX. Kthnxbai. My big. ^a.{3}e$... abate, abbie, abide, abode, above, abuse, ackee, acute, adage, addie, addle, adele, adige, adobe, adore, aerie, afire, afore, agape, agate, agave, aggie, agile, agone, agree, ahole, aimee, aisle, albie, alfie, algae, alice, alike, aline, alive, allee, allie, alone, amaze, amble, amide, amine, ample, amuse, andre, angie, angle, anime, anise, ankle, annie, anode, apace, apple, aquae, arche, arete, argue, arise, armie, arnie, arose, artie, aside, atlee, atone, audie, augie, avise, awake, aware, awoke, azide, azure Game solved!
  2. OK, I get it. A lot of you are afraid of spiders. Lets up the game a bit. Would you rather eat a spider or take a bite out of this?
  3. “part of the strategy is to bring shock-and-awe [copyright- and trademark-related] cases and to shine a bright light on them in federal court and the media” The Hells Angels' lawyers sued Disney for their intent to make a movie (Wild Hogs) that had an alleged part with Hells Angels in it. (It didn't, but it was good publicity for them.) There's a large role for the Hells Angels in Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman's book 'Good Omens'. The 2019 TV adaptation, very wisely, does not have the Hells Angels in it. Which is a shame, because it was one of the best parts. The original hell's angels, of course, were War, Famine, Pollution (Pestilence retired after the discovery of penicillin) and Death. When gathering in a bar to prepare for *spoiler alert* the apocalypse, they encountered a few English members of the Hells Angels motobike gang. The bikers were in such awe of their namesakes that they decided to join them and adopt nicknames of their own, like 'Grievous Bodily Harm', 'and 'Cruelty To Animals'. One biker could never make up his mind. As a running gag throughout the second half of the book, he'd constantly have a new name. I wonder if Gaiman quietly settled with the Hells Angels and pays them royalties. Or maybe they're just satisfied with the way they're depicted in the story and leave him alone. Or maybe Gaiman's lawyer is just better than theirs. Maybe he'll appear in Drax' Second Life Book Club one day and I'll ask him. (There's an actual chance that that may happen. After all, Ringworld's Larry Niven had been a guest there too.) From the book: Biker: "You're Hells Angels, then? What chapter are you from?" Death: "REVELATIONS, CHAPTER SIX."
  4. Make sure you also remove the words 'Hell's Angels'. Using these words for a 5-L$ sculptie motorcycle on Marketplace will result in getting your SL account suspended for two weeks.
  5. Well, the benefits are countless. Just to name a few: 1. It's a Second Life role play job, exactly what you were asking for in the title. 2. It's something other than the clique, DJ, Host, Dancer/Stripper and Escort jobs, neither which you want, as you indicated. 3. It's a window to an alternative life-style, an chance to view the world from another perspective. A character-building opportunity. 4. Mrs. Miggins is always very generous with her handing out coffee too the homeless near her shop and her coffee is delicious. 5. You'll never have to waste time on washing and cleaning again. 6. It's also, of course, just a joke.
  6. I'm still in need of someone willing to live under a bridge on my estate and roleplay a homeless person. The salary will be three cups of coffee and a half-eaten donut per day. (Just send me your resume and I'll forward it to my roleplay HR dept.)
  7. Adoption-wise, I think VR headsets are going the way of 3D television sets, nuclear fusion and desktop Linux. Unless FB, or any VR-company comes up with a shiny new killer app that everybody needs.
  8. Come on now, who in their right mind would have an artist put their autograph on a plastic CD case?
  9. I'm not even remotely considering using the Golden Ratio in my latest build. Just my Golden Rules: (i) will it snap to grid and (ii) will it conveniently split into <10m chunks?
  10. Yes, me too, Linden Labs. Three decades, please.
  11. But in all seriousness: 64 m by default, but you'll find me type 'dd 128', 'dd 256', 'dd 384', 'dd 512', or dd'1024' a lot in Local whenever I need to peek around a little further with my beady little peeky eyes.
  12. Assuming you mean a complete stranger you only had a five-minute conversation with: none. I'll take the offer immediately. And then I will IM them every day about trivial matters, ask them about their real life incessantly (eventually whether they have a bank account) and offer them teleports to everywhere I go (Cannibal Island, The Carnival of Rubbery Rides, etc.) and ask them to 'come sit on this funny-looking couch with me' and propose to meet in real life until they decide to unfriend me themselves and learn to never randomly offer friendship to strangers in SL anymore. You see, I'm a teacher, and when I teach stuff, I want the message to stick.
  13. I bet that would be the one day in the week real-life allows me to be in Second Life. [Update] @Sam1 Bellisserian beat me by 5 seconds with a similar comment.
  14. Just like how people should 'just learn' not to do drugs or crime. I get it.
  15. One of the most frequent complaints by people in virtual worlds and other 3D environments appears to be involving lag, be it on World of Warcraft, on Minecraft servers, in Roblox, or, of course, on the Second Life grid. However, when it comes to Second Life, I feel that 99% of all lag complaints have nothing to do with lag at all, but instead are the result of people's computers being stressed to their limits in terms of drawing colored triangles on their screens (a.k.a. 'low frame rate'), which, at least to me, is an entirely different thing. I feel the word lag is often being used to put the blame of low frame rates on others, when it's most likely caused by the complainant's own local network speed, processing power and, above all, in-world building and decorating habits. If people would more aware of that, i.e. if people would better understand the meaning of what lag is and is not, it'd be easier for them to work on actual solutions, rather than to just sit and wait for others to never improve their SL experiences. Conversely, scripted objects in SL sometimes become unresponsive. And this really is mostly caused by lag. Ironically, the blame in such cases is mostly put on the creator and their alleged bad scripting practices. Such false assertions potentially lead to bad and misleading reviews on Marketplace, and damaged reputations. So what would be a good definition of lag in SL? What are its causes? And would a better understanding of its meaning for the average SL resident contribute to a better experience? Is this lag?
  16. Does that somehow absolve Facebook from profiting on angering and dividing whole nations?
  17. Pro tip: when I have a question, I join this 30,000-member group and ask it there. I usually get an answer promptly. And then I leave the group again. Not a very social thing to do, but if I stay in that group, I get constantly bombarded with distracting and mostly non-substantial IMs. I could turn IMs off for that particular group, but in essence that's no different from just leaving it and save some group space. As a result of this strategy, I'm currently in about 12 groups, in some just for nostalgic reasons. So this strategy clearly works all too well.
  18. What will be way more interesting than discussing why Facebook is down for five minutes is the discussion that will take place tomorrow in US Congress, between a former Facebook product manager and the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security. This employee already revealed on CBS' Sixty Minutes yesterday that Facebook willfully incentivizes "angry, polarizing, divisive content" for profit. https://www.cnet.com/news/facebook-whistleblower-to-testify-before-congress-how-to-watch/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/facebook-whistleblower-frances-haugen-60-minutes-polarizing-divisive-content/
  19. The cause: swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus. The consequences: societal breakdown of cataclysmic proportions...
  20. In that line of reasoning: Linden Lab better ban all those depraved adult regions too then. And all the products and venues related to tobacco, alcohol and other substances. So the gachas are gone. Its loophole substitute machines are allowed. Time to set a new goal in life. Get Linden labs, as you call them, to ban all adult regions and all references to substances that may harm potential minors playing in SL. Disclaimer: I am, of course, being sarcastic.
  21. No one should ever have to tell anyone else not to inhale hydrogen peroxide. But there we have it. Health authorities, and in particular the Astma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) have to say it: do not inhale nebulized hydrogen peroxide. https://community.aafa.org/blog/danger-don-t-nebulize-hydrogen-peroxide-and-breathe-it-to-try-to-treat-or-prevent-covid-19 And just to make sure, here's some extra-additional health advice from doctor Arduenn: delete your Facebook. Your lungs will thank you for it.
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