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Arduenn Schwartzman

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Everything posted by Arduenn Schwartzman

  1. I would. But I would have to convince my friends and family to purchase a beefy gaming desktop/laptop computer first. And that's just not going to happen. Most of them just aren't interested in all that. I might recommend it to my son when he's old enough. Right now, in his free time, he's playing with Blender and Unity, making his own game. He's having a ball in Roblox with his friends. Maybe he'll be SL material in the future. But I wouldn't be surprised that it'll just be too slow and too boring for him.
  2. It may (or may not) be related to this bug: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-228939. A sim restart would resolve it.
  3. It's from the makers of Facebook, so no. I'll stick to SL, thank you. Also, most residents are able to remain physically active in SL for hours. Is that even realistic with VR goggles on you mug?
  4. To me, it sounds like it's something for people who's first life has all worn out and come to an end. But I think it doesn't take much effort to just get over names that you associate with something else and potentially bad. All it takes is a sliver of will power.
  5. Yes there is. Timing with such double-clicking motions is automated with very little or no conscious effort. Ask any pianist, surgeon or professional gamer. Muscle memory being the reflexes you develop, which are mostly conducted through your spinal cord, and cerebellum (which makes 'muscle memory' a bit of a misnomer).
  6. No, but it'd be an awfully big coincidence if my friend's was too, at the same time.
  7. No. It's too much of a hassle to switch back and forth between enabling and disabling it. I've now set double-click to fastest and I can still perform a legit double-click with my usual double-click finger speed. Fingers crossed. Thanks.
  8. No, but it'd be an awfully big coincidence if my friend's was too, at the same time.
  9. Hi. A friend of mine and I both noticed we were suddenly teleporting by accident by double-clicking way more often than usual. Usually, your muscle memory knows how frequent is frequent enough to not trigger a teleport, but it was a startling change one day, a few weeks ago. And it happened subsequently in at least two different sims (only 2-3 agents present on average, a low-prim/mesh sky platform, Sim FPS 45.0, Physics FPS 45.0, we're on two different continents). It's been intermittently persistent throughout these weeks now. Some days it's ok, some day's it's bad. It's particularly annoying when shift-clicking to select/deselect objects in Edit. Anyone else experienced an increase in double-click-teleport accidents lately? Any idea what causes it?
  10. People used to be (and still are) tortured because they expressed opinions like this, so a ban from this forum is perfectly fine with me.
  11. I am deeply insulted by any all-powerful deity that allows children to suffer from cancer, and by people who somehow attempt to reason their way out of this.
  12. I think a soul, ill-defined as it is, is an emerging phenomenon. I think a 'soul' is the result of electrochemical processes in our central nervous system. Much like temperature is an emerging property from moving particles. A soul might be the sum of self-awareness, consciousness, character, and a collection of emotions, experiences, reflexes and memories emerging from an individual human body. To date, there exists absolutely no scientific, physical evidence of any such sum of said things that can be detached from our physical body. A soul can exist independent from a physical body only in religious, and other fictional literature (and hence, many people believe it vehemently - as is the human nature: believing stuff that other people make up and write down; and hence, I realize that some people may actually be triggered by this opinion). Although, maybe, in the distant future, a soul can actually be contained in a form other than biological, say in silico. I'm not sure if that would be fun. Maybe it's hell, maybe it's bliss. I think it may very well be the future of humanity. That said, to say someone has no soul is to dehumanize them. I consider calling someone soulless a grave insult. Such a person better be very very mean towards others or in disregard of other people's well-being or lives to merit such a title. You are definitely not a soulless being, Gopi. I'm convinced you're a not so touchy-feely person, but with a soul. P.S. Ghost in the Shell's a nice series related to this topic. P.P.S. I believe a soul in SL is that orange cloud that you can sometimes see for a brief moment before the 'physical body' gets transferred to your computer.
  13. Generally, it's too hard for me, especially when it comes to avatar looks. I do understand the logic behind it all. I've been here since clothing layers and flexi hair and I've seen things evolve since then (remember tattoo and alpha layers becoming a thing? Remember the Linden hair and the Linden skin with tinting, wrinkling and freckles option?) To me, it's a lot of work to make a new outfit in comparison to the early days. I guess that's the price for avatars becoming more realistic in an open sandbox world like SL. The current complexity of dressing up is definitely a factor in deciding whether to buy clothing in SL or not. If I estimate making a new outfit is going to cost me half an hour, and I haven't got the patience/time for it at that particular moment, I'm not wasting my money on it. But in comparison, trying out a new head or body system is absolute hell. It'll cost me almost a day figuring stuff out. Nowadays, I'll mostly waste time on criticizing and angering over new head and body HUDs. But with the first mesh bodies and heads, I'd buy these, complain about the necks, the eye positions, the lack of eye movements, etc. It's shelve the damn things for months and then try again. On a brighter note, BOM's actually kind of an improvement over all these different applier HUDs. Maybe it's because of the work I do in SL, but I seldomly change outfits more often than once per two months. Skins and hair maybe once per year. Body and head system, once per 3 years, maybe. Too often to my taste. Some of my friends change twice or thrice per day, clothing, body, skin, everything. It's voodoo magic to me. So, from my perspective, for a n00b, yeah, I fear very much that that's scaring away many. Only if you're curious enough and motivated enough to look as cool as the SL veterans, you might pull it of. How many people are missing out on a nice SL experience because of its complexity? I have no clue though. Sounds like a job for the LL market research team.
  14. No. Mine required opt-in. Nowhere did I say it was opt-out only. I'm really getting quite enough of these baseless assumptions.
  15. No, as I said, I pay attention to them myself, but I found through experience, very few people seem to do, since I've heard so many times myself and via others that people "didn't see the notitice" Good for you that you felt you needed to log in for this. To be honest, I saw your name in the bell menu and my first reaction was: what am I supposed to disagree with this time? And you delivered like clockwork. Now you accuse me of projection, while I base my conclusion on solid observations over the the course of more than a decade. I even made a messenging system to counter this notification problem for someone (out of several merchants) who concluded the same thing. To be honest, I agreed with you,once. Quite recently even, but I totally forgot what it was about. But for the rest, whatever comes out of your keyboard, I never agree with. So, you know what? I'm just going to hide you, because I don't have to put up with these baseless speculations. Don't give up on going through the trouble of logging in to react to my comments. Keep up the good job.
  16. I had someone sending me a stiff and rather angry-sounding message in the line of "Why the expletive did you send this to me?!?!?!?" after their partner bought them a gift through my vendor. Some people in SL
  17. In Viewer 1, each and every group notice window was presented in a stack in the top right corner, upon logging in, in a rather in-your-face manner. Whenever you logged in, you had to click away each notice manually. And with each clicking away, you would see the next notice in its entirety, enabling you to at least get a glance of its title and contents and the 'Save Attachment' button. It may have been a little more intrusive to some, and maybe this was the reason why LL changed it, but it was way harder to miss group notices this way. Personally, I didn't think it was annoying at all. It was part of my logging in routine. Like coming home and going through the mail in your mailbox IRL. I do too. But you can't rely on hoping that others (customers) do it too. It's the least intrusive and most convenient solution by far, to my opinion. I even filter them into a dedicated group notice folder in my Gmail. It's just that, apparently, not many residents do this at all. (Sending offline IMs to email is also great for not missing out on IMs. They may get capped in-world, but they will always make it to email, if you have enabled it.) I sometimes do, but most of the time, I've already read them in my email. But again, this is just not what a lot of people do at all. I think it's because they aren't even aware that past/offline group notices are accessible through these chicklets. "I didn't see any group notice" is a real problem in SL because of this.
  18. Sending out group notices is somehow broken since the introduction of Viewer 2 in 2010. Group notices to people who are offline are gathered under this annoying little postage stamp at the upper right corner of your screen, called 'chicklets'. Almost no one pays attention to these chicklets when they log in. Therefore, the majority of group notices are lost to people in SL. Most group owners are familiar with the phrase "I didn't see any group notice" all too well for over a decade since. This is why so many businesses in SL use special messaging systems (some of which, sadly, are op-out, rather than opt-in).
  19. You can become co-owner, if another owner grants you the role of owner, as Ceka said. You can become the sole owner only when the other owner(s) voluntarily give up that role.
  20. It's not solved as in 'all the words are listed here', but solved in the game theory sense, in that the method has been laid out to completely solved it. But I would say partially solved within the current set of rules, which do not exclude other languages. The rules are also ambiguous for not clearly defining the character set that's allowed for the a and the e. Does it include the Greek alpha and eta (does epsilon count too?), and it's Hebrew and Arabic equivalents? Or any other single letter character sets that have the phonetic equivalent, such as with Japanese Hiragana or ancient Egyptian Kemetic, which can both serve as a character and syllabic set? Are words from only live languages allowed, or also dead languages? Do digraphs such as the Dutch ÿ (in modern day Dutch mostly spelled as ij) count as one or two letters in this game?
  21. These glasses are damn handy though. Maan! Those pixels are groovy!
  22. It's from an apparently incomplete word list, though. The word abate is not in it. And aygre. And these are only English words.
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