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MadameGloom Ravenwood

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Everything posted by MadameGloom Ravenwood

  1. I love blind jumping, you can find some good places that you wouldn't normally find. Though sometimes you can be rudely booted by someone's security.
  2. I am really not sure what is going on in SL at the moment. Items keep going missing from my land First it was the walls, and now my stage and other bits Doing my head in now, very odd.
  3. Yep, ur not alone, I feel the same. I know things do change due to progress and I don't think it is progress that has changed things it is more the people we come across.
  4. I just rez the box and drag what I need into my inventory. I also keep the full box in case I change body at some point
  5. I had the same issue with Firestorm. I followed Firestorms advice and downloaded the latest Microsoft Visual C++ which didn't help. After banging my head against Google I found the answer to downlaod the two files that i was told was missing, one being the one the OP mentioned and I am not sure what the other file was named. Downloaded the two files and put them where it told me and it worked.
  6. Sun Valley...I think the owners always win more but I don't do too bad, saves me having to buy lindens some months to pay land rental.
  7. I remember someone in Inworldz creating number 2, it was pretty nifty. I cloned myself a few times as a clothes model. But if I remember rightly it did add to prim count which could add quite a large amount of prims.
  8. What do you call that weird sensation when you are suddenly teleported from North Pole to South Pole or vice versa? 😁Bi-polar disorder😁
  9. 60+ here with a gaming laptop and basic desktop gaming pc. I keep looking at more expensive desktop rigs, I will give in after Christmas maybe. A far cry from the basic pentium processor and something like a gig or ram I started SL with, that was lag central!😦
  10. True, it aint cheap. That's interesting to know about the RAM
  11. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz (2592 MHz) Memory: 98064 MB Concurrency: 6 OS Version: Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit (Build 22621.521) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: Quadro P2000/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics Card Memory: 4096 MB That's my gaming laptop(Dell precision, 7530), it runs SL much better than my desktop and it doesn't get hot, granted I do use a laptop cooler but sometimes it isn't on and I don't find it overheats. FPS is good (average around 60), I rarely notice any lag and I rarely crash. Good internet does help though, my speed on the laptop is 516Mbps
  12. It's annoying when that happenes especially if you are rudely booted after 10 seconds!
  13. 42, some inanimate objects in there as well, blocked by mistake.
  14. I am 61 now, it's hard to beleive I have been here since I was 46, I have aged with SL, not sure which of us aging better though.😁
  15. I have noticed that for things like posters/sales images etc there's a slight degredation in quality from 1024-512, but that's close up from a distance they look the same, but it is clothing that has to have 1024
  16. I used to do that a lot before going prem+, saved hell of a lot of lindens. Not as many textures to rezz as well, for example 1 texture having 6 images in 1, 1 texture to rezz instead of 6.
  17. Yep, I soon TP somewhere else, being grateful I have clothes and that I wasn't changing when SL logged me out. 😄
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