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Carolyn Zapedzki

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Everything posted by Carolyn Zapedzki

  1. 42, some inanimate objects in there as well, blocked by mistake.
  2. I am 61 now, it's hard to beleive I have been here since I was 46, I have aged with SL, not sure which of us aging better though.😁
  3. I have noticed that for things like posters/sales images etc there's a slight degredation in quality from 1024-512, but that's close up from a distance they look the same, but it is clothing that has to have 1024
  4. I used to do that a lot before going prem+, saved hell of a lot of lindens. Not as many textures to rezz as well, for example 1 texture having 6 images in 1, 1 texture to rezz instead of 6.
  5. Yep, I soon TP somewhere else, being grateful I have clothes and that I wasn't changing when SL logged me out. 😄
  6. Your processor and RAM are fine although personally I would want more RAM than that as I often do half a dozen things at once. You don't mention your graphics card though, a dedicated gaming graphics card is needed to get the best out of SL. My desktop: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (3591.69 MHz) Memory: 32713 MB Concurrency: 8 OS Version: Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit (Build 22000.1098) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics Card Memory: 6144 MB My Laptop: CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz (2592 MHz) Memory: 98064 MB Concurrency: 6 OS Version: Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit (Build 22621.521) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: Quadro P2000/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics Card Memory: 4096 MB My laptop actually runs better than my desktop, but getting high FPS on both. Even using WIFi on the laptop is no detriment to performance. I have to chuckle though when I think back to my pc I had when I started in SL, a dual core processor and something silly like a gig of ram, used to be lag central. But much better internet since then as well which is a big help.
  7. Just put yourself out there and try not to bore the pants off the ladies 😛
  8. You are setting the bar a bit high, best to start with friendship and not think about living together straight off the bat, that could put a woman off. I would lose the third person talk as well as Robert suggested. I think that is best used with others who do the same. That's just my view, untlimtely you must do what feels right to you. Good luck.
  9. Must have, when I was skint I used to change mine there a lot.
  10. You could try changing through your profile feed HERE Actually never mind, it seems you can't do that any more.
  11. I found it easy to strike up friendships in the early days, but I would just speak to anyone and befriend anyone, some I am still in touch with. But over recent years finding new friends has been so much harder. But I guess I have changed as well since I first started 15 years ago. I think becoming a cretaor changed me too, I spend more time working than socialising and then when I do leave my platform it is usually to "gamble" or buy hair!
  12. Yep, on my minimul platform Without ALM 111FPS With ALM 85FPS Adding ambient occlusion keeps it very much the same Adding shadows 70 FPS Most of the time it is turned off, only turning it on for photography. If I forget to turn it off and go somewhere busy it does slow me down and I turn it straight back off. Draw distance as well is a big factor, mine is on 80 so I can see my full parcel. Dropping right down to 32 increases the FPS of course. And just noticed I can see everything on 64 draw distance which increases the FPS a little. My min settings keep it at 32 when out and about.
  13. It does work, you are just not doing it right. It is a shame that drragging real life objects doesn't duplicate them!
  14. Yes, I think quite a few join to troll for sex. I have taken myself out of country specific grouops as well as that happens in those too. One guy chatted to me for a few weeks and we got along well but then he said he was visiting my neck of the woods and could we meet, I refused and that was the last I heard of him. It seems he wanted a quick one while he was visiting!
  15. I usually check their profile first before answering. That's if I see their message as it comes in. often I am AFK or engrossed making something or gambling hard earned lindens and don't notice unttil hours later. So when checking later if it is meaningful then I reply but if it is a rasndom hi and the guy has lots of adult groups showing and sexual content on his profile then I just ignore.
  16. This has just come on my playlist. It wasn't made with SL in mind and was not filmed in SL, but you would think it was.
  17. I was thinking that today. I was approaching 46 when I joined SL, and now I am 61. SL is growing old with me but staying young at the same time if that makes sense.
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