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Carolyn Zapedzki

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Everything posted by Carolyn Zapedzki

  1. After testing today, sometimes you have to click on none, then back on convex hull for it to stick, a couple of times it didn't work, so logged back out and in again and it was correct after that. Maybe one of those "doing your head in" Type of SL glitches.😁 "Although I am pretty sure this has happened to me in other places but can't remember where." Maybe Inworldz? I remember seeing your stuff there.
  2. It's odd, was just doing a bit of testing, sometimes changing to convex hull reduces land impact right away, sometimes it doesn't and you have to click on none and then back on convex hull to make the change stick.
  3. Change the physics shape type to convex hull as well if just using prims then they are 0.5 LI each, 1 when linked. Just be careful with doorways as it can make some doorways impossible to walk through, if you make one like that just change the physics shape back to prim
  4. When I used sandboxes I uses to work in the sky for privacy. And there are premium adult sandboxes.
  5. Robots usually look extremely sullen FIZZY
  6. Saving private prims The silence of the noobs Eternal sunshine of the spotless PBR A fistful of lindens
  7. That all makes sense 🙂 For what I do 1024's will always do the trick
  8. I just uploaded some 2048x2048's, and I see no difference in the end product, I would stick to 1024's You could always temp upload and compare the different size textures to see if it makes a difference on anything,
  9. The same here, free textures were the main reason I upgraded, it really does save me a fortune, I would like to know the answer as well.
  10. An old saying comes to mind, "Just because you can doesn't mean you should" I have a high end PC, but I would not want to max it out and I am not ignorant!
  11. Well, I did get a bit annoyed yesterday after reading a Facebook post from a top in-world creator who is really advertising Primfeed and endorsing it and saying "Exclusive Content: Get the inside scoop on upcoming releases before anyone else." Is this how it is going to be now, getting encouraged to use it by many creators and those who don't want to use it stay in the dark longer, no thanks, I won't bother.
  12. Rabbits enjoy assorted dandelion yogurts. FORUM
  13. Ok, thank you, I will take a look at that. I don't wan to knock something if it's because of a misunderstanding.
  14. The floor is textured, this is it originally I have no idea about probes TBH, need to gen up on it all
  15. I did a little experiment myself, here's my floor in a PBR viewer and my floor in a none PBR viewer, very disappointed with it, it;s black in the shop but blue on my floor, I much prefer my original texture, good job it was only 60L as I won't use it, I haven't been anywhere else to photograph more complex scenes, I prefer Firestorm but that viewer puts my fans into overdrive, the SL PBR viewer doesn't, so may visit some places later with that viewer and make comparisons.
  16. Just downloaded the Firestorm PBR viewer, and wow, my fans are louder than I have ever heard from it before. So just using the older viewer now. The SL PBR viewer didn't cause the fans that much work.
  17. I have just had a fiddle with it in the SL viewer, the PBR texture looked good in the store, put it on my own floor and quite a bit of difference, went from black in their store which I wanted to blue on my floor. I used their windlights as well that they give away for free. Performance/framerate were fine. But don't see the point in it until everyone's viewer is PBR enabled, or else they will just see plywood! Maybe I was doing something wrong, I really don't know.
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