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MadameGloom Ravenwood

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Everything posted by MadameGloom Ravenwood

  1. I used to log position on a notecard, but then started locking the item but may try n get into the habit of doing that as well incase I forget to lock.
  2. So damn stressful isn't it. There trying to position it where it was before. And thinking u have done it and then realise something is missing and is buried in the wall. I do it with platforms a lot as well, I wish the "restore to last position" Worked
  3. Once you have placed your building, lock the stupid thing before the stupid owner manages to delete it/take like this stupid owner just did. I know to lock it but often forget.
  4. Nah. There are regional groups within SL that covers certain cities, we can join them if we feel the need. If we can't find one for where we live then create one.
  5. I remember when I first went on the internet and went in a chat room and got asked that, I was totally lost. That must be about 22 years ago, so yeah 2001 sounds about right LOL.
  6. The appearance that you see of yourself may not be the same to others - Windlight and settings playing a big part. If you want to get to your platform but forgot to landmark it don't fly up like this idiot used to do, just click on the address bar at the top and change the last part of the SLURL to the height of your platform If you want to match textures up on different sized prims don't use default, use planar and synchronize materials. This idiot used to take ages aligning the material and using offset to match everything up🫣
  7. Good idea about adding a brand, will sort that out Thanks
  8. Ok, how's this then? When I first started selling clothes I just went with timed demos as most of the clothes I tried on used them. And they were never an issue for me so I really didn't think anyone minded them. It's good to have input and I certainly don't mind making adjustments.
  9. Would 20 mins be more like it? I am happy to buy a script that allows me to set the time myself I really didn't know timed demos were a problem for people, but happy to listen to input like this and make changes when necessary.
  10. Since 2003-Had breaks of not playing it for months at a time, but have been constant for about 7 years now Not as much these days, maybe about 20 hours Cannot put a figure on that, has been a work in progress since I started I have my real pic on my profile and use my real Christian name Grief and abuse others
  11. Most timed demos are copy, I usually make a few copies for that reason, though the ones I have tried in the past were 5 min demos, and 5 mins is ample time. There are some that are a shorter hence why I make copies but don't often use a copy unless RL has taken me AFK.
  12. My clothing comes with a 5 min demo, and is copy so easy to wear a new one. I much prefer timed demos without a demo ring or demo stamped all over the item when I am buying.
  13. Who am I? Pretty much a lone wolf I have some friends that I met back when I started in 2007, they are not online too much so I am not very social No disrespect to women but I prefer male friends and when I talk with anyone new it usually gets down to sex very quickly and then I back off, or they back off when they don't get what they want. (I have had one intimate relationship back in 2007 and not found anyone I wanted to be close to since then) I am not against intimate relationships but not after 5 minutes and that's being generous! I have phases when I visit clubs to find new friends but the above always comes into play. I pretty much just create content, shop or "gamble" when online. It is a bit too solitary/boring a lot of the time My SL interests are fashion, wildlife and nature, music and I love urban and gothic style sims. I do miss the old days, camping, contests, quizes and sploders were fun. Finding good freebie spots was a daily thing, I still go to freebie places from time to time but don't really need freebies these days. I tend to refurbish my sim way too often when boredom sets in, and always changing themes I would just like to meet some nice guys who don't try n get you naked from the word go, naked can come at a later stage if it felt right. I have a good sense of humour and enjoy a laugh and try not to take SLtoo seriously. That's about it really.
  14. After reading that I had to input fart into the people search - Fart Cloud - Fart Rider - Fart Looming and Fart Soup were a few that caught my eye! I didn't realise there were so many farts in SL!
  15. Have done that a few times, I usually just go do a bit of cleaning or take a shower or something and come back later. Detach all and then come back later again!
  16. Got a week off work. So what am I doing? Browsing the forums, listening to Ricky Gervais and doing things in SL, just like any other day, holidays are wasted on me"
  17. Have you ever listened to this guy? I find him really good
  18. That was a crazy time! Hope we never see the like of it again! I am a bit of a recluse, work from home and only go out visiting family once a week, so being stuck at home was no big deal, but not seeing family for so long was the worst part. Thank god for video calls, at least we had that sort of contact.
  19. Rezzing a no copy item (a rare as well) Onto your shop floor forgetting about the rez mesh glitch and it is taken into the black hole and gone forever! Have put my own floor down now so it won't happen again. I wish they would fix it for them to just be sent back to our inventory.
  20. Damn right, I don't always notice a region crossing now. At one time we used to get knocked into the middle of next week!
  21. I agree and feel the same. It is hard to believe that the SL I first signed up to would still hold my attention 16 years down the line. A lot has changed but I embrace the change and think of the past with affection. I haven't been logged in permanently for those 16 years, I have had spells away. But it must be about 8 years now constantly without a break, and I can't see that changing. I would feel a bit lost without SL now.
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