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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. If you don't have the 'avatar' buton on your viewer's toolbar, then add it. If you then click that it will show you all of the available avatars. You can wear them from there and they will go into your Body Parts folder.
  2. As far as shaping advice goes, the only thing that I would suggest - if you're trying to replicate your non-Bento face as much as possible - is to reduce the nostril width just a tad. If you hold a ruler vertically at the inner corner of your eye you can see that on the Justin head it touches the outer edge of the nostril, but on the Skell head the outer edge of the nostril is outside that line. To replicate the lips and that smirk, try reducing the mouth width a tad and raising the outer lip corners Every Bento mesh head has a different 'base shape', which should always be taken into consideration when trying to replicate a face. For example: Catwa Stanley has a very strong, square jaw. While it's possible to soften that jaw with a bit of work, you'll struggle to get a rounded face or a delicate pointed chin out of it. Skell was created very much in my usual face shape, which has always included high and prominent cheekbones, and slightly higher eyes and brows than most. If you want to replicate the thinner look and more pointed chin of your Justin head then I would suggest demoing Catwa's Victor Bento head instead, as the base shape of Victor has more of that look about it. This is Victor, with a skin by Vendetta: The Bento heads have more layers. Don't confuse the head's sections (hairbase, brows, eye makeup, blush, lipstick, etc.) with layers. On the non-Bento heads you do have two hairbases, but you only have one layer for each of the other sections. Catwa Bento heads contain two layers (upper and lower) for each section, which allows you to layer different things (for example: a beard and a cheek tattoo, or separate eyeshadow and eyeliner) - one on the upper and one on the lower layer. With regard to makeup, the post on my blog will show you how to do that. I wrote it especially for guys who have just picked up a Catwa Bento head and who are trying to figure it out. I will say, though, that if those extra layers aren't something you'd be using, and you want to replicate your Justin head as much as possible, and if you don't feel limited in any way by the Justin head, then... why not stick with it? I'm not going to try and 'sell' that Bento head to you, even though I may be a little bit biased towards it Many of the non-Bento Catwa heads have 'sisters' in look. Jessica's Bento sisters are Catya, Lilly, and Uma. While it's possible to recreate a look fairly accurately using a different head (as you have with Kathy there) there are still visible differences, most of which are missed at a quick glance because of the same/similar skins
  3. I was going to joke that I'd best sit this one out, but - while the difference in shape is going to be down to your personal preference - I would suggest that you check out all the extra options you get for customisation on the Bento heads. You get an upper and lower layer, on each of the face sections, which allow you to add far more to your avatar, such as makeup. (I know you often inhabit a fae-like avatar look, and there's an incredibly amount of fantasy makeup available out there.) I have a Beginner's Guide to Catwa Bento Heads on my blog, which will get you up to speed on the basics. Have a read of it, perhaps, before you consider splurging? And, if you have any further questions about it, shoot me a PM here or a notecard inworld. I'm a CSR for Catwa, so I can answer any queries you may have, outside of making the actual decision
  4. R.icielli Aleda boots. HUD with 24 leather colours and 6 metal colours, plus fits for Slink, Maitreya, Belleza, and TMP. Currently just L$79 on Marketplace.
  5. I'll make a prediction: tattoo tattoo sneakers sweatpants (rigged for Gianni and Jake only) sweatshirt (rigged for Gianni and Jake only) tattoo hoodie (rigged for Gianni, Jake, and Aesthetic) hair leather harness (rigged for Gianni and Jake only) OR a watch skin (if we're lucky; if not then it'll be another tattoo, or maybe a big bushy beard) I would have included "three sets of sexy heterosexual couples poses" but I see that 'pose maker' is elsewhere in the list. I'll be very happy if I'm proven wrong on more than three of those items, but I doubt that I will be
  6. Could she please at least give us the courtesy of a four-minute warning? I live on Northern Jeogeot, and I would like to ensure that I'm suitably attired for the Afterlife.
  7. Try the following, in this exact order: Firestorm viewer menu: Avatar > Avatar Health > Refresh Attachments Remove the AO and the Hug & Kiss HUD Firestorm viewer menu: Avatar > Avatar Health > Stop Avatar Animations & Revoke Permissions Right-click yourself and select Appearance > Reset > Skeleton & Animation Relog Re-attach the AO and Hug & Kiss HUD
  8. I'm about to hit up Shoetopia, but before that... Credits Vendetta for BodyFy (starts 8th April), plus Kalback, Lenox, and Stealthic for The Mens Dept. Skin applier: Vendetta - Eliot* (tone 4) Jacket: Lenox - Moto Jacket (black) (Aes, Jake, Gianni) Jeans: Kalback - Original Jeans M5 Faded (Jake, Gianni, Slink) Hair: Stealthic - Baron Ears: L'Etre - Olympe Mesh Ears Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Vivid Eyes* (pearl) Head: Catwa - Skell (Bento) Body: Slink - Physique Male Poses: Wrong & the Owl (Signature-fit clothing - especially jackets - will often fit on the Slink body. This jacket does just that.) *review copy
  9. Sure, Jan (No, that's the name of the-- Oh hell with it - lol!) Credits Ascend for The Mens Dept, plus a new mainstore release from Exile. Shirt: Ascend - Jorge Shirt (black) (Slink, Gianni, Jake) Hair: Exile - Sure, Jan* (naturals) Pants: Ascend - Mikol Jeans (black) (Slink, Gianni, Jake) Bracelets: RealEvil - Ikal Bracelets Choker: The Little Bat - Skully Choker Tattoo: This is Wrong - Automata Tattoo (Sig, Slink, Adam, TMP, Jake) Skin applier: Avi-Glam - Vincent (Catwa - ivory) Ears: L'Etre - Olympe Mesh Ears Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Vivid Eyes* (pearl) Makeup: Zibska - Zanne Eye Makeup (Catwa, Lelutka, Omega) Brow appliers: Identity Body Shop - Thick Eyebrows (Catwa, Omega, system) Poses: Wrong & the Owl *review copy
  10. Yes, but apparently it's just for fun, like busking and having someone throw one cent at you.
  11. You said it yourself, sweetie. I was merely agreeing with you. This thread has no purpose. It's simply you bloviating on and on and everyone else just toying with you. It's rather sad, actually.
  12. Another quick thing you can do if anything like this happens again is to right-click your avatar and select Appearance > Reset Skeleton.
  13. Oh gosh, no! Between this thread and his one in the land forum, I've been truly edumacated! I've learned the following: NASA is crap Young people have no imagination Ernesto can tell LL (for several pages) what they must do to improve SL but it doesn't actually interest him at all Interpreted languages are crap Using interpreted languages is 100% proven to damage your logical thinking and imagination Interpreted languages are (again) crap Using interpreted languages makes you crap Ernesto never lies BASIC is crap Phil can't use LSL because he has no scripts on the Marketplace (even though - as a store-owner of self-scripted furniture he raked in tens of thousands of US$ over many years) Tari is nuts Tari is also a jork There are, at most, three people earning a RL living from Second Life Saying that more than three people are earning a living from Second Life is a myth The process is important and there is no purpose Second Life is chocolate cake "There is no purpose." This thread in a nutshell
  14. Make it an EUR group instead of an EU group. The UK isn't leaving the continent of Europe (EUR); only the European Union (EU).
  15. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt one last time, and assume that you genuinely don't get this, rather than that you're being deliberately obtuse in an attempt to troll us. You seem unable to grasp two basic concepts that people are trying to explain to you here: Linden Lab cannot just "change this package with ZIP" (or any other similar system) without rewriting a ridiculous amount of code architecture and probably breaking a great deal of legacy content. A ZIP file is a single container that holds many objects (eg: a single linkset that holds many prims - to use an older SL building term), whereas a Second Life coalesced object is a collection of many containers that hold many objects (eg: many linksets that hold many prims). Try this thought experiment. In it, you are alone and have nobody else to help you with the task that you're set: 1. You are carrying one shoe box containing lots of small items. The shoe box is unlabelled. You have no idea what's in it. This is your ZIP file analogy, from which you can open and extract a single file. (I don't know which archiver you're using, by the way, but I most certainly can extract a single file from a ZIP.) How do you find out what's in it? Answer: You hold it in one hand and use the other hand to take off the lid. Now this one: 2. You are carrying a stack of 15 shoe boxes, piled on top of each other. (Don't drop them!) Each shoe box contains lots of small items. The shoe boxes are unlabelled. You have no idea what's in any of them. This is the Second Life coalesced object: many containers (linksets) each holding many objects (prims). See that shoe box fourth from the top of the pile, right up near the ceiling? How do you find out what's in it (without dropping the boxes all over the place)? Answer: You can only find out what's in it by putting the boxes down (eg: rezzing everything) so you can find the one that you want to look inside and open it. If you still don't understand why Linden Lab can't just "change with ZIP" their entire inventory architecture, then I don't know what else to say to you, and I'll have to assume that you're either being deliberately obtuse, or you're just... well...
  16. Agreed, but that can be applied for from two months before your 17th birthday, while you're still 16. Which mean a provisional license is no guarantee that someone is over the age of majority in the UK.
  17. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/bbfc-proposed-to-enforce-age-verification-of-online-pornography
  18. I would imagine that the primary way of proving age within SL for UK residents if this bill passes will be to have credit card information on file, with possibly a nominal sum (such as £1) charged to it after it's been added, in order to verify that it's a legitimate card. While this won't stop determined minors from using their parents' card information if they're (for some reason) desperate to access SL, it's probably the way that LL would go if asked to put some kind of age verification in place. There are precious few options available: Driving license? - Not everybody drives (especially those living in highly-populated areas, such as London, with frequent and [mostly!] reliable public transport) Passport? - Not everybody goes abroad and has an up-to-date passport (besides which, the cost is prohibitively expensive if you only want to use it for age verification) ID cards? - These work for getting into clubs, but I'm not sure the Govt will accept them against a bill like this National Insurance numbers? - Not publicly accessible for LL to check against (despite the best efforts of civil servants accidentally leaving laptops in cars!) Electoral roll? - Only the public electoral roll is available for anyone to check, and many people (myself included) have put themselves on the private roll instead, to reduce the amount of junk mail they receive Household bill such as utilities or Council Tax? - Anyone could scan something like that and send it, not just an adult Sure, not everybody has a credit card either, but that's all I can think of that is currently used for age verification in the UK. I'm wondering if the Govt is going to be using this as a first step to introducing official identity cards, though...
  19. Now dealing with the SEVENTH scam avatar since Thursday giving out "free Catwa updates". *sigh*
  20. Here. A little list of a few things to get you started: HEALTHCARE CAT Scans Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Infrared Ear Thermometers Artificial Limbs Foil blankets Miniaturized heart pumps (ventricular assist device for those awaiting heart surgery) Compact laboratory instruments Bioreactors for developing new drugs and antibodies Hand-held ultrasonic instruments Negative pressure techniques to relieve respiratory distress in infants Micro-invasive arthroscopic surgery Robotic arms that assist in human-collaborative medical surgery and emergency response to biological, chemical, and nuclear spills 3D food printing LASIK technology used in eye surgery Invisible tooth braces TRANSPORTATION Anti-Icing Systems for aircraft Highway Safety Improved Radial Tires Chemical Detection A new computer system to assist flight controllers PUBLIC SAFETY Video Enhancing and Analysis Systems Land Mine Removal Fire-Resistant Reinforcement Firefighter Gear Adjustable smoke detectors Hand-held infrared cameras 'The Jaws of Life' (used by firefighters to free people trapped in vehicles) An air purifier that kills 93.3% of airborne pathogens, including anthrax CONSUMER, HOME, RECREATION Scratch-resistant lenses Temper ('Memory') Foam Enriched Baby Food Freeze Drying Technology Athletic shoes Home insulation Seismic shock absorbers for buildings Shock-absorbing shoe insoles Cordless tools ENVIRONMENTAL, AGRICULTURAL Harnessing Solar Energy Pollution Remediation Water Purification using charcoal filters Solar water heaters GPS correction COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY Portable computers Computer mouse Wireless headsets Camera phones Real-time weather visualization & forecasting High-resolution 3-D maps Structural Analysis software Refrigerated Internet-Connected Wall Ovens OpenStack cloud computing technology Long-distance telecommunications INDUSTRIAL Powdered Lubricants (used in refrigerator compressors) Improved Mine Safety Food Safety Systems Precision optics I spent 20 years working in the scientific sector. I know what NASA gave to my own field alone, and I personally used many of those instruments. You can believe that "NASA is crap" all you want, but - whether you like it or not - you benefit from their technologies, improvements, and innovations every day of your life.
  21. If you're interested in fashion photogaphy then I have a post of beginners' tips on my blog. Some of them may be useful to you.
  22. NASA has a 2018 budget of $20.7 billion. Do you have any idea of the amount of things that you take for granted in everyday life (including a lot of the tech within Second Life) that are possible because of NASA projects? The car you drive, the computer you work on, your domestic appliances, your power utilities, the clothing you wear... NASA earns its budget. It's pure science. Second Life is a social playground. An entertainment.
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