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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. My partner and I have a parcel on one of the deep water (80m) regions in SL. We once built a whole MYST-inspired location underwater there, and had a lot of fun watching people coming across it to explore. I distinctly recall one dapper Victorian gentleman moving around it in a steampunk-style bathysphere. We now have an underground build in our other home region, inspired by The Cleft from URU in the MYST series, and we often see people looking around there. As to what I'm doing today, I just found out that I've landed another Flickr group cover and icon. Always a pleasure to get those Flickr Mail alerts
  2. 'No permissions' appears to indicate that you want to give the other person no option whether they respond or not! I think you might mean 'full permission' instead: copy/mod/transfer. If so, then the most common freebie HUD that was used for this - containing, among others, that 'jump-hug' animation - can be found for L$1 here on Marketplace (presumably the L$1 is so that it can be gifted, as one can't gift L$0 freebies). I have one of those exact same HUDs and still use it to this day. It's an essential freebie for me
  3. Completely missed that picture last night, Orwar, but Marianne's right: Neph does look like she could be related to Skell! If I had any interest in putting together a female avatar (I don't, despite the heels; Syd is my compromise - lol!) she would have a very similar look. Great work
  4. The oddest character I think I've ever seen in Second Life turned up many years ago, before parcel privacy options were introduced. My partner and I were living in a home on the ground of our region back then, and we were having a cuddle on the couch - him leaning back against my chest - as we chatted. I happened to be looking at the minimap and saw a green dot appear right outside our front door, seconds after another green dot had disappeared from the adjoining region. The door opened, some guy walked in and right up to the couch, typed the words Why can't you be NORMAL? then walked out, closed the door, and the green dot disappeared from in front of our door a couple of seconds before reappearing in the adjoining region. Hovering my cursor over the next-region dot showed our intruder's name, so it was definitely him. A few "what the hell was THAT?!" blinks later, and we realised the probable cause of his indignation: he had most likely been scanning the map for two green dots close together, then cammed into that home in the hope of finding some free M/F or F/F pixel porn to fuel a hand shandy. When he found two guys having a cuddle he had no choice but to teleport over and berate Those Damn Gays for making his stiffy go away.
  5. Credits the same as before, but with the removal of the hair and the addition of a fantastic gacha hat from Pure Poison.
  6. Over 14 minutes (including an orchestral section) of yet another 80s classic. I really must revisit the idea this one sparked off years ago in SL for a photoshoot...
  7. Two possible reasons: 1. The notecard might not be titled obviously enough. If it's simply called something like "READ ME!" then most people - perversely! - won't bother to read it. However, if it's titled something like "Wear the meter for a chance to win L$10k - read me for more info!" then a few more people would be likely to notice it. 2. The following: While you obviously need some kind of database to keep track of things, a lot of people are mistrustful of something that will be tracking them in any kind of obvious way - which they would understand this needs to do: it will register if they are in SL water, and it keeps track of their names. They might wonder if it's tracking them in any other way, such as the dates and times they log in, or exactly which regions they visit. While many people will happily partake of online activity, completely oblivious to just how pernicious online tracking is these days, many are also wising up to it and becoming cautious as a result. And, of course, one final reason: sheer bloody laziness. The same reason why I still get people who have bought from me a (clearly-labelled on Marketplace as being "fully enclosed, with NO DOOR") skybox sending me IMs demanding to know where the door is, and subsequently wanting their money back because they hadn't bothered to read the listing.
  8. Not a pic of what I'm currently wearing, but I'm dropping this in here for anyone who's not checked out the Fifty Linden Friday offers today. While it looks like the creator of these gorgeous shoes forgot to enable their toenails (ouch!) the shoes themselves for just 50L are a steal. Even though they're not really the kind of thing Syd would wear, I'm tempted to get them myself at that price. I'm sure I could do something with 'em...
  9. I see plenty of them at the menswear events in SL.
  10. While I could have taken that as an admonishment that men who don't talk about their favourite dresses should shut up because this thread is clearly for 'women stuff,' I shall instead apologise for responding irrelevantly to Clover's remark about a blog feed that features a lot of dresses by posting a picture of my favourite skirt (the Atlas Set by Titzuki). I hope that'll suffice
  11. Unless, like me, they swear on their blogs. I didn't bother applying, because I eff-and-blind like a trooper on my blog, and I refuse to change how I write just to get onto a feed. I don't post any nudity etc (only my partner gets to see that, not my blog readership) but I frequently drop f-bombs amid the text, and that's regarded as mature content. Not that it matters as part of this particular thread. Not many dresses suit Skell, though he's been known to rock a mini skirt on occasion
  12. An 80s classic that's about as close to a theme song for Skell as I could probably find
  13. What I would like to see is a checkbox (or maybe two) at the point of listing, for the merchant to specify 'this is a demo' and/or 'this is a gacha item'. It could be right by the Copy/Mod/Transfer permissions boxes. People soon got used to checking the '100% mesh' and 'partial mesh' buttons, so checking one more box wouldn't be too much of a stretch. Following on from that, there could then be two checkboxes at the point of search for the customer: 'include demo items' and 'include gacha items'. By doing that the default search mode would not include demos and gachas, but the user could specify whether or not they wanted to view them in the results. Most people, I think, don't actively search for demos first. (They won't search for eg: blue AND dress AND demo.) They'll search for whatever they want, then click the 'get demo version' link. I certainly wouldn't miss not seeing demos and gachas being included in the search, unless I actively specify that I want to see them.
  14. Caught this minutes before leaving for work Afraid I can't give any help this time, though. I never use physics so I wouldn't have a clue regarding the possible reason! Couple of links that might help: https://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/firestorm_avatar_physics https://strawberrysingh.com/2016/03/25/second-life-avatar-physics-tutorial/ If those don't help then maybe contact Signature customer support to ask them the closing question in the OP?
  15. The man without shadow promises you the world. Tell him your dreams and fanatical needs. He is buying them all... with cash. Credits Ending tomorrow (I know, I know; I'm slow as hell this past couple of weeks; it should be in the mainstore shortly) Exile for the August round of Collabor88. Plus Contraption and Hotdog for We ❤️ Roleplay. Hair: Exile - Storm* (grayscale) Coat: Hotdog - Tailcoat (black - one size only; make sure to demo) Eyepiece: Contraption - Maskineri II Eye Pants: Onyx - Leather Pants (Aes, Jake, Sig, Slink, TMP, standard sizing) Gloves: L'Emporio - Sagittarius Archer Bento Gloves (Sig, Slink) Piercings: Catwa - Bento Mesh piercings* (rigged for all Catwa bento mesh heads) Skin applier: Birth - Dakota (tone 01 - Catwa) Head: Catwa - Skell* (Bento) Poses: CheerNo Motion *review copy
  16. BREAKING! Topless woman shocks neighbourhood by chasing cat with clothing tangled in its claws, and yelling, "Come back here with that, you! That cost me this week's stipend!" Oh bloody hell. How come I never top the page when I'm posting a pic of myself, but this DOES top?
  17. If you've never replaced it before then it will be as old as your computer is. They do fail eventually, and those streaks were a sign that I noticed prior to one of my old cards failing. I'd suggest running some tests on it first to see if that is the issue, because replacing a card isn't cheap; a decent one will run you to a few hundred, depending on which one you buy and where you get it from.
  18. How old is your graphics card? The last time I saw issues like that out of the blue it turned out that my GPU was failing.
  19. The reason why I didn't say anything about whether Catwa will update her heads for BoM is because I've not spoken to her about it, thus I've no idea yet what her plans are for it. And yes, it would be a lot of work, but - if she does decide to update - then it will be done as quickly as she can do it. When she updated all of her Bento heads to v3.0 with motion capture animations the entire lot were done within the space of around 2-3 weeks. (And yes, we still get people asking whether their non-Bento head will ever be 'made Bento' and updated to mocap animations. Answer: no, because they're created and rigged entirely differently.) The following should be taken as pure speculation, bearing in mind that I've not spoken to her about it and don't know what she plans to do, but I would guess that her two main options are as follows: To update each head to only be BoM (which, I should imagine, would involve removing the additional layers that currently allow for the upper/lower system that Catwa's Bento heads have). This would create far too many potential pitfalls at the beginning of BoM adoption, because the technology would be so new that hardly any creators would yet be making new system layer items (not to mention all the thousands of people who joined SL long after system layers went away and therefore have none to dig out of their inventory archives). People would complain that their current upper/lower layering options have gone away, so - until BoM is widely adopted - switching to only BoM would probably not be good for business! To update each head and add an additional BoM version into the folder in the same way that she currently has - for the male heads - an 'SL neck' version (for the male system avatar and all male mesh bodies with the exception of Niramyth), as well as a special 'Niramyth neck' version. This, too, would create pitfalls, because - just as we currently have to deal with a lot of guys asking why they have a big gap between their head and body (the answer: unless you're wearing a Niramyth body, don't wear the Niramyth neck version of your head!) - we would then have people asking why the upper/lower layering system on Catwa Bento heads isn't working for them (the answer: make sure you're not wearing the BoM version of the head if you're not using a BoM compatible viewer). If she does update, I would hazard a guess that option 2 would be the one she goes for. (Again, pure speculation.) Yes, it would still cause issues, but there would be fewer issues than if she went for option 1, for the reason I gave above as well as for the fact that BoM is going to be very much like the introductions to mesh and to Bento: it will take around a year or so for most SL users to be on a compatible viewer, so the people who early-adopt into BoM will 'look weird' to people who haven't yet adopted into BoM. The big visible difference with BoM is that you do not wear an alpha layer to hide your system body before putting on your mesh body. (If you do this with the BoM viewer - at least back when I tried it - then your entire mesh body and head will be red.) Be prepared for about a year of people telling you that your system body is poking out through your mesh body because you've 'forgotten' to wear your alpha layer, just as we had people telling us we were wearing big spiky/chunky blocks when mesh first came out, and just as people told us our faces and hands were 'melting' when Bento was first introduced.
  20. To clarify a little further: A shape is just a set of numbers that dictate the dimensions of your body. These numbers are accessible by right-clicking on your avatar, selecting Appearance > Edit Shape, and moving the sliders around until you have a set of numbers that you like. You can edit everything from the length of your nose to the wideness of your eyes, how tall you are, how big your butt is, how fat/thin/muscular you are, etc. Think of a shape as like your skeleton that sits underneath everything else. A system avatar (sometimes called a classic avatar) is a combination of a shape, with a painted-on system skin covering it, just like your real skin covers your skeleton. It also needs - at its bare minimum - a system hairbase (now most commonly used as an eyebrow-shaper) and system eyes. Those are the four items you must always be wearing (even if they're completely hidden by a mesh body and head) because without them your avatar simply won't rez properly. A mesh body is an object (or set of objects) that you wear over the top of your system avatar. To do this you need to wear an alpha mask, which renders parts of your system avatar invisible so they don't poke through the mesh body. A mesh body is rigged to various points of your avatar's skeleton, so that it moves realistically when you move. (Think of rigging as like it being 'pinned' to you in those places.) A mesh head is exactly the same: an object worn over your system avatar's head, for which you will need an alpha layer to hide the system head so that it doesn't poke through. There are several types of mesh heads, but the two main ones are static heads that you can only change by stretching them in each direction, and Bento heads. Bento mesh heads are rigged to lots of points on your face (the same way that a mesh body is rigged - or 'pinned' to parts of your underlying avatar skeleton). This means that - with a Bento head - you can use the face sliders to customise the shape of that head, within the limits of what its starting shape looks like. For example: if you want a very pointy jaw you won't be able to do that with a mesh head that starts out with a very square jaw, so pick a Bento head that has a starting shape close to the one you want to end up with. When you see shapes that are "made for XYX head" those shapes are designed to ONLY be worn with specific Bento mesh heads. For example: a shape created to be worn with the Catwa 'Catya' head will look really odd worn under a system avatar, or even under a Bento mesh head from another brand, such as Lelutka. You would probably be able to wear that shape with another female Catwa brand head, but you might need to tweak it a bit.
  21. Your Bento hands are part of your Maitreya body, which you will still be wearing. Bento is not dictated by the shape that you're wearing; it's dictated by the body parts that you're wearing. Maitreya is Bento, so it doesn't matter which shape you're wearing underneath your Maitreya body - the body will still be Bento. And yes, the Maitreya HUD will still be there. Just make sure that - when you wear the HUDs for Catwa - you select ADD and not WEAR from inventory (Right-click > Add, not right-click > Wear).
  22. If you like the Maitreya body shape you can right-click on your avatar and select Edit Shape. Once in the shape, you can note down all the slider numbers for the following tabs: Body, Torso, Legs. Then wear the Catwa starter shape, edit your shape again, and copy across to it the Maitreya settings that you wrote down for those tabs, and then save the shape. You will now have a shape that has the correct sliders for the Catwa head, plus the Maitreya body sliders. Depending on which head you're demoing, you need to be wearing the following: CATWA HEAD name of head here v3.2 CATWA HUD Animations F v3.2 CATWA HUD Master F v3.2 CATWA RIGGED EYES name of head here v3.2 CATWA name of head here [Start your shape with me] Plus whichever alpha fits what you're wearing. Eg: if you have a mesh body as well, you should be wearing CATWA ALPHA Full Avatar, and if you just have the mesh head you should be wearing CATWA ALPHA HEAD & EYES.
  23. Wear the 'Starter Shape' that's included in the head's folder. Catwa bento heads will all look distorted like that if you try to put them on over your old shape.
  24. Two 'two lines' (they are actually missing sections of the head) on Catwa demo heads are intended to be there, to deter people who might want to 'copybot' (aka: steal) them. The full Catwa heads do not have those missing sections.
  25. BoM will only apply to things that act like appliers do now. So instead of having to layer a blended tattoo applier, a masked and empty underwear layer, and a blended clothing applier skinny tank (in order to prevent the alpha glitch) before then putting your mesh jacket over the top of it all, you can just add both of those layers as system and they'll bake down into one layer. No alpha glitches or anything like that. It's absolutely amazing for layering makeup (with the beta viewer I've had about eight layers of makeup on the go, and you can add even more than that, and - even with the older 512 texures that system makeup and tattoos etc had - it's amazing to see). The main issue is going to come with regard to materials support, which BoM doesn't have, so I suspect that most bodies and heads will retain at least one 'onion-skin' layer just for that. The below is what I managed in my initial try-out with the beta viewer, after it first came out in March. Yes, you can see some fuzziness on the body tattoo, because it's a 512 texture and my mesh body is a 1024, but anything that designers issue as new will be 1024 and that problem will go away. In this shot I've got layered on a system skin, two of my favourite old system tattoo eye makeups, some system tattoo lipstick, and a system body tattoo. (Eyes weren't supported at that time, but you can bet that - if they had been - I would be wearing some older IKON system eyes as well.) And this was just a small handful of layers. As mentioned earlier: in my experimentation I had something like 8 layers of makeup on the go at one point!
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