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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Changed again (because surely I'm not the only person who gets changed into something more suitable when I'm testing new dances?) I just picked up the L$1 dance from Move, and it's a good'un. Video here.
  2. To be fair to Solar, they were responding to a necropost that has since been removed by a moderator (probably because it was a complaint that 'named and shamed' a creator and their store).
  3. Feeling a bit melancholy tonight. I've just set most of the region we've lived in for 12 years up for sale. We're just not using as much of it anymore. We both stopped building when mesh came along, but the build platforms and texture organisers have still sat there, un-used. It's pointless for me to pay a whole region's tier when we're only using about a quarter of it, so I'm tiering down to a quarter region. I'm going to miss it all, but I have some amazing memories of that land and all the years we've spent there. If anyone wants a plot of land in a lovely peaceful neighbourhood, head to Jindalrae in the next few days. Any lots designated as 'Brexit' are up for sale, at about L$3.3/m2 or thereabouts. One corner will remain ours, but the rest is going. The only one not currently for open sale is Brexit Beach 3, as our neighbour has expressed an interest in that one. It's the biggest lot, at just over 10,000m2. There's another smaller beach lot, a central lot, and a lot on a hillside with an ocean view. There will be one more (the big corner lot in the SW of the region) but I still have some stuff to remove from there first. That lot... will be the hardest to let go. It's the very first one we bought in SL. /me sighs and goes to make a very large mug of tea.
  4. Rewrite the pages that I'm turning... Credits Vendetta for Hipster Men's Event, plus a new Bento head release from Lelutka. Skin applier: Vendetta - Charles* (Lelutka) Mesh head: Lelutka - Guy (Bento) Hair: Exile - Drive Fast* Jacket: Not So Bad - Gabriel Suit Blazer (Slink, Geralt, Gianni, Jake, TMP, Aes, Lg, Fitmesh) Eye appliers: Az Design - Mandala Brown (Catwa, Lelutka) Brow appliers: Alaskametro - On Fleek Brows (Catwa, Lelutka, Omega, system) *review copy
  5. No. Omega, body, and shape are three different things. And there is no such thing as a 'system applier'. Body = a mesh body that you purchase. It will come with an alpha layer that you must wear first of all, to hide your system avatar. You put the mesh body over the top of that. You will also need a mesh head (for the avatar you're looking to use, I would assume that's a "BLK Wolf" head). Shape = a set of measurements (in a wearable item format) that set the underlying skeletal points of your avatar. This sets things like how tall you are, how long your legs are, how muscular you are, etc. Right-click your avatar, go into Appearance > Edit Shape, and you'll see all of those sliders. Omega = a cross-brand HUD 'translation' system that allows you to wear skin appliers created in the Omega format. An Omega-format skin applier can be worn on any mesh body or head, as long as the owner also has the corresponding Omega relay (or installer) for that body part. System = items for the default 'vanilla' avatar. (Sometimes also called the 'classic' avatar.) System skins are worn on system bodies. Applier = a HUD that is used to apply skins, tattoos, makeup, etc to mesh avatars. Appliers do not work on system avatars. I can't help you further with the specifics of what you need, when it comes to wolf avatars. I have no idea if that BLK head is Omega-compatible out of the box (although I guess it might be, since I see no BLK Omega relay or installer on the Omega Marketplace), nor whether your eventual choice of mesh body - if it's an anthro/furry-specific one - will also be Omega compatible. Since the avatar you've purchased includes textures and the listing states you need some basic modding experience, I would assume that the body it goes on will be modifiable and you can add the textures manually yourself, using the edit window.
  6. Once you've put everything on, go into your inventory's "Worn" tab and note down where everything is attached. If you have more than two things attached to a single point, re-attach them elsewhere. If one or more of those items are rigged mesh, move those ones (don't move unrigged mesh, unless you want to do a lot of editing). Try to ensure that you have no more than two things - preferably only one thing - attached to each point. This is especially the case for body parts. Check your connection. If you're using a wireless connection, try it wired for a while and see if the issue still happens. Power-cycle your router. That fixes a hell of a lot more issues than you might think.
  7. You won't know which Omega relay/installer (from the link that I posted) to buy until you know which mesh body you're going to purchase. As I mentioned, I know nothing about the furry/anthro community (nor, indeed, which specific community name that particular avatar would fall within; my knowledge is that limited!) and the bodies it uses. My knowledge is in the human male area of things, so the mesh bodies that I am familiar with are ones like: Signature 'Gianni' and 'Geralt', Belleza 'Jake', Slink 'Physique' etc. How the human thing works in SL, when it comes to fully-meshed avatars is: You demo mesh heads and bodies until you find the ones that you like. Mesh heads that are labelled as 'Bento' can take advantage of the system avatar's facial sliders to further customise their shape, whereas non-Bento heads can only be stretched in basic directions. You demo skin appliers until you find the one(s) that you like. They are usually sold separately: one applier for the head and another for the body. You need to buy the appropriate ones for the head and body that you have purchased. If the skin appliers happen to be only available in Omega format (which is a cross-brand applier system that works on multiple types of bodies) then you need to purchase the Omega installers/relays for the specific body and head that you've purchased. Putting that together - again, in human format - it would look a bit like this: I demo mesh bodies and realise that I like the Slink 'Physique Male' one best, so I buy that. I demo mesh heads and realise that I like the Catwa 'Daniel' one best, so I buy that. I demo skin appliers and realise that I like the L'Etre 'Toni' one best, so I buy that. I make sure I buy the Catwa applier of the 'Toni' skin to go on my Catwa head, and the Slink body applier to go on my Slink body. Alternatively, if I like a skin applier that's only available in Omega format, I need to buy the Omega relay for Catwa (my head) and the Omega installer for Slink (my body) and use those while applying the Omega skins. I do know that the furry community in general does a lot of modding, so it might be a good idea to seek out like-minded people who can help you further with the specifics of the avatar that you want to put together. Try searching inworld for groups or locations and see if anyone can offer you more dedicated advice.
  8. I've no idea on the other parts. I'm not part of that community and know very little of it. Hopefully someone with more specific knowledge will come along shortly with some advice.
  9. You could always drop the creator a notecard (and hope that they didn't get time to check out your review before you removed it!) and ask them which body they've used it on.
  10. Assuming that the skin is only not applying to your body (since it comes with a specific skin for a specific head) then you most likely need the Omega relay or installer for whichever mesh body* you're trying to apply it to. Search the Omega store for the brand name of the body you're using. If it's listed as an installer then you need to unpack it, add it to your avatar (it will appear as a HUD onscreen) and click it, then you can remove it. If it's listed as a relay then you need to add it to your avatar and keep wearing it until you've applied all the Omega appliers correctly (and you can remove it after that). (*If you're still using a system/classic avatar, then appliers don't work on those.) ETA: I notice that you left a 2-star review on the listing, stating that the applier doesn't work. When you finally figure out what's causing it not to apply, then it would be a nice thing to go back and amend your review (or add a further comment) stating how you fixed it.
  11. Paste it into local chat and then open the conversations window. It should appear as that person's name in the format of a clickable link that will bring up their profile.
  12. Controversial? Yes. But his impact on the fashion world cannot be overstated. Iconic? Absolutely. Requiescat in Pace. "Sweatpants are a sign of defeat." — Karl Lagerfeld (1933 - 2019)
  13. Anonymised User A is interested in virtual worlds. (They were active on the Second Life Marketplace.) = Here, have an ad for VR glasses or tech stuff. Anonymised User A expressed an interest in motoring/motorsports. (They purchased a virtual Formula 1 race car.) = Here, have an ad for gifting a racing experience, redeemable at any race track in [ $Your-IP-Based-Location ]. Or an ad for car insurance. Anonymised User A expressed an interest in history. (They purchased a virtual medieval castle.) = Here, have an ad for discounted History Buffs R Us magazine subscription. Etc.
  14. Facebook have admitted tracking people who don't even have an FB account. Even if you can't be linked to a real name it's possible to build up a decent marketing segmentation profile that can be sold, over time. If you don't want to be profiled it's safest to install a browser plugin like Ghostery. If you analyse the network traffic, that Facebook 'like' button will phone home regardless of whether anyone has clicked the button or not. Using an anonymous browsing session I found an Omega applier that had zero likes, inspected the page, and watched the network traffic. Sure enough, there was a connection to Facebook, and looking at the app_id owner it came up as the SL marketplace. Images behind the spoiler tag.
  15. Surprised at how far back on my Flickr I had to go until I found this. I always loved this system/sculpt/flexi outfit. I think the boots are sculpt, but if they're mesh then that's the only mesh thing I'm wearing:
  16. “A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jam.” ― Frederik Pohl So curiosity might have us asking: what would be the 'traffic jam' relating to VR/AR glasses?
  17. I had no chance of resisting the gorgeous Elvenking gacha at Enchantment. Credits W-Zero, Raven Bell, Bergfried, and Sweet Thing for Enchantment. Outfit & crown: W-Zero - Elvenking Gacha Hair: Raven Bell - Ethiel Hair Ears: Sweet Thing - Nahri Elf Ears Lights: Cerridwen's Cauldron - Elven Lights Set Gazebo: Bergfried - Elves Gazebo
  18. This has been a problem with Jake since its release, and it's one reason why - although I own that body - I never wear it. I thought it had been fixed when Jake came out of beta in December and hand animations were finally added, but clearly it hasn't. A few things I can suggest you try are: Right-click your avatar (or name tag) and select Appearance > Reset > Skeleton & Animations. This will stop all animations, including any AO that you're wearing, but you can just click the AO off and on again to restart it. The main thing it does is reset the bones in your avatar's skeleton, which fixes a lot of odd issues that can crop up. Get a Bento AO if you don't already have one. This should contain high enough priority hand animations that they override the body's tendency to have starfish hands. Hide your Jake hands and buy different hands, such as Slink or Vista. This means you'll need appliers for your hands that match the ones on your body (Slink appliers for the Slink hands, or Omega appliers and the Vista Omega relay/installer for the Vista hands) but you won't have the starfish hands problem again with other hands. Jake is the only body that has had this issue continually. (Caveat: other bodies will occasionally do this if your AO borks or stops - such as when you wear an animated unpacker, etc, but a skeleton reset or restarting your AO should stop that.)
  19. That's an applier top. Open your Maitreya HUD, go to the tab that allows you to toggle layers on and off, and click the t-shirt icon on each of the three options until the top disappears. (Your HUD should show the affected layer highlighted, but it might not do. Sometimes HUDs can get a bit screwy and not show what they should.)
  20. Skins will help to reduce the muscle definition somewhat, but if he wants to reduce the muscle shape on Gianni then he'll need to work extensively with the sliders. It is possible to reduce those bulky deltoids and biceps, but it'll take a bit of patience. The best advice I can give is: 1. Make a copy of the shape to work on initially. 2. Reduce the following sliders all to ZERO: torso muscle pectorals shoulders (Yes, you read that right, and yes it'll look awful to start with.) 3. Start moving each of those sliders up again in turn, in small increments. Don't do all of one slider at once; instead, move the muscle a little, then the pecs a little, then the shoulders a little. Keep tweaking and fine-tuning each one. Other sliders to check: you might need to shorten the neck a little as you work the torso muscle, pec, and shoulder sliders I recommend lengthening the legs a bit (Gianni is a very torso-heavy body, and the default shape means the legs are a bit stumpy, giving the body a low, overbalanced centre of gravity) Be aware, too, that some mesh clothing rigged for Gianni has those deltoids built into the clothing mesh itself. I've demo'd some jackets and shirts that - even with edits to reduce the upper arm shape beneath the mesh - leave me with that familiar 'walnuts in a gym sock' look
  21. Indeed. 23 of them so far, in the space of one hour. That's one fascinating thread every two and a half minutes. Fast reader, huh? You had 23 ideas for new threads in one hour?! Gosh, you're wasted here! Go invent something.
  22. Reading this thread is definitely leading to me forming some opinions about the ways in which certain people operate. There's one hell of a gaslighter on this forum, that's fairly obvious.
  23. Perfect comeback to that one: "And you'd look better if you kept your mouth shut."
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