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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. It is surprising, Lillith. When Vendetta updated all of his body skintones he also started updating the necks of all his heads as well (and he's still working his way through them all). Interesting that Skinnery are telling people to disable Advanced Lighting, because that's the cause of a lot of problems, although it's not the answer. Gac Akina of Stray Dog gave an excellent example of what ALM can do if you're not using a 'mesh-friendly' Windlight such as CalWL: He used a flat colour texture so you're not distracted by skin details. It really does show how default ALM can cause the problems we often see. Note, particularly, that weird streak of light above the join of neck and head.
  2. The Skinnery includes neck blend tattoos to be used. With those you should be able to get a seamless blend between head and body.
  3. It should be mentioned that ASMR 'chills' are pleasant ones - gentle, tingly 'shivering' sensations - and people get them in different places. Mine usually are on the top of my head, or down either side of my back. As to sounds that I can't bear in ASMR videos, any mouth sounds drive me nuts (I especially dislike lip-smacking) as well as the fast and insistent nail-tapping on things that so many AMSRtists tend to favour. For me it's soft crunchy sounds - such as crushing ice in a glass - that give the tingles. Some people also get ASMR not from sounds (or not just from sounds), but from 'personal attention' videos. You can find any number of those on YT, from 'fixing you' videos (as if you're a broken android) to giving you a face treatment or Reiki session. However, some recent ones I've discovered - such as Atmosphere, Goodnight Moon, and Moonlight Cottage ASMR - are astounding in their production values. Atmosphere in particular has blown me away; her videos are like full-on cinematic productions.
  4. Have a look at this page: https://bom-skin.blogspot.com/p/male-bom.html (Good choice, btw )
  5. Another way to offer financial support came to my attention today. The itch.io gaming platform has released a bundle of 740 indie games worth almost $3,500 on a 'pay what you want' deal (minimum donation of $5US), with all proceeds being donated to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail Fund (split 50/50). So far the bundle has already raised over a million dollars. More info here: https://itch.io/b/520/bundle-for-racial-justice-and-equality
  6. Almost certainly Belleza 'Jake' with a considerable amount of shape slider work. The bubble butt is very distinctive, but it's the prominent inguinal crease built into the mesh that's visible in the 'striped shorts' image that gives it away.
  7. Your daughter is far too young to use Second Life. All users must be aged 16 or over. From the Terms and Conditions:
  8. That's for the new batch of last names. Please refer to Inara Pey's detailed round-up, here: That was confirmed at the March 2018 Web User Group.
  9. From the inworld profile - with 14 groups and one profile pick - it looks like we're both wrong.
  10. Nobody makes an avatar for you. You make it for yourself. You do that by clicking this link: https://join.secondlife.com/?lang=en-US You sign up to join Second Life. You download the Second Life Viewer. You log in via that viewer. And you're in Second Life with your own Second Life avatar.
  11. Raw shot: First edit: Final edit: Progression video here. Even though I really liked the first edit, I finally went with the sepia edit for the Flickr upload, because it had a story to tell.
  12. What's his given name? Well that's anyone's guess, 'acause he won't tell us. We calls him Nameless, though there's some as what calls him Faceless instead. Won't let us take the bandages off, y'know. Reckon he must be monstrous underneath 'em or summat, 'acause why else wouldn't he let us see his face or know his name? It just ain't right! Full credits here.
  13. Unfortunately that's a known bug currently with BoM. If you're in Edit mode then textures will sometimes blur like that. It doesn't happen with all bodies or with all textures, but it's a very common problem. You could try requesting access to the beta grid so that you can use the free upload facility there to test your textures. (I think you need to open a support ticket for access these days; not sure on that.) Even then, whether you'll actually have the current Maitreya body in your inventory over there is hit and miss, as that depends on when the last 'snapshot' was taken on the beta grid by LL.
  14. One of my profile picks contains the following words: "I'm often very busy inworld, so don't be offended if you get my autoresponse. I'm also not the most chatty of people (unless I'm with very good friends), so please don't expect me to entertain you." Of course, that last bit might come across as a bit abrupt (and it was initially written into my profile in response to those who did expect me to entertain them) but - outside of my job - I don't talk to many people in SL and it bugs me when I'm alerted to people constantly logging in and out. Since Firestorm won't let me choose who I get on/offline notifications for, I have to keep them on for everyone, and with a large contacts list that gets distracting and annoying. As to having trouble turning down friendship requests, I used to be the same, but I've found a nice way of doing so gently and without causing offence: "Sorry, but I'm going to decline that friendship offer. I try to keep my contacts list as small as possible, but I'm happy to send a calling card." Followed by sending that calling card immediately. It usually mollifies the friend-requester into not feeling too rebuffed, and most people never bother to check their calling cards folder to see who is online anyway ETA: The calling card thing is something I only do for people I've interacted with previously. If I log on to three friend requests from randoms I've never spoken to then I just click them off and ignore them.
  15. Omega is built into the Gianni body, so I would suspect that it's also built into the Gianni head.
  16. Welcome Lots of great Omega eye options out there, so he should be spoilt for choice.
  17. Does the head not come with its own rigged eyes? If so, then his best bet would be Omega eye appliers. The head should also have been updated for BoM (Bakes on Mesh) so he could also activate that and use system eyes alongside a system skin for his head and whichever mesh body he owns. If it doesn't include rigged eyes then most unrigged eyes should sit just fine in the head and not bulge out, as long as they're edited back far enough inside the sockets. Unfortunately, the Signature mesh head is one brand that's not at all well catered for when it comes to brand-specific appliers. I can only think of one Signature head applier for skin from a big-name creator, so Omega will probably be the way he needs to go.
  18. If you haven't already done so, take a look at what YÜTH have in their MP store. Unorthodox also have some good options.
  19. It's one thing to refer people; I'm fine with that. It's when someone's first approach is to offer friendship out of the blue that I get irritated. Especially so because my profile states "Sorry, I don't accept friendship offers. No exceptions." (Trust me, I still get about five per week from people who want a Catwa CSR on call.. )
  20. RandomStrangerYouHaveNeverInteractedWithBefore Resident is offering friendship. Would you be my friend? (By default, you will be able to see each other's online status.) Second Life: Friendship offer declined.
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