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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. It takes so much time to wind and unwind... HEVO for Saturday Sale, plus Exile for Fifty Linden Friday. Both are still out as at 6pm SLT on Sunday 28th June, but if you want to grab them you'll need to get your damn skates on! Full credits here.
  2. Burning bright... Another BoM Redux from me. This one is a reworking of my old 'Burning Bright' system look. Full credits here.
  3. 13 years inworld for Skell today. Celebrating quietly with my gorgeous boy, and I dug out my first ever snapshot together with one taken in the last couple of days.
  4. Vast, immortal suns... Zibska for Aenigma. And I discovered a simple setting in Phototools that does amazing things with glow. Full credits here.
  5. My entry for Adored's blogger contest featuring a theme of either summer, pool party, Black Lives Matter, or Pride. If you feel inclined to vote for me then you can find the link under the Flickr image. Voting ends at 7pm SLT on 26th June.
  6. Assuming - from your initial post - that you want male BoM skins, then Glam Affair is not where you need to be. They don't sell male skins - only female ones - and their counterpart (Tableau Vivant) don't have any male BoM skins as yet. Take a look at this blog for an updated list of all stores currently selling male BoM skins. Their Discord server - linked at the top of that page - has the newest updates as they're released (although, as expected, the female BoM skins channel is far more active than the male one). A reminder: always always ALWAYS try a demo first, even with BoM skins. If you're going to opt for a Lelutka Evolution head, then you must ensure that your BoM skin is created specifically for those types of head, and for that brand specifically. The Evolution range is an HD (High Definition) head, and the texture mapping on those is different from non-HD heads, so non-HD BoM skins won't look quite right on them.
  7. On Fleek... (Thank you to everyone who is trying to keep this thread on track by posting pictures, so it doesn't get shut down like so many others.)
  8. Yes, it does have that option: @FairreLilette Masking the lashes may - depending on how dark and thick they are (and as I recall your avatar has white hair anyway, so possibly it won't look too bad) - make them look 'spidery'. You could try masking the hair, but that trick only works on very sleek styles that have no feathering, curls, or 'wispy bits'. See this video for how to mask just certain sections of your hair that are causing problems. In that video I was dealing with the alpha halo caused by using an applier hairbase, long before BoM came along, but the same hair masking trick would stop the hair from glitching with the lashes, assuming the hair itself looks okay with masking set like that.
  9. If your hair is digging into your forehead (the only reason why I can think you might need bangs to fix it by covering it up) then there's one shape slider you can change that should remedy the issue. I'm not logged in right now so I can't remember which one it is, but it affects the angle of your forehead. Play around with that one and you'll find that - if that is the issue - then increasing that slider will fix it.
  10. BoM won't help with that hair/lash alpha clash, no. As I said, there is no way to create 'BoM lashes'. Your eyelashes can still only be textured using eye appliers, and since both those and your hair contain partial alpha transparencies there will still be that alpha clash. Where BoM will help is if you use BoM eyebrows and BoM makeup. Even with partial alpha transparency on those and your hair, there will be no clash. You didn't state that a hairstyle that fitted one head didn't fit another. You said that you had to buy all new hair when you went BoM. Now that you've given the information that you're having trouble fitting the same hairstyle between two different heads I can give a more accurate response: your Strawberry shape is different from your Catya shape. So yes, a rigged mesh hairstyle that fitted perfectly on one shape might not fit perfectly on another. If your hair has a resizing option, or an unrigged option then try that instead. You can resize it to fit properly, and reposition it. Or you can take certain slider numbers - depending on where the hair isn't fitting - from your Strawberry head shape, and transfer them to your Catya head shape. The fit itself, however, has nothing to do with BoM. There was absolutely zero change to the mesh itself when the head was updated to include BoM. The head was always capable of BoM, because - as I already mentioned - the way that Catwa heads enable BoM is via a skin applier.
  11. The multiple bodies is also most likely why your friend cannot render you properly. Once you take those off, he should be able to see you correctly. You're also wearing additional items from that folder that are unnecessary, so in total you need to detach the following: Belleza - Facelight (back & front) Belleza - Facelight (back only) Belleza - Facelight (front only) Belleza - Jake Feet Slink Appliers Belleza - Jake 2.1 Bento Original Belleza - Jake 2.1 Bento OriginalHand
  12. BoM does not change lashes. There is no ability to have 'BoM lashes'. Your lashes are the same as they have always been. As a Catwa CSR I can tell you that BoM changes absolutely nothing that would affect your hair's position on your head. The way that Catwa heads activate BoM is via the BoM buton on the v4.5 Master HUD. That BoM button is actually just a skin applier, and the 'skin' that it applies is the special BoM 'bake' textures that allow your system layers to show on your mesh head. It is physically impossible for that to have any effect on how your mesh hair fits on your head.
  13. No sign on the road... Some great stuff out at the weekend sales. Veyard for Happy Weekend, plus AsteroidBox for Fifty Linden Fridays (and it's still out in the store, if you want to grab it). Full credits here.
  14. Husky GFX rebranded to Dragansvarg a long time ago. Try a search using that term, maybe?
  15. Maitreya has BoM activation on its HUD. There's no need for an additional relay:
  16. Brace yourselves... ... ... ... ... ... /me runs off, cackling
  17. Your Maitreya body comes complete with two applier sets of lingerie: one from Zaara and one from Erratic:
  18. Any uncharted territory... Dura for Anthem, plus a new release of my favourite 'Noir Pack' series of makeups from Zibska, and a new BoM lease of life for another old favourite system/sculpt shirt. Full credits here.
  19. This is an important point that I think is being missed. If you're using the skins that Lelutka includes with their heads then you will need a matching body applier in the same skintone. Lelutka heads used to match to Glam Affair body skins (no idea on the new Evolution heads, but I assume it's the same store match) so - while it is possible to also wear a body skin from a different creator - you would then need to use tattoo blending layers to achieve a seamless look at the neck, which - if you're looking for 'realistic' - may detract from that overall desired realistic effect.
  20. Maitimo is correct in that you can use 'add' instead of 'wear' and the watch will not remove your hands. However - while it's always recommended to chose 'add' - in this specific case choosing 'wear' shouldn't cause any problems, as long as your Maitreya body is up to date. The latest version (at the time of writing this Maitreya is on v5.1) has the hands attached to the body and not as separate objects.
  21. Could you confirm if it was those four voice gestures? Since I work as a CSR inworld it would be useful for me to know, in case I run into this kind of issue again.
  22. A prayer for the corvine king... Zibska for Dubai Event (starts 20th June), plus Dura for Anthem. Full credits here.
  23. @QutiePops Please right-click your avatar's name tag (above your head) and select 'gestures' from the menu. You will see a list pop up of all gestures that you have activated. Please post a screenshot of that gesture list.
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