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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Evening sunlight... A rare non-fashion pic. I've been redecorating the office at GB City, and this shot came out looking so cosy that I had to upload it. Quick credits here.
  2. Due to the way that Signature has enabled BoM on their bodies that's not possible. Like many other creators, their BoM is enabled via a button on the HUD. To explain further: Signature's BoM activation button applies a special 'skin applier' to the body. That skin applier comprises the BoM 'bake' textures (invisible to you) that allow the underlying system textures to appear on the body. Signature's own built-in skins are also skin appliers. So, as soon as you click to apply one of the Gianni skins, it will replace the special 'BoM activation skin', and the BoM ability stops. Another way of looking at it: Skin appliers will block any underlying system textures. Think of your mesh head and body as a big window. BOM lets you see through the ‘glass’ to the underlying system textures. A skin applier acts like a thick coat of paint on that glass, blocking your view. Other appliers (makeup, tattoos, hairbases, etc) just add nice details on top of the system textures, but skin appliers are like blackout curtains and hide the system layers completely. This means that you cannot use the Signature default body appliers and still have system clothing textures showing on the mesh body. The only way to use those system textures is to get a third-party BoM skin, such as those mentioned in the blog post that I linked to. Mesh clothing will be fine, but anything that relies on system textures simply won't show up if you're using the Signature body skins. That would be my suggestion: buy a proper BoM skin for him. That will allow him to continue using his system texture wardrobe if he wants to. It should do, if BoM is activated correctly. To activate BoM on Maitreya, first make sure your Maitreya body is at least v5.0 (at the time of writing this reply it's at v5.1) Add the Maitreya body and its HUD Remove all of your alpha layers In the SKIN/BASE tab of the HUD, click the BAKES ON MESH button. (The text and outline will be white once it’s active.)
  3. You're welcome! And thank you for the inspiration to write that post
  4. Of course they do. As do these things: Ever needed one of those in SL?
  5. These damn things on footwear - especially boots - in SL: Sure, they look great in the ads and on the shelves. But finding pants they will actually not stick through at the back can be a bloody nightmare. At least give us the option to make those tabs invisible via HUD to allow for better fitting.
  6. That is exactly what BoM is intended to do. BoM stands for Bakes on Mesh: a process by which your underlying system layers are 'baked' onto your third party purchased mesh body parts. The process for activating BoM on the Gianni body are as follows: Remove all alpha layers Add the Gianni body, hands, and feet Add the Gianni HUD Under the Settings tab ('cog' icon) click the 'BoM - Bakes on Mesh' words, as below: You don't mention which brand of mesh head he has, but if it's the Signature Gianni head then I'm afraid I have zero experience with that, as it's one that simply is not catered for when it comes to applier skins. However, any BoM skin (in other words, any system skin) should still appear on the head once BoM is activated on it. I suggest joining the Signature Body group and asking there for help regarding the head. James - the Signature CSR - is very helpful and can give you more guidance than I can, at least regarding the Signature heads. If you see what appear to be two bodies intersecting each other - the Signature mesh body and his actual system body - then you have completed the first part of the above instructions (removed the alpha layers) but not the second part (click the HUD to activate BoM). The body will give you a popup asking you to confirm that you want to activate BoM, so ensure that you click that. You may also be in a laggy area or experiencing connection issues, so - when activating BoM - just click once and then wait to see if it activates. On my Signature bodies the change to BoM is almost instantaneous. Lastly, check that you're using the most recent version of both body and head. At the time of writing this reply, the Gianni body is on v5.0. Regarding his mesh head: if the brand for that isn't Signature, then come back to this post and I'll try to help you with activating BoM correctly on whichever brand of head he does own. With regard to the skin, he will need to use a system skin, and preferably a new one that is marked as a 'BoM' skin. Older system skins will still work, but - because of the way that old skins were texture-mapped onto the system body - they will look pretty bad around the hands and especially on the feet. There are lots of creators making male BoM skins, so have a look at this blog for a list of them.
  7. Could you post a screenshot of the WORN tab of your inventory, expanded to show which attachment point your worn items are on?
  8. Another 'BoM Redux' project, recreating an old system look (this time from 2015) with an all-mesh avatar. Usually I change something about the accessories to update it, but this one worked just as well with only the switch to a mesh head and body, probably because it's still relatively recent.
  9. Most mesh heads - like most people in real life - have eyelashes on them. Since eyelashes are something we are (almost) all born with, they are "part of your genetics" as per the original post. If we are to hide mesh lashes and perhaps do not own a skin with painted-on lashes then should we also remove eyebrows, hairbases, mesh hair, and (for those of us that wear it) facial hair, so that our lack of lashes would make sense? If the only lashes that a mesh head has are long ones, then so be it. That doesn't necessarily mean that - were the image created for the RL Bare Face Challenge - that person is wearing mascara; it simply means they have long, dark lashes. If a skin has lashes 'painted onto the skin' then it's very likely a very old, original system skin (or one converted to an applier), and - in many (granted, not all) cases - the painted-on lashes will not look good when they're baked onto a mesh head. The majority of BoM-specific skins (those created especially for mesh heads and bodies) do not have lashes painted onto them, for the precise reason that mesh heads already have lashes on them, and a large proportion of 'BoM fixes' have been created to remove things like painted-on lashes. If you limit this challenge to only those people who own skins with painted-on lashes then that's a vast swathe of people who simply cannot participate. 'Pale lipstick' may simply be part of the skin (possibly the only skin) that a person owns. If their only skin appears to have a pale lipstick on, are they not permitted to take part in this challenge? Are the 'rules' that strict and inflexible? Full-on, in-your-face, obvious makeup I can understand not being in the spirit of this. Last time this challenge was run, I saw avatars with bright purple eyeshadow, lip gloss, and thick eyeliner taking part. That I would challenge, but eyelashes? Here is my response to the challenge. Yes, I have eyelashes.
  10. This week's Friday Night Snap. Just about as relaxed and casual as Skell gets
  11. If a contact gives you map rights you can log in to the website and see where they are under the Friends section of your Dashboard (click the 'Home' tab under your name on the Dashboard, then scroll down to the 'Friends' header). If you don't have map rights then all you will see is 'online' beside their name. If you do have map rights their name will be a link, and you can hover over it to see which region they're in plus the X and Y co-ordinates. You don't need to be logged inworld to see where they are.
  12. Thanks so much, Donovan. Greatly appreciated
  13. Thank you That's part of the skin itself. It's from a fatpack that I bought years ago - by The Plastik in collaboration with Trap - called 'Atharne', and I'm using the 'Mizuko' version. Since it also contains system skins it's perfect for BoM looks like this. Below is the full male set (there's also a similar female set) -
  14. The sound created stars like me and you... Zibska for We ❤️ Roleplay. Full credits here.
  15. As Lillith said, it could be a hairbase bleeding past its seams, or it could be a leftover from something else. Just to be certain it's not the latter, open your Catwa Master HUD and clear the Neck Tattoo on both upper and lower layers (assuming that's a Bento head).
  16. Nothing there that rings alarm bells, except for the mismatch on the system skin (7 Deadly Skins) and system tattoo (Maitreya Glam Affair Tropic) if you were using BoM. However, you're also wearing two alpha layers, so you're not using BoM (you would be bright red all over if that were the case). I suggest the following, in this order. If one of these steps fixes the issue, stop after that step: Detach the 'Maitreya Mesh Body Lara - Skin Glam Affair Tropic' (tattoo layer) Detach the 'Maitreya Mesh Body - BoM Add-On Parts V5.1' (these are only necessary if you're using BoM and want to smooth over things like the nipples or crotch, to prevent a 'painted-on' effect. You seem to be wearing mesh clothing, so these add-ons are not necessary) Check which applier skin(s) you're wearing on your mesh head and body. You may need to re-apply them. The fact that the word 'skin' appears only to be on your legs and not on your upper body suggests that your skin hasn't applied fully (sometimes Omega skins will do this and require a second click on their HUD)
  17. First of all, welcome back! You're joining a lot of people who are returning to SL after many years away and finding things have changed considerably when it comes to customising your avatar. I'll start by answering just your basic questions as succinctly and simply as possible, but if you need any further clarification or have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask If I buy a bento head (looking at Catwa, LAQ) and mesh bodies (Belleza, Maitreya, others) can I use old school skins? Yes you can use old school skins, although original skins (in other words, very old ones that were created for system avatars only) will need extra 'fixes' applied to them to make them look good, since the 'mapping' of their textures was designed for the original system avatar hands and feet. BoM (which stands for 'Bakes on Mesh') is the system that you would use to make these system skins show on purchased mesh heads and bodies. Do I have to use a specific type of skin... Omega??? You have two options to put skins on mesh body parts such as heads and bodies: appliers and BoM: With appliers it's usually preferable to have a head skin applier compatible for your brand of mesh head, and a body skin applier for your brand of mesh body. For example: if you choose a Catwa mesh head and a Maitreya mesh body then you need a head applier for Catwa and a body applier for Maitreya. If you had a Lelutka head applier it simply wouldn't work on your Catwa head, as they are scripted completely differently. You can also use Omega appliers on both head and body. Omega is a cross-brand applier system that will work on any mesh head or body, as long as you use the correct 'Omega Relay HUD/Installer' for that brand. Using the above example: to use an Omega skin by - let's say - 7 Deadly Skins on your Catwa mesh head and Maitreya mesh body, you would need to be wearing the Omega Relay HUDs for Catwa and Maitreya while clicking the 7 Deadly Skins Omega skin applier HUD. With BoM it is still preferable to have head and body BoM (aka: system) skins that are texture-mapped for your brand of mesh head and body. The texture mapping on a Catwa head will be different from the texture mapping on a Lelutka head, so while you could effectively wear a Lelutka texture-mapped BoM/system head skin on your Catwa head, it would look a bit strange. The texture of the upper lip wouldn't sit correctly on the 3D mesh upper lip line, etc. There are no brand-specific limits or restrictions on using BoM skins like there are with appliers: any BoM/system skin will show on any BoM-enabled head and/or body; it just might not look 'perfect' if it's not intended for that specific brand. If you're using very old system skins on a mesh head and body, then - because they were texture-mapped to the original system avatar - most of the time they will not sit correctly on any mesh head or body. You may see white smears coming up from beneath your mesh body's fingernails (because the fingernail textures on old system skins were mapped differently), and I'm sure you can imagine the horrible mess your toenails will be in, given that the old system feet were literally solid paddles! For these issues - and for other ones you may see on your face, such as eyelashes painted onto the skin - you can now buy special 'BoM fixes', which are additional tattoo layers that correct these problems. Also, where does BOM come into play. I looked at a LAQ head that was BOM, difference? All mesh heads and bodies now include BoM capability if you want to use that. This is usually achieved either by including a special 'BoM version' of the body/head, or by means of clicking a 'BoM activation' button on the body/head's main HUD. As explained above, BoM allows you to 'bake' your underlying system textures onto your mesh head and body. If I get a Bento head, I heard I can change the shape....so if I use a body shape I like, does it affect the Bento head shape? Yes, a Bento head allows you to use the original system shape sliders to customise the head. It's always recommended to wear the shape that is included with your Bento mesh head, and customise that, since it contains the ideal 'starting shape sliders' to make the head look good. You can always write down your preferred body slider numbers, transfer them across to the mesh head shape, and save it so that you have a combination of both. You can then use that as a starting point to customise your shape even further, making it unique to you.
  18. Just a note to those formatting their text in dark colours: please be aware that for those of us using the forum's dark theme your responses look like this: Yes, we can highlight the text if we're at an actual computer, but that's hard to do on a phone. Please consider using the standard formatting so that your words can be read more easily.
  19. Not everyone experiences it, and for those that do - as you can see from the above brief discussion - they all have different triggers. Some are aural, some are visual. And - for many people - you can't actually trigger them if you deliberately try to; they just happen sometimes. Very few of the deliberate ASMR videos on YT will actually trigger it for me these days, but occasionally I'll be watching something non-related and it'll happen. My first ASMR experience (although there was no word for it back then and I had no idea what it was) was a long time ago when I was watching some documentary about specific religious rituals. The slow care and attention given to one ritual gave me tingles on the top of my head several times. Watching slow, detailed rituals such as tea ceremonies from China, Japan, and Korea can induce the same feeling. The vast majority of ASMR you'll see on YT are of the "100 ASMR triggers" kind, and they feature lots of tapping, scratching, whispering, and binaural audio triggers, as well as 'personal attention' roleplays. It can take a long time to identify your personal triggers, and even then they might not work all the time.
  20. I'll keep looking for Wonderland... Zibska for We ❤️ Roleplay. Full credits here.
  21. Some other things to check: You're using the same skintone for all three: head, body, neck fade (in the example above, the 'honey' tone is being used) You definitely have BoM fully enabled. I'm not sure about the Evo heads - I believe they're BoM by default? - but check that you also have it enabled on your Maitreya body You haven't tinted either head or body at any point. Go into the HUDs and look for tinting options. Make sure you have white (RGB: 255,255,255 or HSL: 0 - 0.0 - 100.0) on both head and body You have no shine/gloss/environment/materials enabled on either head or body (you should find the options to disable/remove these in the HUDs)
  22. You've probably tried it in this combination, but just to be certain the neck blend tattoo should be the top layer, so add that one last. I'll ask my fellow Catwa CSRs for the video that one of them made showing that it does offer a good blend, since I don't think I saved that one to my Gyazo account. ETA: Here is the video. Note that she starts with the BoM neck blend on, then removes it to show what the skin match is like underneath it. (The rebake after detaching the neck blend does take a while, so stick with the video until it happens; she must have been in a laggy area). Quick image comparison. L = before, R = after:
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