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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. Running like a fox to keep up with me... VICE X ADORED for The Level. Full credits here.
  2. @Unpronounceable1 First of all, I strongly suggest that you edit your post to remove the other avatar's name. It's very much frowned upon to 'name and shame' in the forum. Secondly, some people take Linden Realms very seriously, and to go AFK in the area is to set yourself up to be accused of cheating. Yours is not the first report I've seen of this happening. Some of those super-serious players automatically assume that AFK avatars are bots and will report them as such because bots are not permitted under the rules for playing Linden Realms. I would suggest that - in future - if you need to go AFK then you leave the Realms and park your avatar elsewhere. Don't worry about the video. It probably doesn't even exist, and the person concerned is overreacting. Yes, they may have filed an abuse report against you, claming that you're a "cheating bot" but Linden Lab will know that you're not. They can tell if a human is behind an avatar or if that avatar is a scripted agent. In short: Please edit your post to remove the username, and don't let that one person spoil your enjoyment of Linden Realms and Second Life
  3. It's become a thing for me of late to upload a Friday Night Snap (or Saturday Night Snap, depending on when I remember to do it) to Flickr. No credits; just an image of how Skell looks at that moment, usually taken before I log off for the night. Here's this week's Saturday Night Snap (uploaded in the early hours of Sunday morning...)
  4. When people run in circles... Dreamcatcher, Ghoul, Salem, KMH, and Shiny Stuffs for Cyber/Punk Fair. Full credits here.
  5. Please don't post a one-star review on the Marketplace just to ask for help. That is not what reviews are for. The item clearly states the following: The TMP Applier is for a completely different brand of head than the one you own. The 'tintable layer' is a system tattoo layer, for which you will need to enable BoM (Bakes on Mesh) on your head. You will also need a BoM version of your Clef de Peau skin, so that you can wear it underneath that tintable system tattoo. That's your only option with that hairbase.
  6. That look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam... A recent release from Vice X #ADORED at their mainstore. Lovely to see more male-specific eye makeup on the grid! Full credits here.
  7. Ok, I've spoken to one of my colleagues about the script error. It just means that the animations haven't all loaded in yet. When the object (in this case the head) is added it will immediately start to call the animations, but if those animations haven't yet all loaded in (often due to lag, which could be down to your connection or the script time of the region you're in) you'll get that error. The animations should still work just fine; you simply need to wait for them to load in.
  8. Not sure on the script warning. I've never had a Catwa head give me that issue (although my Amacci neck pose HUD does it every time I add it, for some reason). The OP should - as you suggested - unpack a fresh copy of the head (or redeliver it, if he's already thrown away the bag), and ensure he's in an area that allows scripts to run before he attaches the head. It doesn't ask for permission to animate, so that's not the cause. If the error crops up again, try another fresh copy of the head but this time disable (or detach) anything that may be animating him - such as an AO - before attaching. If it still crops up then let me know and I'll ask Catwa about it. ETA: Additionally, OP, you don't need to wear the toothless version and then the additional teeth. The non-toothless version has teeth already attached. The toothless version is there in case you want to wear separately purchased add-on teeth. (The non-Bento ears are the same: not needed unless you want to wear third-party scripted animated ears, in which case you add the non-Bento ears and click them to de-script the head's ear bone attachment point.)
  9. That's because you've added the version that says it's for the Niramyth body. Use the SL neck version instead.
  10. I am bloody exhausted and wholly pissed off. SEVEN scam accounts in three days, sending out fake Catwa 'updates'. I swear they're f***ing with us now, laughing at us.
  11. Let me tell you something... Vendetta for Man Cave, plus Ascend for FaMESHed. And - given that Skell has a nice cold beer in-hand - this one also counts for this week's Friday night snap. Full credits here.
  12. You're very welcome! And I'm glad they fixed the issue for you
  13. Of course, and there's no need to apologise! I never like to assume whether someone is genuinely new or an alt (alternate) account of a more long-term user, so it's best for me to ask that question so I can direct my advice to a level that will match your understanding of Second Life and how things work here It does help, because it narrows down the options I can suggest. If the folder only contains that head applier (the inventory icon will be a 'golden box') then we need appliers to fix it. If, though, there is a BoM option included (inventory icon will be either a human figure doing a star jump* or a pink squiggly 'dragon' tattoo, or even a combination of both) then you'd have another option to fix it. *That inventory icon is for Firestorm, which you're using. For the stock SL viewer it would be different. Before I get to the fix, a little explanation of what you're seeing and why you're probably seeing it. Lillith is correct to say that those streaky lashes are drawn onto the eyelids of your skin. This usually tends to happen when a skin creator has taken an old system skin and used its texture to create a mesh head applier. A system skin is what you start with in SL (that's the little 'human figure star jump' inventory icon) and back before mesh heads and bodies existed that was how we customised our avatars. Many skin creators painted lashes onto their skins, since the system lashes weren't that great. You could also buy prim (and, later, mesh) add-on lashes, but those didn't move when you blinked, which looked a bit odd! If the texture used to make a system skin is later converted into a mesh head applier it's still going to have those painted-on lashes on the eyelids. But, of course, mesh heads have their own lashes, so you don't need two sets. And - as you've seen - the painted lashes look horrible, especially because they stretch and streak when you blink or close your eyes. Luckily, there are lots of fixes for this on the SL Marketplace. By far the biggest creator of these fixes is Izzie Button, of Izzie's. She has several applier (and BoM) options to cover up those painted-on lashes, so I'm going to list some below. I'll link you to the demo versions so you can try them out for free and see which one works best for you, then all you need to do is go back to the demo page and click 'get the full version' under the BUY button. Closed Eyes Appliers - Appliers & BoM Purpose: Covers all upper eyelid textures such as lashes, shading, makeup that might 'streak' or show when blinking or with closed eyes Cost: L$ 100 Notes: Tinting locations on your Catwa Master HUD (if using applier versions) - 'closed eyelid' icon & 'eyebrow' icon, shown here Eyelid Changer (small crease) - Appliers & BoM Purpose: Covers all upper eyelid textures such as lashes, shading, makeup that might 'streak' or show when blinking or with closed eyes. This also puts an eyelid crease close to your eye opening, so it can also be used to convert monolid skins to a non-monolid look. Cost: L$ 149 Notes: Tinting locations on your Catwa Master HUD (if using applier versions) - 'closed eyelid' icon & 'eyebrow' icon, shown here Catwa Eyelid Changer (medium crease) - Appliers & BoM Purpose: Covers all upper eyelid textures such as lashes, shading, makeup that might 'streak' or show when blinking or with closed eyes. This also puts an eyelid crease a little higher up from your eye opening, so it can also be used to convert monolid skins to a non-monolid look. Cost: L$ 149 Notes: Tinting locations on your Catwa Master HUD (if using applier versions) - 'closed eyelid' icon & 'eyebrow' icon, shown here Give each of those a try (use the Catwa applier version in the folder). Pick the colour that's closest to your upper eyelid skintone. If you can't get completely close, go a shade lighter and use the tint option of your Catwa Master HUD to tint it to the correct shade. Let me know if you need any more help
  14. Catwa CSR here Are you using a Bakes on Mesh skin (which will be either a system skin or tattoo layers) with the BoM option on the HUD, or are you using an applier skin (requires clicking a HUD to add the skin)? If it's an applier skin, does it have a BoM option? Edited to add: Just checked your profile inworld and I note that you're 4 days old in SL. If you're an alt of an older account then what I've just posted will probably make sense, but if you are a newbie then it probably won't! Please let me know if you need those questions explained more simply
  15. All good advice posted above me, but I have one thing that needs to be added: there is a considerable difference between texture mapping on HD heads and non-HD heads. A skin that is intended for - let's say, Lelutka's non-HD 'Guy' head - may look not quite right on Lelutka's HD 'Skyler' head. You will find the brows may look much thinner than on the ad image, and other details around the eyes may not sit quite right. I say 'it may' because that's not always the case, but better safe than sorry because in many situations it will be the case. Normally it's strongly suggested to buy a skin - be it in applier or BoM format - that's created for the head brand that you own. Obviously an applier intended for another brand simply won't work, but a BoM skin will because it's simply a system layer. But because of this difference between HD and non-HD texture mapping, it's now not enough to just look for a match to the head's brand; you also need to check for the head type. So, if you choose a head brand that has both HD and non-HD options, pay especial attention to any skins that you purchase for it. Skins created for HD heads will state clearly on the ad that they are for that specific type of head. In Lelutka's case, this will either be the head's name (Skyler and Luka are the only male HD Lelutka heads at the moment) or the name of their HD head range (in Lelutka's case that will be Evolution, sometimes shortened to 'Evo'). An example - from Clef de Peau at this month's Man Cave: In that image, the skin is created for a combination of the two: head type (Evolution) and head name (Luka).
  16. SHOE SALE HEADS-UP! Ladies (and gents wearing female bodies with/without flat chest options) there's a huge sale ongoing at Pure Poison. Tons of shoes, plus some clothing items. L$1 to L$100 MP search link here.
  17. Yep. It's making me think I should look both ways before crossing... (Oddly, the 'preview post' option looks as it should in dark mode. It's just everything else that's completely borked.)
  18. You'd be surprised how much colour Skell's been wearing lately. I think Syd's rubbed off on him a bit. (Erm.. maybe not the best analogy... )
  19. Welcome to the Master Plan, don't care if you understand... Breath, Betrayal, and This Is Wrong for Man Cave, plus ArchiveFaction and Madame Noir for Men Only Monthly, and Zibska for Cyber/Punk Fair. Full credits here.
  20. Lindal: yes, they're using the legitimate website URL. And we've just had our third scammer in two days, using another variant on Catwa's name. This one even had the gall to pop up and say "hihi" in group chat
  21. Catwa CSR and manager here. The only free gift mesh head that Catwa has is the 'Freya' one that is available on Marketplace until 24th May. Any other 'free gift' or 'free update' is a scam. This always happens when a long weekend is coming up in the States (this time around it's Memorial Day). We end up spending the entire time we're logged in throughout the weekend and the days leading up to it with hundreds of people coming into chat to warn us of the same names or to ask us if that unmissable free offer given to them by a day-old account is really a free gift from Catwa. So we end up sending out a "WARNING!" group notice for each new name (then we sometimes get people yelling at us in chat for doing that, which... yeah; that one's still beyond me. Sorry that we're trying to protect you, I guess?) and we have copy/pastes ready for each new name (for which we sometimes get people yelling at us in chat for constantly repeating ourselves every two minutes when someone new comes in to warn everyone or asks if the 'gift' is legit). Damned if you do, damned if you don't. 🤷‍♂️ This time around, though, it's particularly nasty because we were informed that one of the two names used thus far has a 'busy' message set, which actually handwaves away that huge yellow debit warning posted upthread by Lindal: I sent in an AR about it initially, but the account remained in search. As soon as I was made aware of that busy message I sent in another AR mentioning that, and the account was gone within 3 minutes. I also always put a public notice on the scammer's my.secondlife.com profile to warn people, before I send the AR. I'll repeat my usual copy/paste here, so if you see those warnings going out in group please feel free to copy the following and state that it comes directly from a Catwa CSR and Manager:
  22. I'm not apportioning blame for what's been going on in this forum recently, because that's one thing that appears to start a thread on its downward spiral. Like many of us here - I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of seeing threads being dragged down the pan towards a Linden Lock at a rate of three or four pages of bickering and back-and-forth per hour. I was pretty damn restrained in my post on the now-closed thread, because behind the monitor I was seething and yelling profanities - to everyone involved in that bickering - about growing the f*** up, shutting the f*** up, and moving the f*** on. I've never seen anything like it, and I'm thisclose to being done with these forums because of it. I have enough stress going on in my life right now without coming here for a multi-page, multi-thread dose of it as well. Yes, many of us are going stir-crazy from being shut in our homes, but seeing all of this unending, childish, petty bickering is making me feel like s**t. I've not seen the likes of what's been going on in some threads since I was in middle school. I don't want apologies, whether they're merited or not. I just want people to STOP and remember that many of us are truly struggling, financially and emotionally. We've lost jobs. We've lost loved ones. We're all fighting our own battles. BE F***ING KIND, ALL OF YOU.
  23. Goldmine, different place, different time... A gorgeous last-gasp additional release for Engine Room (closes tonight!) from ContraptioN, at a limited time bargain price of just L$375 for the fatpack. Full credits here.
  24. Aristotle: Your original post here prompted me to spend a couple of days writing a detailed blog post explaining everything I could about how to put together a mesh avatar, from explaining terminology that you might not have encountered before, to choosing a mesh head and body and wearing/using them. The follow-up post (which I'll be working on over the next week or so) will be about actually dressing that mesh avatar, including clothing, hair, accessories, etc. I don't usually promote my own blog posts here, but Linden Lab have featured this one on their SL Blogger Network, and linked to it on all their social media accounts, so I think it's safe to give a link here. Hopefully it might explain things for you: Noob Dude: A Style 101 for the Second Life Male Avatar – Part 2 – How to Get Dressed (Mesh Head & Mesh Body)
  25. Scammers. They've started up a new attack wave, and they now have a 'busy' response that handwaves the big yellow debit warning box: To say that I'm LIVID right now would be an understatement.
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