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Fritigern Gothly

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Everything posted by Fritigern Gothly

  1. Sorry, it's been there all along.
  2. Hey, who says Naughty Mole wouldn't want to join into the cuddle?
  3. LOL you two! For those who still can't quite make out the words; GTFO! stands for "Get The Freight Out". It's a transport simulation game in SL which for me (and I think for many others) is an excuse to go and just sail/drive/fly around and discover parts of SL which I otherwise never would have seen. 🙂 You can earn fake money (and everyone is clear on the fakeness of it) as well as XP. You can't buy anything with that fake money so it has zero value, but consider it points that you accumulate, if you care about points, that is 🙂 You'd need a GTFO! compatible vehicle and the HUD (there's a free one with some limitations) and that's really all you need to get started. There are some free vehicles available from various merchants for those that need/want one.
  4. Not exactly a garden, but I am still proud of my home 😉
  5. You and the other Moles don't receive enough appreciation for all the work that you are doing. Thank you for putting in the extra work to try and accommodate everyone. Thank you for making SL look prettier. Thank you for all that you Moles do. There is one but. You forgot to make the Boat rez zone on Dogbone Island an actual rez zone. Build and object entry are still off on that parcel I'll bet that's because you already have a lot on your mind, but it does puzzle people 🙂
  6. Try here: https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa
  7. Actually, Alchemy IS Bento compatible, you just used an older version. Get the one at : https://www.alchemyviewer.org/pages/downloads.html
  8. You can always rez a small plane on my (extended) roof and take off from there. It works remarkably well.
  9. You can, but use proper judgment. You don't want to rez that tub at Plafil Waters because the only way to access the open ocean from there is by navigating down rivers. This will not change when the continent is complete.
  10. Any news about land-based rez zones? I'm sure they will be next, I just can't think of where they would be put.
  11. Submit a ticket at https://help.flickr.com/contact/contact-us-rkBc7roJQ because the more people that report the issue, the more Flickr will understand that it's a real problem which does NOT just affect one or two people. I have submitted my ticket yesterday.
  12. And who can blame him? I sure would be a Pickled Tink about all the silly guesses people make 🙂 P.S. Yes, I know the term is tickled pink, but I don't like pink, but I love pickles. Squishy or not 🙂
  13. So I was right all along, LL is padding the continents so they can be circumnavigated by sea or air.
  14. You do realize that Radegast has an integrated chatbot, right? Plugins > Alice Chatbot. Now imagine someone else using this chatbot, only they use it on you...
  15. OMG, this can NOT be unseen!!!! "Where do you live?" "I live in Fourze, that's on Terminator Conan" :D
  16. Someone pointed this out to me because I was not smart enough to figure this out on my own 🙂 The pic on the left is the "Squishy Pickle", the one on the right is the regular pickle, also known as "the eastern island of SSP" (SSP156 would be the top left region) So now we know where the extra houseboats are going to go 🙂
  17. More is coming though and I will eat my thigh-highs if it won't be ready by the end of next month.
  18. Many people thought that Belliseria was way too ambitious and that 95% of the homes would remain empty and other negativity. It's actually good to see that it turned out not ambitious enough and that the adoption rate was so incredibly high, especially considering how much mainland, and older premium regions are empty and hardly used. Congratulations on hitting the proverbial jackpot!
  19. I wanna bet that SSPXT stands for Super Secret Project eXTended. Seriously though, I think that this single region is merely a staging area. Although if I were to muse based on what I would hope it would be, i'd have to admit that I hope/wish it would become a public marina+airstrip. Basically a fancy rez zone, but one where we can also hang out and meet others. I know, wishful thinking...
  20. Suggestion: Do something completely new to you. If you have never had an avatar of the opposite sex, then change your avie into the other gender (or create an alt for that). Or become a different species. Engage in non-adult roleplay, like be a cowboy, a demon or angel, a spaceman, etc. Or put your bike to good use and play a game like GTFO to have an extra excuse to go out and ride your bike. Take up sailing and be alone with the wind, the water, and your thoughts. Dunno, see anything which makes you go "ooh! that!"?
  21. Do you have a source for this that you can link to? It would be useful to show people that all is not (yet) lost. I have a friend who wanted a houseboat but waited just a few hours too long. It would be nice if I could show her that link (if you can find it).
  22. Additionally, there are quite a few people around Belliseria who have opened their parcel for others to rez a boat. Look closely, there are several and they usually have "rez" shown somewhere on their boat and sometimes on top of their water. I am one of those people and I intend to keep it open as a service to the community until the Lindens and Moles have gotten around to creating public rez zones (possibly near the lighthouses, but hopefully in more places)
  23. If I were to wager a rather wild guess, then I would say that perhaps those areas will be given a medieval/gorean or perhaps elvish/fae theme. Something fantasy-related. But we'll see 🙂
  24. Tip: look for a region name starting with SSPE followed by a number. Then zoom out until you see the other regions as well/ THAT is the new continent and is accessible too! Recognize the shape? 🙂 Also, see this thread, all posts (especially the older ones):
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