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Fritigern Gothly

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Everything posted by Fritigern Gothly

  1. I think this might answer your question, Jailee. Do make sure you are on the latest version of your viewer. For Firestorm, this means that you should be on 6.0.2, for the LL viewer, that'd be 6.1.0, and for Singularity, you should be on 1.8.7 (6994) alpha. For other viewers, do check their official website 🙂
  2. I don't want to make you feel bad, but that face was already found on Feb 7th, have a look below. However, I'm glad that you too are enjoying the hunt for newsies 🙂
  3. Preliminary map of Belliseria, with region names. March 26th, 2019. 12:53 PM SLT. Based on the map, I came to the conclusion that only the finished regions have received their name. And as a Dutch person, I am now very much obsessed with the region called Buitenwijk, which means "suburb" in Dutch.
  4. Does Catznip show you the region names like on https://maps.secondlife.com ? (Go to https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Osmium/205/81/92 and scroll down) EDIT: The map seems to have been updated and you can now get SLURLS directly to the sims on Belliseria, like to my fave region name, https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Buitenwijk/205/81/92
  5. No surprise there. It is still under development. It is expected that the continent will open after April 7th, after the Home and Garden event ends. Also, this seems to be the partial continent only, the regions not included appear to be those which haven't been completed to the same extent as the ones we are looking at now.
  6. I found it on https://maps.secondlife.com/ and many of the Regions seem to have received actual names, other than "SSPxxx". These names can only be seen on map.secondlife.com, I don't see them on the map in-world nor can they be found when searched for by name. I think that we are looking at the final location for Bellisseria, as well as the final names for the regions. And if I could choose (I know I won't be able to) I would live here. The region's name is Dutch for "suburb":
  7. I see it now. It's at the end of the new channel! And there are lots of people in Whitecap, all of them prolly made the same discovery you did (I am there too atm)
  8. Where is this? I am assuming it's NOT where we usually look for the SSP continent. However, I am exploring the worldmap right now, and am looking between continents but can't find what you are seeing.
  9. Noticed this in the QA copy of SSP66, it looks awfully detailed, considering it's on a maptile. I'm not going to speculate what it is or what it could be (it could be just a test which is never going to be used), but I find the object detail remarkably high for a maptile.
  10. Perhaps you should contact Firestorm support? You can file a ticket at https://jira.phoenixviewer.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa Or join one of the support groups in-world.
  11. Your situation is completely different from what xViXeNx71 asked, which was "Can I also get one of the new Linden Homes and just pay tier on it," and the answer to that is no, because Linden Homes are "paid" for with your right to tier-free land of a certain size (used to be 512m², now 1024m² as you know). You either get tier free mainland parcel, OR a Linden Home. If you want both a mainland parcel AND the Linden Home then you have to give up the idea of getting some tier-free piece of mainland.
  12. So many of you have scrutinized each and every detail of this new continent, wondered what it is, what it's for and so forth, but either I have missed the discussion, or you all have missed this island in SSP92. Would this be just a decorative island, or will it serve a particular purpose, either permanent or temporary? There are a few other islands, but this one caught my eye because it looks more out of place than any of the other islands. BTW, it kinda looks like a turtle on its back to me.
  13. The way I understand it, and the way the rules are written, I would say that you have to get rid of your land (you could perhaps sell it to an alt, or your partner or a friend with premium that you trust). Then you will be eligible for a Linden Home, you can then buy back your land and pay tiers for that.
  14. Everyone, thanks for the corrections, I finished reading the SSP thread last night before going to bed. And when I say "finished", I mean "skipped about 90% of the posts on the last ten pages" Anyway, after all that I have read, and after reading Patch's hints, comments and other posts, I must agree now that SSP should be opened very soon™. Plus, the rate of noticeable changes on the SSP continent (Bellisseria) appears to have slowed down, which could indicate that they are currently finetuning and finalizing the 1024m² homes. There are still lots of open spaces on the SSP continent, especially in the south, but there's nothing which would prevent the Lindens and Moles from either blocking public access to those regions whilst they work on them (to build parks and forests? Or new, differently themed homes?), or to make a carbon copy of those regions then parking those copies somewhere else and build on that, then transplant those regions back on the SSP continent. They have been observed to do that on a smaller scale, like with the demo region at the H&G event, or with a few other regions which they copied off the SSP continent, then parked them north of the continent. This latter process would be trivial in OpenSim, even without rebooting the simulator and it would greatly surprise me if the Lindens couldn't do this just as easily. So yes, I think they are currently finalizing the continent, after which they would probably just wait for a good moment to set us savages loose on their beautiful continent
  15. That's exactly how I plan on doing it. I did pay a year in advance, so there should be no issues regarding billing cycles either. And the order of events is quite clear to me, first I need to get rid of my mainland parcel, and only once that is gone from my account will I be eligible for a LH. One could, however, argue that I first need to downgrade from 1024m² to 0m² and perhaps doing so might take a little time? Which leaves the question which is on all of our minds, which is "when will these new homes be available?" and the answer to that is.... nobody knows. Well, nobody outside of the Lindens 🙂 Seeing as the first signs of SSP were detected in August 2018, it could take another 6 months to a year for the new homes to become publically available (although It prolly won't be that long), but that kind of speculation is probably best saved for a completely different topic 🙂
  16. So after more than 10 years on SL, I recently went premium, saw the currently available Linden homes, shrieked in horror and subsequently won the auction on a bit of mainland and have been setting up my little home there. ...and then I saw the preview of the new Linden homes at the Linden Homes Preview sim and now I am enthusiastic about those! So now my question is this: How easy/hard is it to swap out my mainland for a Linden home, if possible at all? Of course, I realize that I would have to abandon/sell my current mainland parcel but is it at all possible to get a Linden home after I have had a mainland parcel? Additionally, what if I switch to a Linden home (assuming that's possible), but decide I want to go back to mainland anyway? Would I be able to switch back? I know that you can move some 5 times between Linden homes in a single week IIRC, but I have never found anything related to swapping mainland for a Linden home or vice versa, and I couldn't find anything on the forum either. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TL;DR: Getting a Linden Home after selling/abandoning mainland parcel (or vice versa). Is this possible yes or no? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. I'm not sure how to break this to you but... Peeping toms will get plenty of eyefuls when they TP into a busy area (telehub, event, etc.) because all those mesh outfits on mesh bodies take forever to rez on an okay connection. It sometimes takes up to 15-20 for me to NOT see most people naked anymore in a busy area.
  18. Well, from what you describe, I would say that the Maitreya Lara body (which comes with hands and feet) would meet your demands quite nicely. Also, fetish wear is well supported on that body, some stores with excellent clothing are Hugo's Design and the Original Black One but there are many more. And when you get the Omega system relay for the Maitreya body, you can expand the amount of clothing (and other items) which will work with the body even further (this is one of my personal hard demands for my body parts). As far as heads go, I personally like it when a head does not break the bank, so my first head was the Absolut Creation's Eve head (L$825), but I am currently wearing a group gift from Akeruka (L$150 to join the group). However, especially the head is a very personal thing, so I can't tell you which one you should get. But basically, all heads will work with all bodies and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. These are just my $0.02 worth, but as usual, get demos before buying. P.S. I recently got myself a LAQ head which was sold at a very reasonable price (a special offer of L$1,250 if I remember correctly) but no HUD was included. Only after buying it did I realize that their HUD is sold separately and will cost you 3,000. This may be important to know if you are thinking of getting LAQ.
  19. This. SO MUCH this!!! Fullbright should only be put on items which are supposed to emit light, like a lightbulb, a lamp, fire, some eyes (for fantasy characters), and a few other exceptions. But flying around mainland I still see full bright houses, trees, plants, and whatnot. Very annoying when you want to have a nice night time drive. And I am not even mentioning avatar attachments like clothes or hair! Like that time when I was gifted a great looking black leather jacket, and when it got dark, I lit up like a freaking candle! The thing was no mod, and when contacting the creator he wouldn't work with me because he would only talk to the person that bought the jacket for me. *sigh*
  20. Truth be told, I don't think many people have a tiltable monitor like that.
  21. Have you tried using a rainbow-like texture (like a sculptmap or another very colorful texture) for a specular map yet? If not, give that a go... This pic I took when using a freebie texture from this freebie place at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oleg/107/8/21 The diffuse map is a free silk texture from the vendor there called "A - Aqua Silk", no normal map and the specular map, as you can see, is "buntolo.jpg". Of course, use a better texture if you have one...
  22. Okay, then how about I stalk you (because I chose you at random) and harass you wherever you go? Because what you are suggesting is called griefing. Your idea is a horrible one. I for one am not at all interested in being attacked by some zombie bot, vampire bot or whatever else you could come up with and you will most likely find that the majority of SL users do not want to be harassed in such a fashion. So, try again.
  23. LOL! I was going to mention that! Beat me to it by some 3 hours 😉
  24. Adding to the confusion, it's being said that LL will be overhauling the whole profile thing again, and (if I understood correctly) deprecate the web profiles. Now, aside from that, and referring to your first post in this topic. just do you own flipping thing. Take your profile pics however you wish, use Photoshop/Gimp if you wish (or not), crop them if you wish, etc etc etc. This is YOUR profile, YOUR account, YOUR Second life, and nobody has a right to tell you how you SHOULD take your pics unless you ask them for advice, but that's the only exception.
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